
Is it possible to seletively color a label in Silverlight?

For instance, if I have a label: Blah blah bladity blah I want the first 10% of this label, such that the font color should be red, and the rest should be green. This perhaps means it would color the Bl and PART of the a. Basically pixel-wise font coloring instead of character-wise. Is this possible and how would is be accomplished? ...

Silverlight and WCF: Handle 'WCF down' exception / WCF connection check

Inside my Silverlight app, I'm calling a web service asynchronously, using the client generated for me by Visual Studio (Add Service Reference...). My code looks like this: ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(); serviceClient.GetServerTimeCompleted += new EventHandler<GetServerTimeCompletedEventArgs>(serviceClient_GetServerT...

Silverlight/WPF charting toolkit. Can I change frequency of tick marks on CategoryAxis?

There is Interval property on LinearAxis but none on CategoryAxis. I need to control frequency of tick marks on X axis. The native logic does so many marks that I cant read even if I stretch the chart across 3 wide monitors!! ...

What can silverlight do on client

What is the feature of the silverlight on client side? My list is OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog Can installed on the client machine Possible to use Messagebox LocalMessageSender & LocalMessageReceiver Work with stream Network Monitoring API After installed on client Notification API Other? ...

Converting equations of motion to pixels for display on Silverlight canvas

Can anyone point me in the direction of some information to understand this. I have a Canvas that displays an ellipse. I can move the ellipse around using the keyboard but I want to simulate a "jump", so I thought I'd use Newtons equations of motion to move the ellipse up and then down when the user presses the up arrow. All these equati...

Silverlight Image element not showing up

Silverlight newbie question: I've got a small Silverlight application with the following XAML snippet: <Image Source="" /> The image doesn't show up! I would expect the image to download asynchronously, then show up in the UI, but alas, no such luck. What am I doing wrong? Update -----...

DataTemplate.DataType alternative in Silverlight

I have a view model with a property Fields which is an ObservableCollection<FieldVM>. In the view that uses this property, I have an ItemsControl like so: ... <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Fields}" /> ... FieldVM is an abstract class, implemented by such classes as TextFieldVM and EnumFieldVM. During run time, these FieldVM-impl...

What might cause the big overhead of making a HttpWebRequest call?

When I send/receive data using HttpWebRequest (on Silverlight) in small blocks, I measure the very small throughput of 500 bytes/s over a "localhost" connection. When sending the data in large blocks, I get 2 MB/s, which is some 5000 times faster. Does anyone know what could cause this incredibly big overhead? Additional info: I'm...

Silverlight Toolkit ListBoxDragTarget Only One Way

I've got a Silverlight 3 app that has two ListBoxes that I need to be able to drag items between. I've got the toolkit control working so that I can drag from ListBox lbA to ListBox lbB but i then can't drag the item from lbB back to lbA. <toolkit:ListBoxDragDropTarget mswindows:DragDrop.AllowDrop="True"> <ListBox x:Name="lbA" Style...

Style the MouseOver on a Silverlight/WPF button

Struggling with styling the mouse over for a button ... I have managed to style the button (solid red), but I would like for it to change to solid black whenever a mouse over occurs. I am new to XAML, and I can see that it wants some type of story board/animation ... not sure exactly how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

ASP.NET File Picker

I am trying to find a File Picker that runs on ASPX.Net. I need it to insert images in TinyMCE since the one with TinyMCE is licensed. I have been looking for a Silverlight solution, like Silverlight Bridge. I tried to implement SLFileManager that is based on SB, but with little success. I need to be able to upload images, delete/rename ...

Animating properties of the content of a template in Silverlight

Let's say I have a control like this: <Button Style="{StaticResource MyButton}"> <Polygon Style="{StaticResource MyButtonIcon}" Points="... some points ..." /> </Button> MyButton is the style for the background of the button while MyButtonIcon is the style of the button icon polygon itself. I'd like to subtly animat...

Silverlight Bing Maps - Pushpin

How do I make the Silverlight Bing Maps pushpin larger? The reason I want to make it larger is so that I can add more content into the head of the pushpin. However, I cannot figure out how to add the content I want to the head of the pushpin without it being cut off. Thank you, ...

LINQ query null reference exception

Hi! I have the next query: var bPermisos = from b in ruc.Permisos where b.IdUsuario == cu.Id select new Permisos(){ Id=b.Id, IdUsuario=b.Id, IdPerfil=b.Id, Estatus=b.Es...

Adobe Flex 4.0 vs Silverlight 4.0

While this not necessarily a technical question, I believe it will help a lot of developers (including myself!). With Silverlight 4.0 and Flex 4.0 both in beta, I thought I would put out an open question to the community and see what everyone likes and dislikes about each framework and why. I've worked with Flex in the past but have de...

Silverlight: Event Handler Issue

So I have a Grid on a page that has a few UserControls on it. Each UserControl has a MouseLeftButtonDown event registered, as does the Grid. Before i added the event to the grid, the events on the user controls worked fine. But now that i have the event on the Grid, only the grid event fires regardless of where i click. None of the UseCo...

Silverlight 4.0 FileStream

FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Arguments: << path >> Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See;Version=4.0.41108.0&amp;File=mscorlib....

Calling Begin/EndInvoke on Action and Func in Silverlight

Does anyone know why I can't call BeginInvoke / EndInvoke on Action and Func delegates in my Silverlight app? I keep getting a NotSupportedException. Is there a workaround? ...

What are the ways to do synchronized streaming video and text?

I would like to have two streams. One being traditional streaming video and another being text. I will also build an interface that allows the user to create the text portion while watching the video. The context of these videos are usually that of an individual being filmed doing a presentation and later the next day for example, a c...

What can be done to speed up synchronous WCF calls?

My performance measurements of synchronous WCF calls from within a Silverlight application showed I can make 7 calls/s on a localhost connection, which is very slow. Can this be speeded up, or is this normal? This is my test code: const UInt32 nrCalls = 100; ICalculator calculator = new CalculatorClient(); // took over from the MSDN ca...