
Calling SQL Azure's stored procedure in silverlight

I have a silverlight application to call the SQL Azure's stored procedure and show the data. I use the service to call stored procedure, and it is working when it is run at VS 2008. But when I integrate in php page, the data is not shown. I think the service is not running. How can I call SQL Azure stored procedure without using service...

Silverlight MVVM framework with navigation

We're just starting up a new (our first) Silverlight project where we want to make a back office silverlight application using MVVM. Our application will need navigation through some kind of menu UI. I've been poking around the web finding various frameworks (Galasoft MVVM Light Toolkit / Silverlight.FX / Prism) to help with building a ...

Single Concurrent User Login - ASP.NET / Silverlight

I need to restrict users in my application to login from a one computer at a time (i.e. if they login from computer 2, computer 1 session will be ended). My application is created in Silverlight and will be running in via an ASP.NET page inside IIS. This is an enterprise scale application so any solution has to be highly performant. I ...

Element Binding Silverlight 3

I trying to use Element Binding in Silverlight 3 to SelectedItem of ComboBox in ToolTipService.ToolTip. This code works: <ComboBox x:Name="cboSource" DisplayMemberPath="Name" ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding ElementName=cboSource, Path=SelectedItem.Name}" Width="180" /> but this code doesn't: <ComboBox x:Name="cboSource" DisplayMembe...

Overlay WriteableBitmap with color

I'm trying to overlay a WriteableBitmap with a certain color in Silverlight. I have a black and white base image, which I'm using to create smaller WriteableBitmap images for a new composite image and I want to overlay either the black or white part of the source image cut-out with a certain color before adding it to the composite image....

Dynamic Server-Side Playlists in Silverlight

I'm trying to generate dynamic video playlists for Silverlight, to be able enable playback from several diffent video files. E.g. I need to tell Silverlight to play 10 seconds of video 1, starting at timecode 1 minute 15 seconds and then seamlessly change to play 60 seconds of video 2 starting at timecode 5 minutes 2 seconds. It has to p...

Silverlight Timer problem

Hello, I am developing a Silverlight application with custom animations. I want to update the variable animationCounter every 1 milissecond, so that in one second the value is 1000. I've tried DispatcherTimer and System.Threading.Timer. this way: DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer(); (...) timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0...

use Silverlight Toolkit custom build

How do I use a custom build of the Silverlight Toolkit to build my Silverlight project? I'd like to be able to step into Toolkit code while debugging. ...

free ebooks or links recommendation for learning Charts using silverlight

free ebooks or links recommendation for learning Charts using silverlight ...

Any reason not to check "application library caching" and "GPU acceleration" in silverlight apps?

When setting the properties for a silverlight app, I see the unchecked boxes: Reduce XAP size by using application library caching Use GPU Acceleration Smaller download size and faster speed sound good to me, which makes me wonder why these aren't turned on by default. What are the drawbacks of these choices then? ...

Why can I not bind Grid.RowDefinition Height in Silverlight?

When I run the following Silverlight app, it gives me the error: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE [Line: 12 Position: 35] I've tried the same code in WPF and it runs fine, i.e. the middle grid row correctly resizes based on the bound value. What do I have to change in this code to avoid this error in Silverlight? XAML: <UserCont...

IIS Smooth Streaming in a WPF application

How can I play IIS Smooth Streaming video in a WPF application. I know Silverlight has built-in support for it, but I can't find much information for WPF. Will the MediaElement control support this in WPF 4? ...

What is the best menu metaphor for silverlight line-of-business apps?

So I'm porting an application from WPF to Silverlight and I have realized that there is no standard Menu control. So I look around and find some third-party controls that emulate the menu control, like this one at codeplex: But then I decided to take advantage of this situation and think of some new metaphors besides the standard men...

Developing Silverlight 1.0 Applications on VS2008 SP1

Hi, Can anyone point me to any guides, howto's or general documentation on how to develop Silverlight 1.0 (it has to be 1.0) on VS2008 SP1. I have searched high and low for information, and it all seems to be out of date (referencing Silverlight 1.0 Tools for Visual Studio 2008 beta, release candidate and alpha packages) or just plain ...

How to convert Silverlight XAML to Resource dictionary in Silverlight 2

I am looking for the quickest and easiest way to combine two silverlight projects. Once has controls all in Silverlight XAML the other is template driven and uses a template based on a Silverlight resource dictionary. I am looking for some advice and resources on the best and quickest way to do this. One project is based on this: Silve...

How can I pass information with a WebClient request to identify the object that gets loaded?

I have a collection of custom objects called DataItems which contain URIs of images that I want to load and put in a collection for my Silverlight application to use. As I process each DataItem, I get its SourceUri (e.g. "http://..../picture001.png") and start it loading: void LoadNext() { WebClient webClientImgDownloader = new Web...

New Presentation Layer for Webapplication

Hi, we've got an existing webapplication written in magic. But now we eventually want to exchange the existing web-presentation layer (maybe also rich client) to a server side presentation layer. What do you think I should look first (ASP.Net MVC, Silverlight, something in PHP). With which technology is the effort relativly small to ex...

Silverlight MouseDragElementBehavior. How to rearrange items after drag and drop?

I have stack panel with custom controls in it. User can add or remove the items. I have attached MouseDragElementBehavior to each item. So now user can move them within the stack panel. However the items now are arranged on arbitrary manner. Is a mess really. They stay where the user left them. What I need now is to make them to be st...

Silverlight Triggers in a Button Template?

Does anyone have a functioning example of how to use triggers in a Silverlight Button Template using the Microsoft.Expression.Interactivity dlls? I want to respond to the click event in a Button's template defined in a style, by triggering an animation. ...

Silverlight: animate and/or pan an image

I have a client requesting an animated/panned image be added to their website. Basically, it's a standard-size image, he wants to put it in a slightly narrower frame and have the image pan from left to right as a visual element on his website. There's no clicking and dragging required; it's just basically an animated pan from left to rig...