
Silverlight 4 Out Of Browser and Upgrade

Can someone explain how the Silverlight 4 OOB upgrades happen? Is it click one? Would the OOB shell automatically download the latest xap from the server? ...

How to Debug XAML Parsing Errors in Silverlight?

I run into the following issue semi-regularly: I make changes to XAML or some resources used by it and when I go to load up the Silverlight project in debug mode it only gets as far as the spinning Silverlight-loading animation. I've tried attaching the VS08 debugger to the process but it doesn't do anything at this point (works fine on...

Need assistance with values for calling AddDiscussionBoardItem on WSS for MOSS

I am writing UI for the SharePoint Message Board functionality using Silverlight and communicating via WSS with JavaScript/CAML. I have the retrieval of Discussions and Messages working fine; however, I am having difficulty posting a reply to a Discussion or Message. The AddDiscussionBoardItem method expects the List name and the Messa...

how to secure my server methods

i've just read a few posts on hiding Silverlight code in some way. Main conclusion was that you can obfuscate it, but you can't realy hide it, so secure things must be done at the server. But then, anyone can see via Fiddler what kind of data is posted to a particular webservice. For instance, they can see that i'm calling UpdateCustomer...

VsampFactor and HsampFactor in FJCore library

I've been using the FJCore library in a Silverlight project to help with some realtime image processing, and I'm trying to figure out how to get a tad more compression and performance out of the library. Now, as I understand it, the JPEG standard allows you to specify a chroma subsampling ratio (see

What's the best way to create a dense input form in WPF/Silverlight?

Given that you're creating a User Control in WPF that will be displayed on different screen resolutions, what's the best way to layout a dense collection of "input form" elements? For example, labels, textboxes for text, dropdowns, group boxes, etc. Do you create a master "grid" and use StackPanels and WrapPanels like crazy? What's the...

WCF: How to log exceptions?

Is it possible to log WCF service exceptions? I have added in the app.config. But still the exception soap message is missing in the wcf log file. All the remaining messages for which there is no exceptions can be seen in the WCF log file. Here is my code & app.config. Any pointers are highly appreciated. public string GetName(int empl...

Using a Grid as the ItemsPanel for an ItemsControl in Silverlight 3

Is it possible to do something like this: <ListBox> <ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <Grid /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> </ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBox Text="{Binding Text}" Grid.Column="{Binding Colu...

Silverlight 3 Chart Usercontrol, need to change/set legend title

I have a chart in a user control. As I want to use multiple charts in the app, I need to set stuff like title of a series for each instance of the user control. It works fine so far, but I'm not able to bind a variable (e.g. seriesTitle) to a target in the user controls xaml. Please see following code: Using the user control in MainPa...

SYNCRHONOUS WebServices AND Modal Dialogs!

Hi again, the question is.... The application maybe in Silverligth. It's possible to implement SYNChonous WebService call? I try to realize any application RIA, with Grids, Edits and using WebServices in SL, but I do not understand how to make it's possible without a SYNC calls. And I also need to use MODAL DIALOGS for some tasks. I...

Code sample for slartoolkit project

Does anyone has the code to a full working example of slartoolkit ( ? ...

Waterfall in WPF/SL

Hello. I'd like to know if someone has realized a light waterfall animation in WPF/SL, and if so if he could show me how to do this. KiTe ...

Installation of Silverlight 2 Tools

I have installed Silverlight 2 on WinXP. I need Silverlight 2, not Silverlight 3; this is why I put 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Silverlight\UpdateMode = 2' into Registry - to disable automatic update. It works. Bu then I need to install Microsoft Silverlight 2 Tools for Visual Studio 2008. During install it UPDATES Silverligh...

Silverlight OutOfBrowser Problem

I am developing silverlight application. I want create the out of browser application . This is My OutOfBrowserSettings.xml <OutOfBrowserSettings ShortName="CollegeManagement Application" EnableGPUAcceleration="False" ShowInstallMenuItem="True"> <OutOfBrowserSettings.Blurb>CollegeManagement Application on your desktop; at home, at wo...

Nesting an Accordian Control has Problems Resizing Content

I am working on a site where I have an accordian control for the main content and in each is another accordian control. It worked fine so long as there were just a few items in there but once I got enough items in the child accordian they are clipped when expanding an item. It's not so bad for items near the top of the list but for ite...

Silverlight : What are the config alternatives for silverlight?

what are the various alternatives to set configuration values for silverlight so that I can modify some settings without recompiling & re deploying silverlight app on the webserver? ...

Silverlight navigation application : How to catch exceptions at page level?

We know that we can catch any unexpected exception at application level by using Application.Current.UnhandledException. Is there any way I can catch exceptions at page level rather than application level? ...

Error with using "dynamic" keyword in Silverlight app

I get the following error: "One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing references to Microsoft.CSharp.dll and System.Core.dll" I do have System.Core.dll, do have I to find Microsoft.CSharp somewhere? It wasn't part of the project and it isn't in the references list. ...

Silverlight COM Automation and handling COM Events

Let's say I want to catch a COM event: The preliminary documentation says to do something as so: ComAutomationEvent on_event = ComAutomationFactory.GetEvent(some_COM_obj, "SomeEvent"); on_event.EventRaised += OnEvent; OnEvent sig is as follows: private void OnEvent(object sender, ComAutomationEventArgs e) ComAutomationEventArgs c...

XAML: make a ScrollViewer show scrollbars when the ScaleTransform of a child object gets big

Hi. I am making a sort of "print preview" control for some documents in my Silverlight 3 application. I have a Canvas (for showing the document) inside of a ScrollViewer, and I have zoom in / zoom out buttons that control the X and Y Scale properties of the ScaleTransform for the Canvas.RenderTransform property. I want the scrollbars ...