
Silverlight DataGrid: Hiding columns using VisualStateManager

Is it possible to hide a column of a datagrid, without using codebehind? E.g. by using the VisualStateManager? <UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:data="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data" x:Cl...

Reusing service proxies

I have a set of webservices that I connect to using Silverlight Client. I use proxies generated by "Add service reference" or SLSVCUTIL.exe tool to connect to this service. So far, I have only used one single service. Now I want to use another service on the same server. The problem is that, first service generated set of proxy classes ...

RIA Service - without database?

Helo! I need to write a RIA service to call Java webservices from Silverlight 3.0 app. I'm testing how stuff works and in my Web app I have a MyData class which has 2 properties (int ID, string Text): namespace SilverlightApplication1.Web { public class MyData { [Key] public int ID { get; set; } public ...

What is the best way in Silerlight to make areas of a large graphic clickable?

In a Silverlight application I have large images which have flow charts on them. I need to handle the clicks on specific hotspots of the image where the flow chart boxes are. Since the flow charts will always be different, the information of where the hotspots has to be dynamic, e.g. in a list of coordinates. I've found article like t...

Is there any way, short of "copy and paste inheritence" to share a .net class with a Silverlight app?

I have a project in two parts: a Silverlight front end and a WCF duplex service. Ideally, I would like to pass a message of a custom type (call it TradeOffer) from the WCF service to be consumed by the Silverlight application. When I try to, I get an error that indicates I can't pass an object of an unknown type across the wire like tha...

Can you add CheckStates to a Button class as the ControlTemplate of a RadioButton?

I have a Radio button as the DataTemplate for an ItemsControl with the style name: MainMenuButtons. In my styles, I am trying to create a VisualState for Checked and Unchecked but I can't seem to get the button to change. My MainMenuButtons style class has a Grid as the ControlTemplate and the Grid contains a Button called RadioProxy. Ju...

clientaccesspolicy.xml not being requested via HTTPS

I have a silverlight app that has been using http to communicate w/self-hosted WCF services during development. I am now securing the services via https. I am getting an error I had back at the beginning of the project: An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'https://localhost:8303/service'. This could be due to attem...

Popup position and the right side of the screen

I have a pop up that is associated with a control on the screen. If the control is to far to the right of the screen the pop up appears off the screen. What is the best way to adjust for edge of screen conditions? ...

Add Silverlight Bing Maps Control to Windows Mobile 7 application

I know the bits just came out today, but one of the first things I want to do with the newly released Windows Mobile 7 SDK is put a map up on the screen and mess around. I've downloaded the latest version of the Silverlight Maps Control and added the references to my application. As a matter of fact, the VS 2010 design view of the Main...

Silverlight 4 XAML Collections

Hello, I have authored some custom classes that I would like to create using XAML: <Grid Width="300" Height="300"> <l:DashboardTable> <l:DashboardTable.DashboardTableQuery> <dq:DashboardTableQuery ConnectionString="Data Source=bunkerhill;Initial Catalog=emgov_data;User Id=emgovadmin;Password=p...

How to display images without taking up huge amounts of RAM

I'm working on a silverlight project where users get to create their own Collages. The problem When loading a bunch of images by using the BitmapImage class, Silverlight hogs up huge unreasonable amounts of RAM. 150 pictures where single ones fill up at most 4,5mb takes up about 1,6GB of RAM--thus ending up throwing memory exceptions. ...

Element binding in Silverlight

Where can I find some good documentation on data/element binding? My Google searches haven't turned much up. I had a custom class with two properties named Text and Value. When I tried binding a list to a listbox it wouldn't work. By chance I modifed my datatemplate from this <TextBox Text="{Binding Text}"></TextBox> to this <TextBox...

Windows Phone 7 Tab Pages (page cycle)

I know.. I know, it's only a few hours old. But how the hell do you get the little page tabbing/cycle (forgot what the official name is) on the top of the page under the app title. MIX Keynotes made it look like it was a control (or at least what I saw, was @ work). Anyone who made MIX or knows how they are doing this, it'd be cool to...

How do I make silverlight button transparent while showing the image?

I have a button that is programatically created, it's content is a stack panel with an image and a textblock. This all works great. I want to make the button behind the image and text transparent, so that the image and text looks like it's sitting on the background, but still have all the properties of the button (i.e. someone clicks i...

How to break an image in triangle pieces.

I'm trying to fragment an image into several smaller triangles in WPF or Silverlight. I've looked around but most of the cropping looks like its done using the clone method which only takes a rectangle. ...

What is the equivalent of OnRender in Silverlight?

I'm working on porting an app from WPF to Silverlight. The app uses custom types derived from FrameworkElement (in WPF) to describe shapes, and text to be rendered on a Canvas. The WPF app root node overrides OnRender() to iterate through a collection of 'child' nodes, calling Render on each child node to build the Visual Tree. Silver...

How to emit silverlight assembly using AssemblyBuilder

In desktop CLR using AssemblyBuilder, how do I emit a silverlight application? I want to dynamically create a new silverlight application within the desktop clr. Should I use ildasm to relink base assemblies as shown here? ...

How to remove all views in region in CompositeWPF/Silverlight

Hi. I want remove all views from my region in Composite. I'm using Silverlight 4.0. And unfortunately, this code crashes with OutOfRangeException inside Composite. List<object> views = new List<object>(_regionManager.Regions["NavigationRegion"].Views); foreach (object view in views) { _regionManage...

Silverlight object not created on page from time to time

Hello everybody, I have a problem I put several silverlight objects on the page with object tag Page is loaded in IE perfect, but Opera/Google Chrome doesn't load some of the objects from time to time. These browsers demonstrate "Install Microsoft Silverlight" image instead of objects and no errors on the page. Please, who has face...

Plane projection and scale causing bluring in silverlight

Ok, So I've tried to make an application which relies on images being scaled by an individual factor. These images are then able to be turned over, but the use of an animation working on the ProjectionPlane rotation. The problem comes around when an image is both scaled and rotated. For some reason it starts bluring, where a non scaled...