
C# - Dynamic Keyword and Interface Implementations

I'm assuming this isn't possible but before digging further is there a way to do something like this: public void ProcessInterface(ISomeInterface obj) {} //... dynamic myDyn = GetDynamic<ISomeInterface>() ProcessInterface(myDyn); I've seen a post arguing for it but it sounds like it wasn't included. A little context: .Net assembl...

<Tabcontrol and Canvas

Hello, I have following situation <stackpanel > <ViewBox height=25/ > <tabcontrol> <tabitem> <Canvas /> </tabitem> </tabcontrol> </stackpanel> Q1. I want stackpanel to fill the screen, tabcontrol to fill the remain portion after viewbox. How do I do that ? How do I avoid the tabcontrol shrinking based on the s...

How can I load combo box's data when it has been defined in DataTemplate codebehind ?

Hi, In my silverlight application,I need to have dynamic columns in my DataGrid . So I had to create all the columns and their DataTemplate dynamically .When user wants to edit the column , a combo box will be displayed which has different values based on selected column. For creating each column I have wrote : foreach (var itemFilte...

How to display Total Time Duration and Current Time of video

I want to display time duration of a video in silverlight 3.0 application. The format should be like 00:20 / 05:00 . ( Current Video time / Total Video Time). How to get it??. ...

Good Silverlight 4.0 chart / graph component?

I've been using the Silverlight Toolkit but I'm finding the quality lacking; in particular this memory leak / phantom point bug renders the Chart component completely unusable. Can anyone recommend a good chart / graph component for Silverlight 4.0? I'm looking for one that provides: multiple simultaneous series, both scatter and lin...

Using ASP.NET session state with Silverlight (PRISM)

Hi, The scenario: I have a PRISM application developed in Silverlight (4), and I'm using a ASP.NET server side application to host several web-services (which, in turn, accesses WCF-services, but that's not really important here). The Silverlight application must be able to call the web services cross-domain (meaning that the web servic...

Silverlight 4 race condition with DataGrid master details control

Basically I want a DataGrid (master) and details (textbox), where DataGrid is disabled during edit of details (forcing people to save/cancel)... Here's what I have... I have a DataGrid which serves as my master data. <data:DataGrid IsEnabled="{Binding CanLoad,ElementName=dsReminders}" ItemsSource="{Binding Data, Element...

What is the difference between NavigationService.Navigate() method and PhoneApplicationFrame.Source property?

Taken from Exercise 1: Creating Windows Phone Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone Task 3: Step 9 // navigate this.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/PuzzlePage.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); Note: The PhoneApplicationPage class provides methods and properties to navigate to pages through its N...

Browser side code editor component

Hello, do you know any browser-side component, in HTML/Javascript, Flash, Applet or Silverlight, that would allow source code edition with syntax highlighting and auto-completion. CodeMirror has a good syntax highlighting support but does not seem to support auto-completion. If no such editor exists do you know any way to implement au...

silverlight application deployment over IIS

I have created an silverlight application (i have not selected my application to be hosted from another web application). Now I created a simple hello world page. I created virtual directory of my silverlight project in IIS for application hosting. 4. When I browse MainPage.xaml in loaclhost, it is not running. >>I think I shoul run...

"Scrolled into Viewport"-like event in Silverlight

In Silverlight, is there any way to get a notification event if a Control (or any FrameworkElement) has been scrolled into the viewport and is now visible? I want to implement something like the Lazy Load Images jQuery Plugin. ...

host the silverlight application in a new website(default.aspx)

when I create new silverlight project it asks Host the Silverlight application in a new Website followed by two fields- 1. Name: projectName.web 2. Type: ASP.Net Web Application Project OR Asp.Net Web Site when I uncheck this checkbox VS doen not create projectName.web project but when I check this VS creates two projects 1. projectName...

App to app communication and security

I have client apps that talk to my silverlight application and its web services. So the client app is running on the client machine and making calls directly to the silverlight app running on the machine and also making web service calls. I want the usernames/password security to be handled by the 3rd party client app. Any idea how I ...

client-side and the server-side based on the silverlight

Do the .xaml file and its .cs gets run on server-side or client-side. It will be nice if anyone can explain on this the client-side and the server-side based on the silverlight. Thanks in advance. ...

Getting unhandled exception when DataTemplate is created dynamically using Silverlight 3.0

Requirement is to create a reusable multi-select combobox custom control. To accomplish this, I am creating the DataTemplate dynamically through code and set the combobox ItemTemplate. I am able to load the datatemplate dynamically and set the ItemTemplate, but getting unhandled exception (code: 7054) when combobox is selected. Here is...

SilverLight Auto-Size Help?

I'm new to using SilverLight and I added a grid to the screen, and both sizes are selected to auto, but for some reason it doesn't fill up the screen. I'm using Visual Studio 2010, Silverlight 3.0 I did the exact same thing with two grids earlier and it works perfect Here's the code: <Grid Height="75" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="...

Notification Window position

I have created a notification window in a Silverlight 4 application. Problem is the notification window is located in bottom right corner with a margin of about 50px. Is it possible to set the position of the notification window explicit? ...

Issue with focus of a Silverlight Listbox

I have a button and on click of that i show a popup which has a listbox. popup named - popComboList Listbox named - lstComboBoxResult I am giving a focus to a listbox but at initial on a click of a button the listbox doesn't get focus-(this happens only once at initial, when i first time click button) After the second click it works. ...

Silverlight DataGrid Navigation and Hidden Rows

I have a scenario where I want to show hierarchical data in a DataGrid in Silverlight 3 while having the header rows still have the standard set of cells and being editable. The user needs to be able to collapse and expand rows to hide child rows. I've accomplished this by having a button on each parent row that looks like either a coll...

Do Silverlight APIs exist for diagramming?

Do any Silverlight APIs exist to facilitate development of a custom browser-based diagramming app? It seems a shame to build something from scratch with shape primitives (such as this example), but I've searched Google and can't find much. ...