
Webbrowser Silverlight 4 Control and UNC Share

Hi, I need to open documents in the WebBrowser control (SL 4) which is located on a UNC share, i think it's not possible without installing something on the client box... (COM object, physical link...) What do you think ? ...

Should I remove all inheritance from my model in order to work with ria services?

I've posted some questions on this before, but it's different. So consider a small portion of our model: Person Customer Employee Spouse Person is the base class which has 3 classes that inherit from it. These 4 are very central in our design and link to many other entities. I could solve all the problems I'm experiencing with ri...

Modify a ListBox's item from a button in it's template?

In my Silverlight 3 project, I'm using a ListBox to display results of a Get() operation form a WCF WebService. The ListBox's item template is the following : <ListBox x:Name="m_listview" ItemsSource="{Binding Users, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}" Foreground="{StaticResource EnergyBlue}" Background="{StaticResource EnergyBa...

Can't get up with RIA demo: part 2

Here is a topic: where I've described problem with getting access to DomainContext object on the client. That time problem was resolved himself (without any actions from my side, with Visual Studio restart). At the moment, I had the same problem on another PC (Vista x6...

Binding to a List<object> in silverlight problem.

Hello, Can someone suggest what I am doing wrong? Basically I have a List Items, when an item gets added to the list I am resetting the collection to the viewmodel property. The only way I can get it to work is if I null the member object out before reassigning the binding. Any suggestions on how to go about updating a UI when an item...

How can I use nested Async (WCF) calls within foreach loops in Silverlight ?

The following code contains a few nested async calls within some foreach loops. I know the silverlight/wcf calls are called asyncrously -but how can I ensure that my wcfPhotographers, wcfCategories and wcfCategories objects are ready before the foreach loop start? I'm sure I am going about this all the wrong way -and would appreciate an...

WPF / Silverlight Binding when setting DataTemplate programically

I have my little designer tool (my program). On the left side I have TreeView and on the right site I have Accordion. When I select a node I want to dynamically build Accordion Items based on Properties from DataContext of selected node. Selecting nodes works fine, and when I use this sample code for testing it works also. XAML code...

RIA: how to intercept the data

On the clien side I have the following assignement of objects list to a datagrid: var customerContext = new RiaTestCustomDomainContext(); CustomerGrid.ItemsSource = customerContext.Customers; customerContext.Load(customerContext.GetCustomersQuery()); It works good, but I woudl like to have the same list of obje...

Multiple Control Templates for a custom control in Silverlight

I am creating a custom control. The contents of the control will differ a lot when in different visual states. Can I to achieve the above, apply different control templates to the same custom control? That is define more than one control template for a custom control? If not, any clues as to how I can do this, without have as many cust...

Use .net reactive in silverlight to generate multiple events.

I have a method in a silverlight application. I want to start calling this method when an event occurs (mouse move), and continue to call this method every 1 second until a simple boolean condition changes. Is this possible ? I can't work out how to get the rx to generate multiple 'events' from the single event ...

Silverlight and ASP.Net

Is it possible to call a page by using HtmlPage.Window.Navigate("ShowMedia.aspx", "_blank"); from my silverlight code behind? The ShowMedia.aspx is located in my <projectName>.web ...

silverlight authentication

Good day! I have an silverlight site (silverlight navigation application) and I want clients to log in on my site. I want to give them different rights of viewing pages. A WCF service gives me true or false when I enter a login and a password. Then, if it returns true, I want to remember the logged user. How can I do it? Using cookies or...

Use XAML data binding to bind each end of a Line to the center of two shapes on a Canvas

I have a Canvas in Silverlight with two ellipses on it. The ellipses are animated via events in the code behind. I have added a line two the canvas and I would like each end of the line to be bound to the center of each ellipse. Is it possible to do this in XAML databinding or will I have to manually move the end of the line around in...

Calling WebClient within WebService

Hello everybody, I started developing an application in Silverlight that was dealing with downloading the HTML of a website and then parsing it. With Silverlight 4 this can be achieved easily by simply requesting elevated permissions. With Silverlight 3, however, the only way to get the HTML of a website is via a WebService call. My ini...

how to set datacontext of child control in silverlight

Hi, I have created user control myControl in myControl I have taken another custom control tutorialControl. I have set DataContxt of tutorialControl to id and I want to access this data context in loaded event of tutorial. but I am getting data context as null. Can some body help? ...

Unable to understand "A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field" Error?

Hi, I am getting the error "A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field", While My code is as below: Object selectedItem = PageVariables.slectedItemData; MyClass selectedItems = (MyClass)selectedItem; But the same thing works if assign the value at the constructor or in a different method , like below: public partial cl...

How to resize a silverlight control to a full webpage.

I'm currently using a datagrid within a user control. The datagrid resizes based on the number of rows, and therefore goes off the webpage. I've tried wrapping the control around a ScrollViewer, but in order to have the scroll bar visible and working, I need to set the MaxHeight of the datagrid. The problem is that I don't know what t...

How can I change the OOB height/width of my silverlight application dynamically?

I have a silverlight app which can be installed as an out-of-browser app by the user. Every time I change the height and width of the application, I have to also: right-click on project properties click Out-of-Browser settings button change the height and width manually How can I change the defined height and width of the Out-of-Bro...

Is it possible to access a Silverlight XAP file across a two local host domain?

Hi I had created a silver light application with media player. And it is working in that app fine. When i use the embed code to some other application as meta tag. It fails to load the zap file and video. Can i know how can i fix it. Here is code: <object height="360" width="640" type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:applicatio...

How to use join in EntityQuery,.. using RIA and Entities

Hi i use the following patterh for fetching data using RIA objTestAppContext is an instance of LinqToEntitiesDomainService class EntityQuery query = from tmpTable in objTestAppContext.GteOrdrs() where tmpTable.orderID == d ...