
Streaming a non-PCM WAV file to a SilverLight application

Hi, I would like to allow users to play recorded WAV files that stored on a server back to a Silverlight application as a client to play them. I saw that there is a way to play a WAV file on Silverlight (here), but when i tried to impliment it, i got an error playing the file because it is not in PCM format but encoded. The files that ...

Removing entity bug

hello, I am trying out the ria services and I am experiencing this problem that seems very strange to me. I am creating a new entity of type "House" and add it to context without saving the context so the id of the new entity is 0, after i remove this entity and add another new entity of type "House" again and again without saving the co...

TemplateBinding and additional string in Silverlight

Hi folks, In my Silverlight 3 application, I created a custom Tooltip, that is shown when the mouse is over a part of a Pie-Chart. The displayed values are set via TemplateBinding: <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <StackPanel> <ContentControl Content="{TemplateBinding IndependentValue}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <ContentControl Content="{...

Silverlight Two Way Data Binding on Key Up

Is there a way to fire a two way data bind when the key up event fires in Silverlight. Currently I have to lose focus on the textbox to get the binding to fire. <TextBox x:Name="Filter" KeyUp="Filter_KeyUp" Text="{Binding Path=Filter, Mode=TwoWay }"/> ...

Silverlight UserControl with text field

Hi, I've created a simple UserControl in ExpressionBlend. The UserControl is a ractangle with a TextBlock in it. When i use this UserContol in a Silverlight project, i can not change the text in the textBlock of the control. Should give an acces to the TextBlock before using the Control? HELP"_ ...

Entity Framework 4 ste delete foreign key relationship

I'm using EF4 and STE w/ Silverlight. I'm having trouble deleting child records from my primary entity. For some reason I can remove child entities if their foreign key to my primary entity is part of their Primary Key. But if it's not, they don't get removed. I believe these posts explains it:

Silverlight Windows Phone 7: Load Images From URL

Hi, I got the code below that is trying to load an image from the web into an Image control, when I run it I get an error on the given line that no network access is allowed: private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WebClient webClientImgDownloader = new WebClient(); webClientImgDow...

ria entity remove bug

hello, I am trying out the ria services and I am experiencing this problem that seems very strange to me. I am creating a new entity of type "House" and add it to context without saving the context so the id of the new entity is 0, after i remove this entity and add another new entity of type "House" again and again without saving the co...

Silverlight/Web Service Serializing Interface for use Client Side

I have a Silverlight solution that references a third-party web service. This web service generates XML, which is then processed into objects for use in Silverlight binding. At one point we the processing of XML to objects was done client-side, but we ran into performance issues and decided to move this processing to the proxies in the ...

In WebBrowser control get Silverlight Canvas

I have a webbrowser control that loads an html page which contains a silverlight object. I want to use the webbrowser control to get the silverlight canvas so that I can pass it to a WriteableBitmap() object. The silverlight is being loaded into a div called SilverlightHostControl and I am trying to get it like this in C#: object elem...

What is the best substitute for FlowDocument in Silverlight?

I'm porting an application from WPF to Silverlight and was saddened to read of the lack of FlowDocument support. What is the best way in Silverlight then to display text with markup? I just need the basics, e.g. bold italic hyperlink colors font sizes Added: I don't mean a RichTextBox (as in the Vectorlight demo) but a way to for...

How to delete Document Workspace sub folders with Sharepoint web services?

I'm trying to delete a sub folder in a dws. This is the code I've got: SharepointDocs.DwsSoapClient dws = new SharepointDocs.DwsSoapClient(); dws.DeleteFolderCompleted += dws_DeleteFolderCompleted; dws.DeleteFolderAsync(DWSname+'/'+folderName); In the call back for completion I get no error codes only the mes...

What problems can occur with WCF BasicHttpBinding using a 3G network?

I have a Silverlight application communicating with a server over WCF using basicHttpBinding. It works fine over the web, but customers complain of "communications issues" over a 3G network. Is there anything specific in WCF that can be tweaked to work more nicely over a 3G network? What is it about a 3G network that might cause problem...

Windows Series Phone 7 "Cloud"

I have been reading up on "Cloud computing" on here and still not getting it. Basically I want to develop for the WP7 Now it mentions everything as being in the "Cloud". Is any server just a cloud? If i have a WCF service or wsdl on my server. Can I...

Why do WCF clients depend on the app.config file?

Like a lot of things, I'm sure there's a good reason for this, so please help me understand... Why, by default, do WCF services store settings in app.config? This has been so frustrating trying to work with multiple Silverlight class libraries. These class libraries are supposed to be completely independent from each other, and this de...

Which Silverlight Control Set is better? Telerik or ComponentArt?

Which Silverlight Control Set is better? Telerik or ComponentArt? I have used ComponentArt, but I just reviewed Telerik and it looks like they might have better functionality for the same price. If you have used both, then please let me know your opinion. ...

SHA512 within Silverlight is not available, is there a managed library available?

SHA512Managed is missing in Silverlight (for Windows Phone 7 CTP SDK), only upto SHA256 is available for use. Does anyone know a .NET class that I could use that offers a self-contained C# or SHA512 implementation? I need to use this for authentication to a HTTP web service. Thank you ...

Silverlight 3 Application Background

I am new to Silverlight development. I have created a nice png file in Expression Design. I would like to use this png file as the background for my application. When I set the Stretch property to fill, it does not fill the entire page like I think it should. Here's the xaml: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Grid.Background> <ImageBru...

Which silverlight book i should buy?

Can you recommend me some good silverlight books? Thanks. ...

javascript in silverlight xaml file

when I am trying to write javascript in xaml page itself it is showing some error. <script type="javascript"> .... </script> can we write javascript function for form validation in silverlight .xaml file ? ...