
Generic list typecasting problem

Hello, I'm new to C# and am stuck on the following. I have a Silverlight web service that uses LINQ to query a ADO.NET entity object. e.g.: [OperationContract] public List<Customer> GetData() { using (TestEntities ctx = new TestEntities()) { var data = from rec in ctx.Customer select rec; retu...

Rehosting workflow designer in web

I know WF designer has re-hosting capability. Since it's WPF-based, I thought it might be rehostable in web, using silverlight. Does anyone have any experiece regarding this? Or, does anyone know an easy and powerful web-based workflow designer solution for WF? ...

KeyDown Event is not responding till any user control is clicked or setFocus implicitly ?

KeyDown Event is not responding till any user control is clicked or setFocus implicitly . I want to fire the key event after the page loads , anytime. I tried like : private void Page_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key.ToString() == "Escape") { ...

Silverlight ItemsSource and web service

Hello, I have a simple Silverlight app which simply sets a DataGrid's ItemsSource to the result of a web service. This all works OK, but now I am trying to make it more abstract. I would like to pass a parameter to the web service and return either a List<Customer> or a List<Product> for example depending on the parameter. But I just c...

Loading indicators for Silverlight

I'm looking for nice loading indicators for Silverlight. I found a few, but all are terrible. I would like something this - ...

Making a "Fuzzy border" in Silverlight 3.0

I would like to have fuzzy looking border around my Canvas control. Basically, I am creating a Print Preview screen, and I want it to look almost exactly like the one in Word 2010. In this, there is a thin gray line, a thin orange line and then a fuzzy gradient around the outside of the page. Check it out and you will see what I mean....

How do I detect whether the sample supplied by VideoSink.OnSample() is right-side up?

We're currently using the Silverlight VideoSink to capture video from users' local webcams, kinda like so: protected override void OnSample(long sampleTime, long frameDuration, byte[] sampleData) { if (FrameShouldBeSubmitted()) { byte[] resampledData = ResizeFrame(sampleData); mediaControl...

How can I attach a Silverlight OOB to a Winforms panel?

Summary: I want the prettiness of Silverlight/WPF in part of my current Winforms application. The application can only have access to the full .NET Framework 2.0, no more and no less. The only possibility I can think of is a Silverlight OOB application that utilizes Com+ Automation but I can't figure out how to attach the Silverlight a...

Silverlight DataGrid set cell IsReadOnly programatically

I am binding a data grid to a collection of Task objects. A particular column needs some special rules pertaining to editing: <!--Percent Complete--> <data:DataGridTextColumn Header="%" ElementStyle="{StaticResource RightAlignStyle}" Binding="{Binding PercentComplete, Mode=TwoWay, Conv...

Block interaction temporarily ,during wcf call!

How do I block main navigation on (mainpage.xaml) as in all silverlight navigation application and block page's controls ( i.e whichever page is it in ) during async webservice calls? Any best practices? ...

How do I stream videos from web server in Silverlight using ExpressionMediaPlayer control?

Hello. I would like to stream videos that reside at the webserver from within a ExpressionMediaPlayer control. The following results in a network error. I believe that the problem is with my Uri. I have the videos inside the 'ClentBin' folder. Can anyone tell me how this is done? private void videoList_SelectionChanged(object sender, S...

Doing TDD Silverlight 4 RC using Visual Studio 2010 RC

[EDIT] Based on feedback yes, VS2010 seems to support SL4 Library TDD despite a couple strange messages when first creating the tests which said the test could not target Silverlight - problem seemed to go away - chalk it up to an RC bug I guess. I think my real out-standing question now is how to TDD a standalone library that uses eleva...

Implementing Silverlight in ASP.NET 2.0?

hi, i develop some design in silverlight and i want to use that design in (2.0) can i use the silverlight in 2.0 ...

Dynamicly set TextBlock's text binding

I am attempting to write a multilingual application in Silverlight 4.0 and I at the point where I can start replacing my static text with dynamic text from a SampleData xaml file. Here is what I have: My Database <SampleData:something xmlns:SampleData="clr-namespace:Expression.Blend.SampleData.MyDatabase" xmlns="http://schemas.microso...

Casting in MVVM Light CommandParameterValue

here is my Problem, I want to pass the integer 1 when this canvas is pressed. Every time I click the canvas, I get a An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in GalaSoft.MvvmLight.dll. Now I could make my life easier and just do the RelayCommand to accept a String instead of int but for the sake of learning. ...

Is there a measurestring equivalent in Silverlight xaml?

What I am trying to accomplish: Create a dynamic bubble that expands on height and width depending on the amount of text in the bubble. What I researched so far: In a SO article they described utilizing the measurestring function to figure out the exact width or height so dynamic changes in the .cs to the width and height can be accompl...

Dependency Property on ValueConverter

Using Silverlight 4, I'm trying to initialize a converter in the Resources section of my UserControl with a reference to one of the objects in my control. When I try to run the application I get this exception, note Line 16 in the actual XAML file is the converter:PointConverter.... line: System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: 2260 A...

Storyboards in ResourceDictionary

So I would like to move my Storyboards into a ResourceDictionary file and I am having trouble doing that. I have looked everywhere and it involves making the "Resource" sharable but how do I do that in silverlight when there is no x:Shared attribute. Here is the code <Storyboard x:Key="GreenButtonLight" > <ColorAnimationUsingK...

10013 error (AccessDenied) on Silverlight Socet application

I am writing silverlight 3 application which is working on network. It works like client-server application. There is WinForm application for server and silverlight application for client. I use TcpListener on server and connect from client to it with Socket. In local network it works fine, but when I try to use it from internet it don't...

Need some advise on Silverlight template/style reuse strategy

I'm an absolute Silverlight noob that is confused by the help file. Here is what I want: I would like to use Expression Blend for the creation of mockups using Sketchflow. I want to create a set of controls that have my companies' look & feel applied to them and be able to easily reuse then across projects, preferably by simply dragging...