
MultiBinding in Silverlight 3

How to implement MultiBinding in Silverlight 3? ...

Idiomatic default sort using WCF RIA, Entity Framework 4, Silverlight 4?

I've got two Silverlight 4.0 ComboBoxes; the second displays the children of the entity selected in the first: <ComboBox Name="cmbThings" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Things,Mode=TwoWay}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectionChanged="CmbThingsSelectionChanged" /> <ComboBox Name="cmbChildThings" ItemsSource="{Binding...

Using a WCF Service Library from Silverlight

I've added a WCF Service Library to a Silverlight project. But when I try calling a method on the service I get a CommunicationException complaining about accessing a service in a cross-domain way. I've tried adding both a crossdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml to the service library project, but it doesn't help. Any idea what I'm...

Using Moq at Blend design time

This might be a bit out there, but suppose I want to use Moq in a ViewModel to create some design time data, like so: public class SomeViewModel { public SomeViewModel(ISomeDependency dependency) { if (IsInDesignMode) { var mock = new Mock<ISomeDependency>(); dependency = mock.Object; // this throws! ...

Access of Variables in Multiple Xaml files

How can we access variable from one Xaml file in to another xaml file in a same project ...

how many concurrent user can login to silverlight application?

Hi, I am newbie in silver light. Can any one tell me how many concurrent users can have in silverlight application? ANd also what happes to the aplication if we have more than 500 concurrent users? Regards Chinnayya ...

How to Set focus on the 1st Item of Nested Listbox in Silverlight?

Hi , I have a List box which contains another lisbox Inside it. <ListBox x:Name="listBoxParent"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Image x:Name="thumbNailImagePath" Source="/this.jpg" Style="{StaticResource ThumbNailPreview}" /> <TextBlock Margin="5" Text="{Binding Smt...

How would I write an HLSL bevel shader for Silverlight?

I know that Silverlight doesn't directly support the WPF bitmap effects, but I also know that Silverlight 3 supports HLSL shaders. Would it be relatively simple to write a bevel effect, ilke the one in WPF, and if so, can somebody recommend a good resource to learn how to do it? ...

Reading XML into Silverlight Data Grid

I am trying to read in a simple XML file, however when I run the SQL it always returns Ennumeration Yeilded no results. Not sure what I am going wrong. XDocument xmlInfo = XDocument.Parse(xmlContent); XNamespace ns = xmlInfo.Root.Name.Namespace; XNamespace ns = xmlBuilderInfo.Root.Name.Namespace; var Info = from XMLtagin xmlInfo.D...

How to Set MediaElement Position Dynamically in Silverlight?

Hi, I am trying to set the Media Elements position by following code: MediaElement musicPlayer = new MediaElement(); musicPlayer.Position = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); musicPlayer.Source = new Uri(strMediaFileURL, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); LayoutRoot.Children.Add(musicPlayer); To Surprise, musicPlayer.Position...

Silverlight project builds in VS2008 but fails when using MSBuild

Hi, We have 2 Silverlight projects in the same solution; SLGlobalResource and SLData. SLData references SLGlobalResource (using references > add reference > projects). When we build it in debug within VS2008, everything builds fine and all is good. But when we build it using: msbuild TheSolution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /t:rebuild...

Silverlight on Windows Mobile?

Is it possible to develop Silverlight apps to run on Windows Mobile (pre-WP7) devices? I see all around searching on the web - in articles from 2008 and 2009 - that they were adding Silverlight support in WinMo 6.1, for example: Internet Explorer Mobile The new version of Internet Explorer Mobile adds the ability to easily view fu...

Given the Following Code how Would i Change/Set my Silverlight WCF Service URI in code?

Given the Following Code how Would i Change/Set my Silverlight WCF Service URI in code? mySvc.InsertPOCompleted += new EventHandler<SalesSimplicityPO_SL.POSvc.InsertPOCompletedEventArgs>(mySvc_InsertPOCompleted); mySvc.InsertPOAsync(InitialsTextBox.Text.ToString(), DescTextBox.Text.ToString(), ClientTextBox.Text.ToString()); ...

Refactoring multiple interfaces to a common interface using MVVM, MEF and Silverlight4

I am just learning MVVM with MEF and already see the benefits but I am a little confused about some implementation details. The app I am building has several Models that do the same with with different entities (WCF RIA Services exposing a Entity framework object) and I would like to avoid implementing a similar interface/model for each...

Where to store application global variable?

I'm using silverlight, project structure is similiar to any other .net app. I have a map control that I would like to store what mode it is in (either road or aerial) so that other controls can access this. Where do I put this enum variable, I plan to use 2 way binding on it so both are updated when either changes. Thanks. ...

how do i execute a foreach lambda expression on ObservableCollection<T>

how do i execute a foreach lambda expression on ObservableCollection there is not method of foreach with ObservableCollection although this method exists with List is there any extension method available? ...

Deployed Silverlight application exception when calling a WCF Service

The silverlight application runs but when it calls the service I get: An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary() at SalesSimplicityPO_SL.POSvc.GetPurchaseOrdersCompletedEventArgs.get...

Silverlight Cannot find XML data source

Hello.. I am very new to Silverlight development. I understand that this is client side technology therefore the paradyme is differant from that of conventional ASP.NET development. Having said that, I don't understand where my server side code is deployed. I have a silver light \ MVC application. I am trying to read an XML document fr...

Enumerate Class Properties in C#

I have a class Similar to this public class Model { public TimeSpan Time1 {get; set;} public TimeSpan Time2 { get; set; } public TimeSpan Time3 { get; set; } public TimeSpan Time4 { get; set; } } Now Let's Imagine I have to populate the times during runtime and then Figure out the time remaining between Time 1 and T...

How to write a Media Center plugin like the Netflix plugin? Source code/reference samples?

I am looking to write a Windows Media Center plugin just like the Netflix WMC plugin. Once logged in, I know the streaming urls that I need to hook in to. Any source code, reference samples would be great. Found one on codeplex for swedish TV channels, but right now it's not working for some reason... Previously asked the following qu...