
How to measure a canvas that has auto height and width

Hi Folks, I'm a beginner in silverlight so i hope i can get an answer that brings me some more light in the measure process of silverlight. I found an interessting flap out control from silverlight slide control and now I try to use it in my project. So that the slide out is working proper, I have to place the user control on a canvas....

Will RIA Services SL Client Library and Tooling work agains ADO.NET Data Service / OData ?

At MIX it was announced that WCF RIA Services supports OData Endpoint on the server now. But is there also a good way to consume data from an OData Server in the WCF RIA Services Tooling also now? ...

Can' Add window Class library in Silverlight project

Can Any body tell why window class library can't be added in the silverlight project. I have created window class library but can't add that class library in the Silverlight project ?? any idea why is this so ?? I have created silverlight application in version 3.0 ...

What's the Best Way to Navigate Silverlight XAML in Visual Studio 2008?

When editing Silverlight XAML in Visual Studio 2008, the Document Outline panel is not supported by Microsoft. 1) Any helpful tip for navigating a deep XAML markup hierarchy without the benefit of the Document Outline tool? 2) Is this supported in Visual Studio 2010? ...

Center text horizontally and vertically in Silverlight

I am working on a C# Silverlight application that needs some text rotated 90 degrees CCW and for it to be center within an image that is 100px x 221px. The rotation part was easy to do in the design view, but centering the text has been a nightmare. (I am using a 16px font that cant be changed or resized) My text is dynamic and can be...

System.Json namespace missing from Windows Phone 7

During a Mix10 presentation, the presenter (Charlie Kindel) said that when writing Silverlight based apps for WP7 you get all of Silverlight 3.0 with some of Silverlight 4.0 mixed in. Why then is System.Json missing? It was included in Silverlight 3.0, and is included in Silverlight 4.0. Windows Phone 7 Class Library Reference ...

Silverlight ClientAccessPolicy issue...I think

Fisrt of all I have my ClientAccessPolicy.xml file in the root of my website. If I access my website using the public domain name like this: h t t p:// and then go to the page where my SL control is, I get the spinning % numbers up until about 98%, then it quits and my SL control does not appear on the page. If I access...

Is there an equivalent to the ErrorProvider for Silverlight

Hello fellow SOers, I was wondering if there was a control similar to the ErrorProvider (in windows forms) available in Silverlight. I just have a very nice use for it and it would be very handy if there was one available. If not, is there a next best option that you experienced silverlighters are using. Regards Lloyd ...

Convert/View PowerPoint file into/in Silverlight

I have a game of jeopardy that I made in PowerPoint and I was wondering if I could have a Silverlight application read the ppt file. Or is there a way to convert a .ppt file to a Silverlight readable format? ...

Silverlight TabItem header hide

Hi everybody! Is it possible (in XAML) to hide the headers of the tab items in a tab control in Silverlight (preferably Silverlight 4)? Thanks in advance ...

MVVM- View Model-View Model Communications

How do I go about having two view models communicate with one another using MVVM Light. I know how to use the messenger class and register etc.. Here is my Scenario A Settings View ---> a Settings View Model . . . A MainPage View ---...

how to capture part of the screen in Silverlight

i want to do a screen capture of a running silverlight 3 application, from within the app, and then i want to present this to the user as a thumbnail, say in an Image control. am i dreaming? ...

Looking for a simple interface for users to enter data for Silverlight application

I have made a Silverlight application which can read data from various URLs. So users of the application who control a website can: FTP text and XML files onto their website put a clientaccesspolicy.xml in their root directory enter their URL in the silverlight application at which point the silverlight application then begins read...

Ria Services vs WCF Dataservices

My Team are evaluation to a bigger Business portal. (Invoicing, Bookkeeping, Salaries.....) We are all used to work with DDD, O/R mappers with NHibernate as our first choice. We have chosen to work with CompositeWPF to keep modularity between all modules and part system in the business portal. Now we have evaluated Ria Services and are... waiting for webservice for lookup on import in silverlight mvvm.

Hello all I have a problem, I am writing an import CSV to silverlight MVVM the problem I am having is I loop the lines of the stream and then add them to an array, 2 items in the array need to be looked up for the ID I can do that but the problem is they run on a different thread how do I wait for that to return its results and then proc...

How to debug browser crash when running Silverlight app

I am on a team of three people who are developing a Silverlight application. On two of our developers' machines the app seems to randomly crash. It never crashes on the third developer's machine. The nature of the crash is that internet explorer just dies with an "Internet Explorer has stopped working" message. The problem details look ...

Silverlight: Why can't silverlight see my xaml file referenced in MergedDictionary?

Hi there, I have a silverlight application with a number of styles defined in a seperate xaml file under the directory /Styles. My App.xaml looks like this: <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="/Styles/Legend.xaml"/> </ResourceDi...

How to create a certificate for signing a Silverlight xap

Hello everyone, I have a silverlight app that will be installed OOB with full trust and hence i want to create a certificate to sign the app. Since I'm going to have full control of the clients where the app will be installed I don't need to buy a certificate, because I know that I can create one and install it in the Trusted Root Certif...

How to make a tooltip appear immediately in Silverlight?

In WPF, I get a tooltip to appear immediately like this: TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); tb.Text = name; ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.Content = "This is some info on " + name + "."; tb.ToolTip = tt; tt.Cursor = Cursors.Help; ToolTipService.SetInitialShowDelay(tb, 0); This makes the user experience better since if the user wants to l...

Silverlight Spring Effect on TextBlock control

Hi, I'd like to create view that if the user clicks on a control, let's say a TextBlock, that the control would spring back and forth in place from where the user clicked. By spring I mean push back and forth like if there were springs behind the TextBlock in each corner. I've seen demos of this type of effect, and for the life of me,...