
Combobox with null value - SelectedItem binding

I would like to have a combobox with cities options to choose, one of the option is an empty option (no city). The itemsource is binded to the List of "City" objects. The List contains null value to represent an empty option. The SelectedItem is binded to a property of "City" type. Everything works except the situation when the empty opt...

Silverlight (WCF RIA) - PagedCollectionView throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException on Context.RejectChanges()

Hi to all I have a problem when i use the PagedCollectionView in my business application. I made a sample solution and i could reproduce the exception that PagedCollectionView throws. This happens when i use two or more i.e. DataGrids which have as an ItemSource sorted and filtered PagedCollectionViews. All this PagedCollectionViews ar...

Using Native dlls in C# Com wrapper and Use dll in silverlight

As part of my project I need to use some Unamanged code dlls in Silverlight. If I wrap these unmanaged dlls in a C# dll will I be able to access the native dlls from silverlight. I use Visual Studio 2010 and Silverlight 4.0 ...

session in silverlight using Isolated Storage

in mainpage.xaml.cs (login page) I am setting up a session variable using isolted storage private IsolatedStorageSettings app = IsolatedStorageSettings.SiteSettings; app["LoginId"] = txtUname.Text; how can I get that "LoginId" in the next page. ...

Run Silverlight Project...doesn't point to web project

I've created a Silverlight app and VS set up a web app for testing automatically. Worked great - whenever I hit "run" it pointed a browser to the web app page which hosted the Silverlight app. I've done some renaming of the projects, namespaces, files, etc. - just some general clean up. Now when I press "run" on my Silverlight app, it s...

Silverlight - ListBox Styling and Behavior

Hello, I am trying to do two things with a ListBox in Silverlight. However, I cannot seem to figure them out. I need to change the color of a selected item to yellow, instead of the default blue. I set the selected items programmatically. Each item is a CheckBox. How do I allow the user to check or uncheck the CheckBox, but keep the i...

Silverlight equivalent of OnDataItemBound() for ListBox

I have a ListBox in Silverlight that has a list of items inside. Each item has a certain number of additional options, the availability of which depends on the each item. <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> ...

Silverlight Extension Methods in Class Library

I've implemented some extension methods as defined here. I've put these into a separate assembly - Brandon.Extensions. It builds against the Silverlight runtime. I have a Silverlight application in which I would like to use these extension methods. I have added a reference to the Brandon.Extensions project from my Silverlight project - n...

How to get a dropdown list to display above a silverlight control?

I have a textbox that when you put focus into it, it drops down some values. Next to the textbox is a silverlight control, a canvas. The problem is that part of the dropdown displays behind the silverlight control. Is there a property I can set on one of the elements so it is diplayed on top of the silveright control? ...

Silverlight Visual State Manager and DataTemplates

I'm porting a WPF application to Silverlight. DataTemplates in XAML are used to define the visuals for the data objects. In WPF, triggers are defined in the DataTemplates to provide mouse-over effects, etc. This is all done in xaml. I understand that Silverlight does not have triggers, and you are supposed to use the Visual State Manag...

Converting WPF application to Silverlight with use of Access database

Hey, I was wondering if it is possible to convert a wpf application to silverlight without days of work. Yes, i know there's a similar post, but dates from 2008, so outdated according to me because of the fast progress in silverlight. i have a wpf application that uses a 2003 access database (orders :)) and my client wants a silverlig...

What is the (best) short name for a Silverlight Application?

I've been wondering what the right shorthand name to call my Silverlight Applications is - it seems a bit cumbersome to use the full name, and not so communicative in relation to customers. Here are some (tongue in cheek) suggestions - I'm working on a: 1) Silverlet 2) SLApp 3) Trinket 4) Xap 5) SLash 6) SLugin Anyone knows the offic...

Accessing element in templated column by name?

Assumning a datagrid with a templated column, like so... <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Birthday"> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock x:Name="Foo" Text="{Binding Birthday}" Margin="4"/> </DataTemplate> </data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTe...

Databind a RIA Entity to a Custom Form

Hello All! I have a question very similar to this gent in this post in which the poster was trying to figure out how to use ria to bind to something other than the common scenrios overviewed in the numerous online examples (ie bind to an item source ...

Silverlight Transparency

Question: Can a constituent UserControl be transparent in parts for it's external container? Details: I have a dialog that I'd like to pull into a separate UserControl. The control contains a Border with a background that has an alpha transparency with a Grid inside it that has a white background and all the content. In xaml markup, i...

silverlight username password authentication

I am pass the username and password from my Silverlight 4 app to the a wcf service. On the server side, the binding is setup as follows: NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Message, true); netTcpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName; netTcpBinding.Security.Transport.Clie...

Control goes into a visual state - but actual visual states are not getting updated through xaml

I have two controls - control 2 inside of control 1. Control 1 and Control 2 have visual states. I am facing the following problem: Control 2 goes into a visual state, (have put a Debug.Write in the C# code), but doesn't get updated visually (specified in xaml - visual state). This happens quite frequently, but, not always. I have got...

video file download issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + Silverlight 3.0 + ASP.Net to develop a Silverlight application (a video media player) in browser and the function is simple, just use MediaElement to play a remote video file. The remote server is Windows Server 2008 + IIS 7.0 + IIS Media Bit Rate Throttling Control. Since the req...

How to design a Silver light user control by using mouse drag and drop ? Not by adjusting from xaml

Hi guys, Well,I am trying to do something similar what I did in Adobe Flex.Consuming a web service from Silverlight application and display the result.But the problem is make the UI in silverlight I found it tiresome and not convenient for me.Is it possible to design the UI using drag and drop easily ? ...

Silverlight 3 - PlatformKeyCode for Comma on MAC

Hi, Can someone help me with the platformKeyCode for comma and decimal (but tot the one from Num Lock) on MAC? I read here the reasons why the comma and the decimal point are not in the Keys enum from System.Windows.Input.Key, but I will need them for standard keyboards.