
WCF: The remote server returned an error: NotFound.

I have written a very simple WCF service, that worked fine (code below), then I added a bunch of further methods (which are exatly the same, apart from the reference different tables). However for some reason, I get the error "The remote server returned an error: NotFound." when I try and call the new methods (I have refreshed the servi...

Is there an easyier way to publish silverlight & wcf services from localhost to IIS?

Hello, Is there a simpler way to deploy/publish silverlight & wcf projects from localhost enviroment to a IIS server? I have a web project with a self host wcf service which my silverlight application references. When I work locally I set the reference address to htt://localhost:8080/MyService.svc -and when I want to put it on the IIS...

Specify HTTPS for custom WCF Binding

I have an custom binding defined as follows: <customBinding> <binding name="binaryHttpBinding"> <binaryMessageEncoding /> <httpTransport /> </binding> This is used for an endpoint that a Silverlight 3 application uses to connect to the service. This works fine under HTTP, but i would like to specify this binding to use HTTPS and ...

Microsoft Silverlight DataGrid custom ToolTip

I have SL3 DataGrid and need a tooltip on rows and different columns which has data that needs to be fetched from DataBase when user hovers over the tooltip. I saw samples around that helps use the current binding context or the static content for the tooltip. But, how can I get a usercontrol shown in the tooltip whic...

WPF UserControl Binding Problem

I have the following user control that is embedded within another user control. <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="ContextsTemplate"> <Label Margin="10,0,20,0" Content="{Binding Name}"/> </DataTemplate> </UserControl.Resources> <ItemsControl Name="Contexts" Background="Transparent" ...

Can someone please explain what Child.Measure(availableSize) does in silverlight?

protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { foreach (UIElement child in Children) { child.Measure(availableSize); //you get the desired size after } } So for brevity i cut the code short, but i am having trouble understanding why in some example they pass...

Validation does not work when I use Validator.TryValidateObject.

DataAnnotations does not work with buddy class. The following code always validate true. Why ? var isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(new Customer(), Context, results, true); and here is the buddy class. public partial class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } } [MetadataType(typeo...

How to get a list of computers on the network and their IP addresses, using Silverlight?

Hi, how do you get the list of all the computer names/ip address on your network using the Silverlight framework? Thank you! ...

how to use the function in WCF RIA service in aspx code behind?

My silverlight application can use the RIA service perfectly, but now I need to have a aspx page to use the same functions in the RIA. the aspx is placed in the same project of RIA, how can I use them in aspx code behind? Thanks ...

Silverlight Grid Auto Size not working within canvas

How do you make a grid width 100% inside a canvas? Here's some simple XAML but it doesn't work as expected. <Canvas Background="MediumSlateBlue" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" > <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" MouseMove="MainPage_MouseMove" Background="Beige" > <TextBlock x:Name="lblDisplay" Height="24" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Ver...

Messagebox Popup to Confirm Datepicker Issue

I am using the vanilla datepicker in Silverlight 2. I bind the selected date to a value, and when that value changes I pop a messagebox to confirm that they would like to change the value. However strange behaviour ensues when I use a messagebox straight after the datepicker's value is changed. The datepicker's popup will not close, and...

How to cancel a long running WCF requests from silverlight 3

I have a silverlight 3 application that makes several long running requests to a WCF service. While these calls are in progress, any other later WCF calls are queued by silverlight 3 because it will only do two requests at the same time, thus making the application suck :( How can I cancel the long running blocking requests? ...

MapItemsControls not updating Silverlight Bing Map

I'm using a MapItemsControl to control my Pushpin items within my Bing silverlight map. Right on the page load, I add a new pin programatically, and the pin shows up on the map. However I've now taken it further and I'm adding pins to my datasource via a click on the map. The new pins add to my datasource, but do not show up on the ma...

Which platform to develop web-based game in?

I'm thinking of writing a new web-based game, and wondered if anyone had any suggestions on which platform I should opt for. The game will be 2D sprite based, but will need to maintain a decent fps rate (there'll probably be up to 20 things moving at once). It'll all be controlled via the mouse. I use .NET daily, so Silverlight seems ...

Silverlight programmatic databind to Page Title Property not updating

I'm using the Title property of a Page to set a textblock in the mainwindow. Programmatic databinding is working for one time. But when i change the title property on a page the Browser title & tab are updated, but my textblock not. In the NavigatedTo method in mainview: Page page = ((Page)e.Content); Binding binding = new Binding();...

How can we render table> <tr><td> Html tags in silverlight grid?

Hi, I have data like this `<table> <tr><td>C#</td></tr> <tr><td>ASP.NET</td></tr> <tr><td>WPF</td></tr> </table>` How to display this in Silverlight datagrid like below C# ASP.NET WPF sourcecode <TextBlock Text="{Binding FAQs}" FontFamily="Verdana" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" TextWrapping="Wrap" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignmen...

Dependency Property In WPF/SilverLight

I have searched on google about how to get started with the dependency property used in WPF/silverlight but didn't get any idea of the dependency property, can any one tell me about it , from beginner point of view, so that I get some idea about it and use it in my project thanks in advance. Can any one give me link or code example of ...

Out of browser silverlight application vs a traditional desktop application

If I understand correctly, Microsoft Silverlight is a lightweight .NET implementation meant to run on the client side, inside a browser. So now I hear about "out of browser" silverlight applications and I'm confused. What is the advantage of an "out of browser" silverlight application, compared to a traditional .NET desktop application?...

Siverlight 4.0: How open a file

I want to create a program which opens my file onClick by providing its content in byte[] format in new page. Please help. ...

Combining Multiple Events in RX

I have 2 touch enabled Canvas' in a Silverlight App. What I need to do is when a person Holds (presses and keeps pressing) both canvases at the same time increment a value on the screen once. This should happen for every "double" hold. I can do that fine using normal events but tried writing the same thing using RX and I am getting stu...