
Silverlight Threading and its usage

Hello Experts, Scenario : I am working on LOB application, as in silverlight every call to service is Async so automatically UI is not blocked when the request is processed at server side. Silverlight also supports threading as per my understanding if you are developing LOB application threads are most useful when you need to do some I...

How to map Stored Procedures with EF4 ?

Is it possible to map stored procédures whit EF 4 using T4 templates ? I have searched and I conclude that it is not possible yet. It exist some methods like Edm.SourceComplexTypes(), Edm.SourceAssociations(), Edm.SourceEntities() but nothing about stored procedures ... Someone have any answer ? Thanks. ...

Is there anyway to force WebClient to not return cached data?

I'm retreiving images from a web server directory like this: WebClient webClientImgDownloader = new WebClient(); webClientImgDownloader.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(webClientImgDownloader_OpenReadCompleted); if(uriIndex < uris.Count()) webClientImgDownloader.OpenReadAsync(new...

Silverlight. Writable bitmap. Makes bad images from still video. Is there a workaround?

I have code like this: MediaElement me = myPlayer.MediaElement; WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap(me.NaturalVideoWidth, me.NaturalVideoHeight); wb.Render(me, null); I want make thumbnails from video in run-time. It works fine with one little quirk. When video in the media element is paused th...

Resource Dictionary as Linked File

Resource dictionary 03-11-2010 10:56 AM | I have two different projects. I linked a resource directory in using add existing item add as link. Silverlight does not see the resource dictionary when it is a linked file and give me an out of range error. Any work around to this or any better way to use the same file across two projects...

Silverlight datagrid fails to display data.

I have a datagrid defined in my project's XAML: <data:DataGrid IsReadOnly="True" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="gridOfferings" Margin="10,10,10,10" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <data:DataGrid.Columns> <data:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Trader}" ...

Silverlight DataGrid Header Horizontal Alignment

I want to change the alignment of a header on a datagrid in Silverlight, and I can't seem to figure out how to do it. Here's what I have so far: <data:DataGridTextColumn Header="#" IsReadOnly="True" ElementStyle="{StaticResource CenterAlignStyle}" Bi...

Using Subsonic 3.0 With Silverligh

I am writing a silverlight Line of business application and wanted to use the Subsonic DAL. The Silverlight Project will not allow me to Add the Subsonic reference with the followng error "You can not add the Subsonic.Core.Dll as it was not built against the Silverlight Runtime". I assume that I could create a webservice and add the Su...

Can I pass events like key strokes to another control in Silverlight?

Can I pass events like key strokes to another control in Silverlight? Imagine I'm in a custom control that contains a Textbox and a Treeview. I'm listening to a Key event for the TextBox. When the user pushes the Arrow Up or Arrow Down key, I want the Treeview to behave as if it's itself who received that event, i.e. it should move the...

Relative silverlight control positioning

I Have a canvas and would like to place silverlight elements within that canvas relative to each. For example, I have an element (A) at"0" canvas.left="5". I would like to place all elements proceeding that one relative to its position. So if i move A to"10" canvas.left="15" all other elements would reposition th...

Is there no Label control in Silverlight?

I can't seem to find a Label control in Silverlight. I get compile errors if I put anywhere in my XAML. ...

How to select text in silverlight 3.0 text block

Is it possible to allow a user to select text in a silverlight text block (not text box) as they would be able to in any HTML page? ...

How do bind a List<object> to a DataGrid in Silverlight?

I'm trying to create a simple Silverlight application that involves parsing a CSV file and displaying the results in a DataGrid. I've configured my application to parse the CSV file to return a List<CSVTransaction> that contains properties with names: Date, Payee, Category, Memo, Inflow, Outflow. The user clicks a button to select a fi...

How do I format the contents of a DataGrid cell as a Date? as Currency?

I have a Silverlight DataGrid that's being populated with different types of data for each column. I'm trying to figure out how to format some of the contents of the DataGrid's cells, specifically for dates and formatting. I have a date column that's currently displaying like: 3/11/2010 12:00:00 AM. I would rather it display like 3/...

In pure XAML, is it possible to get a Line to align to part of a Grid?

Is it possible to create a Line in XAML (without any C# code behind) to align a line inside of a layout container such as a Grid? I'd like to effectively have: <Grid> <Line StrokeThickness="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Stroke="Red"/> </Grid> I need to use StrokeDashA...

Silverlight 4.0 IsolatedStorageFile

How to view all the content in my IsolatedStorageFile by setting a new page in your browser? Thank you ...

Current Date in Silverlight XAML TextBlock

I am coming from Flex where you can do just about anything inside of curly braces. I am trying to get a TextBlock to display today's Date and Time without just coding it in C#. I have tried many different variations of the following with no luck. TextBlock Text="{Source=Date, Path=Now, StringFormat='dd/MM/yyyy'}" I know I could probab...

Silverlight 3 + Java WebService

Hello! I have a Silverlight 3 project, and I need to call a Java WebService - the bindings are ok (SOAP 1.1 and basicHttpBinding): ClientConfig File: <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="SkyinfoTestInterfaceExport2_SkyinfoTestInterfaceHttpBinding" ma...

Why does a Silverlight application show a blank browser screen when created from exported template?

I created a silverlight app (without website) named TestApp, with one TextBox: <UserControl x:Class="TestApp.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="http://schemas...

How can I resolve image paths in views that are part of a module based on the Composite Application Guidance using Silverlight

I have a Silverlight application with several modules, which each resides in its own project. Unfortunately, all the paths used in images aren't resolved anymore (no pictures are shown in my Silverlight application). Anyone a clue how to set image paths using the Composite Application Guidance in Silverlight for views residing in module...