
silverlight button onClick event

Hi, Might be this question a blunder :(... I have a a button in silverlight application... <Button Height="25" Width="100" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Click="Button_Click"/> I read that silverlight need WCF to interact with server side... So is it like to access my "Button_Click" event I need WCF ? ...

Events fired when you change the contents of a control in Silverlight

Assuming I change the contents of a control using a XamlReader and add the UIElement to the container of a control, what events are supposed to fire? There are times where the SizeChanged will fire, LayoutUpdated changing.. though there are other times where neither of these occur despite having changing the contents of a control. In my...

Access information from one webpart and use it in another webpart in sharepoint 2010

My problem is this one, I am using Sharepoint 2010, I have a form created in sharepoint designer 2010, above that form I have a silverlight webpart. Now I need to be able to access information from the silverlight webpart when I click on it and insert that information in the form below it. Does anyone have any insight on how to do that?...

How do I properly apply a Silverlight theme in this environment?

I have the following XAML for generating a datagrid on a Silverlight page: <UserControl xmlns:data="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data" xmlns:bubbleCreme="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Theming;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Theming.BubbleCreme" xmlns:expressionDark="clr-name...

Animating a dependency property in silverlight

Hi to all, I am trying out an example of animating a dependency property in order to get a hang of how it works. All it is suppose to do is change the width of a column, but for some reason non of my break points are being hit and clearly nothing happens. The code is: <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.MainPage" xmlns="...

Stafflynx application for Silverlight? Sample code to download?

I found Stafflynx WPF application just amazing: Anyone knows if is applicable for Silverlight? Where can I download it? (sample code) Thanks! Rodrigo ...

Silverlight: making a grid cell always visible, even during scrolling

I have a page (telerik:RadPage) containing few grids and some nested controls and I was wondering how I can: have a particular cell in one of the grid make always visible even during scrolling. I am not even sure if it is possible, but the one cell I want visible is the first one I am displaying. Any help is appreciated and all suggest...

Check for updates periodically

I have a SL 4.0 app running out of browser with full priviliges. How can I check for updates (CheckAndDownloadUpdateAsync()) every 10 minutes without affecting UI thread. I've tried using the Timer, but the CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted doesn't get executed. I think it is erroring out silently. Thanks in advace... ...

Image shows in Expression Blend but not during runtime

The image in question is located in a ControlTemplate inside of a ResourceDictionary similar to this (various details removed for clarity): <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="

Is it possible to seletively color a wrapping TextBlock in Silverlight/WPF

For instance, if I have a TextBlock: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cill...

dynamic dashboard interface

I want to create an interface similar to the following in Silverlight. I need to create a dashboard where different elements can be re-arranged using Silverlight. The dashboard elements can be different usercontrols that in turn may contain charts, guages, grids...... The user should be able to dy...

FloatableWindow resizes Grid in Silverlight

I'm trying to use Tim Heuer's FloatableWindow control for a non-modal options window in my Silverlight application. However, I'm running into a problem with the FloatableWindow resizing it's parent grid when it opens. For example, before I open the window the application looks like this: But after opening the window, the first row of ...

Name some non-trivial sites written using IronPython & Silverlight

Just what the title says. It'd be nice to know a few non-trivial sites out there using Silverlight in Python. ...

Django/piston + Silverlight, PUT/DELETE?

I am working on a Silverlight project that uses Django on the server using piston for the REST API. I understand that Silverlight doesn't support the PUT and DELETE http verbs. Is there another way i can pass these kinds of commands to piston? ...

Which process retrieves the silverlight xap file?

We're using silverlight on our SharePoint site. When someone navigates to the page containing the silverlight object, they are prompted for credentials. Other pages work fine. I'm wondering if the client is trying to retrive the xap file (which is in a location the process hosting the web application has access to, but not the user). I...

Does Silverlight require the .NET framework to be installed?

I have been exploring the possibilities of Microsoft Silverlight and how it runs in web browsers. I just wonder if Silverlight requires the .NET framework? Meaning that Mac or Linux users cannot run Silverlight. I will be making the application using the .NET framework 3.5. Will this application run in any web browser, or just major ones...

Is there a way to stream audio from MIC and play that stream in Silverlight

So I want to stream the audio from a mic using NAudio and then pass that stream to WCF which a Siverlight app can consume to broadcast the live audio sound. I want the latency to be as low as possible. Any suggestions or if some one has already done it please point the source. Thanks in advance ...

Service reference addition issue in visual studio 2010

I am currently working on an application that allows reverse geocoding using silverlight + bing maps. The thing is that I want to add a reference to the reverse geocoding service provided in msdn ( i.e. http://

What issues to consider when rolling your own data-backend for Silverlight / AJAX on non-ASP.NET server?

I have read-only Silverlight and AJAX apps which read static text and XML files from a PHP/Apache server, which works very nicely with features such as asynchronous loading, lazy-loading only what I need for each page, loading in the background, developed a little query language to get a PHP script to create custom XML files etc. it's pr...

How do you handle 'SelectedItemChanged' events in a MVVM ViewModel?

I have some logic that depends upon two properties being set, as it executes when both properties have a value. For example: private void DoCalc() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Property1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Property2)) return; Property3 = Property1 + " " + Property2; } That code would need to be executed every time Property1...