
how does the DomainDataSource.SubmitChanges know the methods to call on the server

I configure the DomainDataSource to execute a particular server side method by setting the Query property. If I then make changes to the retrieved data, and call SubmitChanges the control somehow knows the correct method to call. (UpdateEmployee for example) Where is the name of the update method set, or it is simply inferred by some s...

Silverlight + How to create a bordered table?

Hello, I am currently using Silverlight 3. I want to create the equivalent of a 2x2 HTML table. I want each cell to have a black border. How do I do this in Silverlight? Isn't there a property I can set on a Grid element to make each cell have a border? Thank you, ...

Silverlight Question: How can I find the DataTemplate corresponding to an item in a ListBox

I have two classes A & B, and a listbox. I assign listBox.ItemsSource equal to a collection of objects of type A. The listbox items are visualized using silverlight data templating, see and for example...

Did I find a bug in WriteableBitmap when using string literals

For performance reasons I'm converting a large list of images into a single image. This code does exactly what I want. Private Function FlattenControl(Control As UIElement) As Image Control.Measure(New Size(1000, 1000)) Control.Arrange(New Rect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)) Dim ImgSource As New Imaging.WriteableBitmap(1000, 1000) ...

ComboBox Binding inside Dataform Silverlight

Hi, well I have my users table and my department table, so I have in XAML a Datagrid and a Dataform, in my dataform i have a combobox that is filled from the department table (all possible departments), I bind it to the Department attribute from my user, and it shows it. The problem is that when I click the edit button of the dataform th...

Passing object to the constuctor of Entity Class with adding new item from DataForm!

hi, here is my case , i want to assign roles to my employees. All Roles are need to be sent to the constructor of the employee class when a user clicks + sign on the top of dataform(Silverlight toolkit 2009). if i put a break point on the default constructor , it gets hit. so i just want the dataform to send this collection when ever i...

how to develop charts with Silverlight

hi, I am new to Silverlight. I need to develop a Silverlight application along with charts. Any idea how I should develop this thing? Any articles, code which tell me how to do it that would be really great. Please share your thoughts how i can achieve this. thank you ...

Reset VS2010 Project Templates?

I installed Blend 4 RC recently but strangely it deleted some of my VS2010 projects templates, including the most important ones being Silverlight User Control and Silverlight Application. Does anybody know how to get back these templates or tell VS2010 to reset all templates? A bit frustrating, I'm having to create projects on my lapt...

Binding to a collection of DependencyObjects in Silverlight 4

As of Silverlight 4 it is possible to data bind against a DependencyObject (instead of a Framework element in previous versions). So far so good, but how do I bind agains a collection of DependencyObjects. The DataContext is not passed from the ObservableCollection to the collection elements, so that the DependencyProperties of the Depe...

Silverlight Drag and Drop (without a Canvas)

I'm trying to drag and drop (slide) a Silverlight element from one part of a window to another. I've implemented the MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseMove, and MouseLeftButtonUp event handlers on the element, but I've run into a bit of a problem. All of the examples I've seen involve moving the element by setting the Canvas.Left and Canvas.To...

Where is System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters in Silverlight ?

Dear All, I want to create Mathematics Expression Evaluator in Silverlight. To do that easily, I need compilation on the fly using System.Reflection, System.Reflection.Emit, System.CodeDom.Compiler, and other related assemblies. However, I cannot find this class available in Silverlight. Give me some suggestion please. Thank you in a...

Silverlight - Access Facebook Api on Client Side or through Server Side Wrapper?

I am wondering how to access facebook api best using Silverlight. Right now i am developing a silverlight(+ria services) app for facebook. I see 2 possibilities: 1) Access facebook api using the facebook developer kit for silverlight (Facebook.Silverlight.dll) 2) Create a service class on Server Side which acts as a wrapper for easy ...

quick and dirty client/server communication in Silverlight

I'm building a few small prototypes in Silverlight and have quite a bit of .NET experience, but Ive never had the need to contact the server from Silverlight. Im really just after a really quick solution for the purposes of prototyping and I'll be needing to call the server and do a few things, like serve a generated image from the serv...

Reading bytes from Silverlight Class Library

I have a Silverlight Class Library and need to read a few bytes of itself into an array. Is it possible at all for a SL DLL to do this without getting the hosting SL site to read it from the XAP? ...

DataGridComboBoxColumn was not found

The System.Windows.Controls.Data.DataGrid is used in my Silverlight application, but on attempt to add 'DataGridComboBoxColumn' column to the grid the following error messages are obtained: Error 1 The tag 'DataGridComboBoxColumn' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls....

Properties window like visual studio in Silverlight

there is a design panel like XAML designer that i added some Controls on it(in run-time with create instance of some element and add it to RootLayout.Children). now i like manipulate some properties of one control(that i now which one) with something like this. is there a any short approach to goal? ...

What are some of the useful concepts to know about when building Silverlight apps?

The Silverlight(& WPF) space seems to have a whole new nomenclature around it so at times I'm having a hard time figuring our what is important and useful to research a bit more. For example I 'know' about the MVVM pattern but I'm looking for things that are a bit smaller in scope, that is topics, ideas, programming constructs that mig...

DeepZoom Images not loaded in Silverlight

I have a sample application of silver light in which there are combination of normal images & deep Zoom Images. I have used DeepZoomTools.dll. Now if my first image is deep zoom image, it will not load.(Loading image displays continuously).In Fiddler, MultiTileSource xml is downloaded prefectly but in UI it shows in progress image. If I ...

Silverlight nested RadGridView SelectedItem DataContext

Hi, I'm developing a Silverlight 4 app and am using the 2010 Q1 release 1 RadGridView. I'm developing this app using the MVVM pattern and trying to keep my codebehind to a minimum. On my View I have a RadGridView and this binds to a property on my ViewModel. I am setting a property via the SelectedItem. I have a nested RadGridView a...

collapsible grid in Silverlight 4

hi, I want to create a collapsible grid in Silverlight 4. once user clicks on row of the datagrid if that row has any child row it should be shown. if again user clicks the same row should hide the child row what was shown eariler. right now i am able to show data in datagrid once the user clicks any row i am able get the id of t...