
Problems with Silverlight4 dragging from desktop

I have ploblems with Silverlight4 dragging from desktop. When I host my application on the local IIS Web server the Drop event does not catches, but if I run my application in Debug mode it works fine. ...

get html content of a page with Silverlight

Hi, I'm trying to get the html content of a page using silverlight. Webresponse and request classes don't work in silverlight. I did some googling and I found something. This is what i tried: public partial class MainPage : UserControl { string result; WebClient client; public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.r...

Generic XML parser in Silverlight 3.0

Hi I am developing an application in Silverlight 3.0, I want to make a generic parser of XML in it, as on every call to webservice I am receiving a different XML, I want to make it generic so that I receive an XML in native datastructure of C#? Please help me out? like I am getting XML like this one time <test> <node1></node1> <node2>...

Sharing an assembly between ASP.NET and Silverlight

Hi, I've created an assembly to share it between my main app and the silverlight app. At the beginning it looked like it was going to work but now I get this exception: "System.IO.FileNotFoundException was caught, Message="Could not load file or assembly 'System.Xml.Linq". I'm using .NET 3.5 Sp1 and Silverlight 3. That shared assembly...

Giving event control back to xaml/callee to access check/uncheck

Hi All, I've scoured the Internet but my search-foo must not work if it's out there cause I just can't find the proper search terms to get me the answer I am looking for. So I turn to the experts here as a last resort to point me in the right direction. What I'm trying to do is create a composite control of a text box and a list box bu...

yes, No, Cancel Confirmation in Silverlight

Hi, I need to have yes No Cancel confirmation window in my silverlight app. I am trying to use child window for this purpose. But this.Show(); doesn't wait till the user gives his input. Any help ? Thanks PS: i m new to silverlight ...

Silverlight : How to pass data from the reqest to the respose using Webclient Asychronous mode ?

This is probably a basic question .. void method1() { String VIP = "test"; WebClient proxy = new WebClient(); proxy.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(proxy_OpenReadCompleted); String urlStr = "someurl/lookup?q=" + keyEntityName + "&fme=1&edo=1&edi=1"; } void proxy_OpenReadCompleted(object sende...

Accessing JSon raw tokens in C# ?

My json string looks like { abc: 123, def: 442, ghi=444 } - say stock list. I dont know what quotes are coming in , i.e I dont know what is abc, def etc is. I need to get this token dynamically. Any pointers would be of great help ! BTW, this has to run in silverlight. ...

How to transfer large amount of data using WCF?

We are currently trying to move large amounts of data to a Silverlight 3 client using WCF with PollingDuplex. I have read about the MultiplerMessagesPerPoll in Silverlight 4 and it appears to be quite a bit faster. Are there any examples out there for me to reference (using MultipleMessagesPerPoll)? Or maybe some good references on us...

Slider controle is not moving automatically??

Hi....I am using Slider control for audio player in silverlight 3.0 application. I can do forward and backward the slider.The problem is the slider is not moving automatically even the audio is playing. How to get it?? ...

Debug Deserialization on Silverlight Client

I'm working on a Silverlight client that interacts with a WCF web service. The Silverlight client and the WCF web service are using the same class library for their data entities that they are passing back and forth over the wire. I just added a new entity, and it's not being correctly deserialized on the Silverlight client. My questio...

Silverlight DataGrid changes between version 3 and 4

Hi Does anyone have a list of changes from Silverlight 3 DataGrid to Silverlight 4 DataGrid? Best Regards, Jesper ...

Silverlight RelativeSource of TemplatedParent Binding within a DataTemplate, Is it possible?

I'm trying to make a bar graph Usercontrol. I'm creating each bar using a DataTemplate. The problem is in order to compute the height of each bar, I first need to know the height of its container (the TemplatedParent). Unfortunately what I have: Height="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Height, Converter={...

Maximum Image Uri Length in Silverlight

Does anyone know what the Maximum URL length is in Silverlight (version 4 if it matters)? I know it is 2048 and basically infinite for Firefox (the two environments I have tested in), but Image requests fail for long Uri's. Anyone know the magic number (is it 256 the max filepath length?) It is considerably shorter than the 2048 for I...

REST, HTTP verbs and current development in .NET and silverlight

Hi, I've read several posts in the internet about that Silverlight only supports GET and POST, and that the most of the web browsers too. Is this true? has it changed lately? I'm developing a RESTful web service for a Silverlight application, still in early stage, and I'd like to know if I should use just POST and GET, or otherwise I co...

How to tell which dataform button ended edit when using EventToCommand

I'm new to SilverLight and Mvvm-Light. I have a DataForm on my view that displays/edits a SelectedPerson property (a Person object) of my view model. I want to execute a command on my viewmodel when the user clicks the Save button but don't want to take action if the user clicks cancel. I added the following to my ViewModel: public Re...

C++ to bytecode compiler for Silverlight CLR?

I'd like to be able to compile a C/C++ library so that it runs within a safe managed runtime in the Silverlight CLR. There are several tools for doing this with the JVM that allows C++ code to run within a CRT emulation layer (see NestedVM, LLJVM, etc), which effectively allows C++ code to be run within a Java Applet. There's even a to...

Inject Rows into Silverlight DataGrid

Does anyone know of a way to inject rows into a Silverlight DataGrid? I need a way to add totals rows after every 6 entries. The totals are for all rows above the summary row, not just the previous six. I've tried doing it with grouping but that only shows the totals for the group and displays the totals rows above the actual rows. I...

Silverlight 3 ArcSegment to always draw circle's

Hi everyone, Ok, my arcSegment must always draw Circle's. For this reason I calculate the Arc's Width with the following formula: arcXRadius = (4 * Math.Pow(height, 2) + Math.Pow(distanceArcPoints, 2)) / (8 * height); so Arcs.Size = (arcXRadius,height) But seems that the height is scaled down when drawn. I want to add a small Circle ...

Silverlight 4 seems like starving of memory

I have been playing a bit with Silverlight and try to port my Silverlight 3.0 application to Silverlight 4.0. My application loads different XAP files and upon a user request create an instance of a Xaml user control and adds it to the main container, in a sort of MEF approach in order I can have an extensible and pluggable application....