
Silverlight MediaElement Problem

Cant display the video in Silverlight.Which i saved in sql server and retrieve it from database as byte[] and subsequently convert it as Stream and put as SetSource of Media element.But cant display anything. Plz help me. Like this: MediaElement SoundClip = new MediaElement(); SoundClip.SetSource(stream); SoundCl...

Silverlight Cross-Domain w/o Cross-Site Policy File

Is it possible somehow to ask the user to allow cross-domain access instead of a policy file on the target server? Usage scenario: Silverlight app will communicate with devices and which are on the client's local network, and these devices won't know in advance that a silverlight app needs to talk to them. ...

Silverlight: Check if image exists as a resource during Runtime

Hi, In my silverlight assembly I have several images as Resource. To access them I use the following syntax: /ASSEMBLY_NAME;component/PATH_TO_MY_IMAGE.png I'm creating BitmapImages from codebehind and I would like to be able to know in runtime if a given image path exists as a Resource on the assembly so that I can decide If I use tha...

Silverlight Data problem

I have the following code, which compiles but doesn't bring back any data. Here is my point where I assign the data to the grid. The context has data in, but the grid displays nothing. Any ideas? // Load the Events this.eventsDataGrid.ItemSource = this.context.SalesActions; ...

Questions from agency staff about c# , sharepoint , .NET position, what shoul I reply ?

Recently I have applied for a job through the agency. She emailed me with this questions: Please email me back with your experience in the following: .NET Framwork .NET Remoting ASP.NET C++ C# Web Services Networking COM interop ADO.NET Sliverlight TDD Composite UI Application Block OO design 1) please detail what experi...

Silverlight clientaccesspolicy.xml bug? or design?

In the domain node of a clientaccesspolicy file you can specify a wildcard for a sub domain or protocol, but it would appear not for a port. Specifically when developing, if the service consumed is hosted on a third party, then access from a local debug version of a silverlight app running on the localhost development server wor...

silverlight 4 net tcp binding security

This document talks about how to send username and password from SL4 app to a web service. It assumes that HTTPS will be used for transport. However, I want to use NET TCP because of its speed. Is that possible because another article says net tcp in SL4 does not provide transport level security. If that's incorrect then how do I conve...

Intra Application communication (Silverlight to Java)

I have a java desktop app and I have a silverlight client app running on a computer. What are my best options for communicating between the two of them? Can the silverlight client app host a wcf so the desktop app can talk directly to it while bypassing the server? ...

WCF (Silverlight) Duplex - Not hitting server

Hi Folks, I have created a web application with a Silverlight project embedded in it, using VS 2008 SP 1, and the Silverlight 3 tools, on Vista and Windows 7. The duplex service code: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "cotoco", CallbackContract = typeof(IDuplexClient))] [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)...

Silverlight MVVM MEF ViewInjection

Hi all, since my title is buzzword compliant I hope I will get lots of answers to my question or any pointers to the right direction. OK what I usually do is have a ViewModel which contains a list of ViewModels itself. public class MasterViewModel { public ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel> DetailViewModels { get; set; } pub...

Silverlight DataBinding Loading Animation

Is there an event somewhere in the Silverlight control model that is raised once an item is databound? I am binding at design time to a large amount of data and would like to display an animation until the databinding is complete. ...

Best mechanism to have rich form controls on web page (HTML) equivalent to windows forms.

Hello. I am working towards porting a windows application to web. The windows application is quite rich w.r.t. the form controls, complex validations and user interactivity. Basic web forms are inadequate to meet these complexities. So I would like to know the best way to still have the richness on the web pages. I have some ideas and w...

Silverlight text around an image.

Hello, Im am trying to wrap text around an image as one would use the html float property. Is there a way to acomplish this in silverlight 3? Thanks ...

Why doesn't my tempate show up in expression blend 3

I right click on a button. Select edit template edit a copy. The template is blank and not the template of the button. This happens off and on. WHY???? ...

How to run WCF service and Silverlight 3 client app in one VS debug session

Is this possible? I have a solution with both projects, I just want to be able to hit F5 and debug both client and server at the same time. Thanks! ...

SL3 Grid RowDefinition Height Problem

I have a parent grid that contains multiple row definitions, all of which have their height set to 'auto'. Within the parent grid are individual grids - each individual grid contains a custom content control. When the custom content control loads, the height may increase. What I am noticing is that when the height does increase, the c...

Style property on Blocks/Inlines - Is there a way to get this?

I'm using the new RichTextBox control in SL4Beta and want to create styles for paragraphs and runs (blocks and inlines). I noticed that I can create a style for a <Block/>, like so: <Style x:Key="lvl2Paragraph" TargetType="Block"> <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Times New Roman"/> <Setter Property="FontStyle" Value="Italic"...

.NET isolated storage file locking throws NRE

So I am trying to lock an isolated storage file in my C# client application, so that multiple copies of my application are not able to access it at the same time. I am using the following syntax: lockStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("my.lck", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, isoStore); lockStream.Lock(0, 0); This code causes my applicatio...

How to use Canvas as the ItemsPanel for an ItemsControl in Silverlight 3

Hi. I am trying to set the Canvas properties in an ItemsControl DataTemplate with Silverlight 3. According to this post, the only way of doing that is to set it using the ItemsContainerStyle for the ContentPresenter type, since the Canvas properties only take effect on direct children of the Canvas. This doesn't seem to work in SL3, s...

Silverlight and problems with async call

Hi there, I have some code that works as follows: App.xaml calls a SetUp() method which populates a local collection using async calls and exposes the collection as a public property. That's all good. Now I make an instance of the first page in my Silverlight app like so private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEve...