
How to get the cookies in webservice using silverlight application

Hi, I have an ASP.Net MVC Application ,from this I pass the .ASPXAUTH cookie to silverlight application . I am able to get this cookie using HtmlPage.Document.Cookies.Split(';');. Now I want to pass this cookie to my webservice through headers ,so that based on this I can authenticate the user .How can I set in silverlight apllicat...

Pass command line arguments to OOB Silverlight 4 application

I need to launch a Silverlight 4 OOB app through an existing WinForms application (using System.Diagnostics.Process to execute sllauncher.exe). I was hoping there would be some way to make sllauncher.exe accept and pass on command line args to the OOB application, but I couldn't figure it out. ...

Pass Data From application to SL application at different hosts

Hello everybody. I've got two web independent applications: ASP.NET and SL(3) app How can i pass some data(id,strings) from to SL app. I was thinking about cookie, but I can't write cookies to any site. So is there any way to do it? ...

Alternative to FindAncestor RelativeSource in Silverlight 4 to bind to a property of the page

Hi, FindAncestor RelativeSource only supports 'Self' and 'TemplatedParent', but I have to bind the width of a popup to the width of the page. Giving the page a name causes problems because sometimes it will throw exceptions saying a control with that name is already present in the visual tree. <Popup IsOpen="True" Width="{Bindi...

How to set the PlayList Index for Mediaplayer(ExpressionMediaPlayer:Mediaplayer)

Hi, I have a Mediaplayer control on my XAML page like below: <CustomMediaElement:CustomMediaPlayer x:Name="custMediaElement" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="600" Height="300" Visibility="Collapsed" /> Now I am ble to set the playList by using setPlayList() method like below: priv...

LINQ insert to database by WCF Service from Silverlight app

Hi I have a problem during insert to database by LINQ command in WCF Service from Silverlight application. Receiving data works fine - select works in LINQ and shows data from database(sql server 2008). When i try to insert data, the Error ocures: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net....

How to create unit test for Silverlight socket server?

How to create a unit test for a Silverlight socket server? I am using the Silverlight UnitTest framework. Edit: I have a simple socket server, which listens for messages. When a message is receive, the server responds to the client. The client is in Silverlight. How can I create a unit test to check if the server response is correct?...

Silverlight DatePicker in DataGrid: Enter does not submit

I have DataGrid with DataGridTemplateColumn which has DatePicker as editing element: <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Due date" CanUserSort="False" > <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding EndDateFormatted}" /> </DataTemplate> ...

Help on : silverlight 4 and livestreams from tv tuner card

Hi Is it possible to get livetv streams from tvtuner cards ( Elgato , hauppauge ) to silverlights mediaelement or other ( WPF ). and control channel shifting ? Perhaps through vlc ?. Need it for a demo app. So the solution do not need to be pretty :). Hope its possible Any thoughts ? cheers /Bo ...

Saving Data in a SilverLight Webpage

Hi, im trying to perform a simple database insert from a submission on a SilverLight Webpage. Normally i would either use ADO or LINQ to SQL to perform this. You can not do this within a SilverLight Project, nor can you reference a project that can (a non SilverLight project). What would be the best way of doing this? Thanks. ...

why "Library caching" is disabled when "Out of browser" is enable?

why "Library caching" is disabled when "Out of browser" is enable in silverlight projects? i can choose only one at a time! why!!!? ...

Loading a datagrid with large amounts of data in silverlight?

Hi I am breaking up my project in small sections and one of the sections involves loading a grid with possibily lots of records (could be up to 1000s of records in the database). Ideally I would like some sort of mechanism where as the users scrolls the grid, more data is retrieved. I have read that certain controls (datapager with R...

How to style a custom Silverlight 4 UserControl ?

I have a custom UserControl that I created as a navigation menu that parses an xml file and populates itself with hyperlink buttons. So basically my control is an empty stackpanel, and when it's loaded it adds hyperlinkbuttons as children to the stack panel. In my application I just add a <myLibrary:NavigationMenu links="somexml.xml" />...

How to bring a menu to front of a navigation frame in silverlight?

The situation: I Have a silverlight page with a header menu, a navigation frame and a footer. In my header menu I want to put a drop down menu, but when I open the menu, it goes backward of the frame. Theres a way to put it forward? Canvas.ZIndex make no difference at all. thanks in advice ...

ScrolltoverticalOffset not working properly

I am showing a set of images in a vertical orientation using stackpanel inside a Scrollviewer. the code is working fine when i changed the orientation to horizontal. thumbnailViewerScroller1.InvalidateScrollInfo(); thumbnailViewerScroller1.ScrollToVerticalOffset(-50.0); thumbnailViewerScroller1.UpdateLayout(); thumbnailViewerSc...

CD/ DVD Silverlight SQLite App

Does anyone have experience in developing a standalone app with Silverlight using SQLite database? App should be distributed on CD or DVD for Windows OS and has to have autorun, with possibility to install .NET Framework if needed. How difficult is to develop that kind of app for someone who has two years experience in Asp.NET web forms ...


Hi, I was working on a Silverlight + WCF application. One fine day when I opened the website in Visual Studio 2008, it gave me an error: "Error 99 It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an ...

Silverlight binaries what are .ni.dlls?

In browsing around the Silverlight installation directory I see a number of framework DLLs as expected. But I also see a separate DLL with the same name but with .ni inserted between the dll name and extension. For example there is a System.dll and There appears to be a sister .ni dll for almost all of the system dlls. Loo...

To copy data from a webpage into an array of structs and sorted by“name” before producing the data. When i run this program it says press any key to continue?

include include include include using namespace std; struct productJewelry { string name; double amount; int itemCode; double size; string group; }; int main() { // declare variables ifstream inFile; int count=0; int x=0; productJewelry product[50];"jewelry.txt");...

Silverlight: Download local files with WebClient

The directory structure of my Silverlight project is like the following: \Bin - MainModule.xap - \Images --- Image1.png --- Image2.png - \Modules --- SubModule.xap I want to be able to run it through either a web server or through Visual Studio directly (for debugging purposes I want to bypass content downloading). In my media loadin...