
COM Events, Threading and silverlight!

Hi all, I'm working on a concept that will allow Silverlight to communicate with POS peripherals by using the POS for .Net library. I need to be able to able to call into the library to catch bar-code scans and print receipts etc. This all works fine if the application is a winforms app but in my proof of concept console app it the event...

Event Calandar using Silverlight Calendar Control

I require event calendar by using silverlight Calendar control or custom control. In it I want to add events (multiple) based on particular data and display those events on that particular date inside the calendar itself. Is there any ready made control of solution exists?? ...

How to copy image of a chart from Silverlight application to clipboard?

I have a Silverlight 3.0 applications with some custom graphics and some charts. I need to find the best way to transfer these graphics to a PowerPoint presentation. I've read that Silverlight 4.0 offers a Clipboard API, but there is only support for Unicode-text, not images. Is there a way to achieve this task without forcing users t...

How to work with a custom membership provider in silverlight?

Hello everyone! I am trying to make a silverlight application that uses RIA Services for authentication and databinding. That is, I'd like to be able to use the login/registration forms provided in the Business Application Template, and use the drag&drop features for displaying data in datagrid on pages. The data for the application (inc...

Selenium IDE and telling it to record actions

I am trying to make a little application to allow to record actions within a Flash and Silverlight application. In such manner that you can compile your interactive application in test-mode and then be able to click on elements which then passed the action to Selenium IDE which then adds this command to the testcase. I am curious if thi...

Silverlight WebApp Calling Webservice in the same solution

Hi, I have a website solution that is composed of a Silverlight Project and an ASP Site that contains an asmx Webservice. The Silverlight project calls various methods in the Webservice, and this works fine on my home PC. When I publish the site (using 123-Reg if that makes a difference), it appears that the Silverlight app is no long...

Perf: Viewing thousands of images in Silverlight 3 on a 3D Wall

I currently work on a very cool Silverlight app that displays photos in a 3D wall space like the Wall3D demo that is thrown in with Blend 3. The problem I am currently facing is performance. The app works like this: As you scroll right or left the 3d photo wall rotates As each movement is made, the next column of photos are downloaded...

ScrollView not MouseWheel Scrolling when not over Control

I am using Silverlight 4.0 What is happening is that the ScrollViewer will only scroll when one hovers over controls like textbox, treeviews, etc. If the mouse is over non control objects (like grids) then the mousewheel scrolling doesn't work. Is this normal behavior? ...

Expanding the xamwebgrid row to show additional details

I have the following idea: when the user clicks on the more... button of a grid row, the row must expand into a detailed state that shows additional details for the current entry. I know that xamwebgrid provides an expand command, but isn't it just for hierarchical data purposes? How can I display some movie screenshots let's say, only i...

Silverlight ItemsControl - change ItemTemplate

I have an ItemsControl with a list of radio buttons - in this case the ItemTemplate will contain a binded radio button. The problem is that in some cases I need to replace the radio button with a check box without using any C# code. Is this possible? I thought at using a ValueConverter (C# code) but I don't know for sure if will work. ...

Button Click Event Getting Lost

I have a Menu and Submenu structure in Silverlight, and I want the submenu to disappear when the parent menu item loses focus - standard Menu behavior. I've noticed that the submenu's click events are lost when a submenu item is clicked, because the parent menu item loses focus and the submenu disappears. It's easier to explain with cod...

Silverlight - Adding Text to Pushpin in Bing Maps via C#

I was able to make my silverlight Bing map accepts Mousclicks and converts them to Pushpins in C#. Now I want to show a text next to the PushPin as a description that appears when the mouse goes over the pin , I have no clue how to do that. What are the methods that enable me to do this thing? This is the C# code : public partial class...

Silverlight Calling an HttpHandler

I have a Silverlight 2 application that I'm trying to get to invoke an HttpHandler by using WebClient. I have the HttpHandler just sending an email that says test when invoked. If I hit it via a browser, I get the email. However, using a WebClient object with a delegate, I can't seem to get it to connect. I've started to think about us...

Can I reference Storyboard resources in XAML defind Visual States?

I have six different objects with their own Visual State Managers. The Focused state of each object is the same. I want to define a single Focused State Storyboard resource and reference it in each of the 6 Focus Visual states. Can this be done? Here's my code (all in the same UserControl.Resources): <Storyboard x:Key="FocusedState"> ...

Is it possible for the View to subscribe ViewModel CLR event?

Sometimes a view model needs to raise notifications, that a view should handle and do something in response, esp. when these can't be modeled as properties and property change notifications. Anything in MVVM Light that can allow the view to listen to events and translate view model notifications into user interface actions via declarati...

Microsoft Public License in commercial Silverlight application?

I'm developing a commercial silverlight application using some third party libraries that are published under Microsoft Public License (MPL). I have to include the license text into my product which is somewhat strange in an silverlight application. In a normal desktop application I would just include the license als a .txt but I've no ...

Equivalent of Path.BitmapEffect in Silverlight

Hi, While I copied the XAML code from a WPF Pageto my SilverlightPage I found out that few of the prpoorties are not supported in Silverlight , mentioned bwlow: <Path.BitmapEffect> <BlurBitmapEffect Radius="2"/> </Path.BitmapEffect ClipToBounds="False" SnapsToDevicePixels="False" Can any one please help with the Silverlight Equi...

How to Call an Event of Control that is present inside a Custom Control?

Hi, I have a Custom Cntrol that has a button inside it. Now I want to access the button click from my Application Page. ...

SL3/SL4 - Ado.Net Data Services Error during new DataServiceCollection<T>(queryResponse)

Hey all, I have two functions in a SL project (VS2010) that do almost exactly the same thing, yet one throws an error and the other does not. It seems to be related to the projections, but I am unsure about the best way to resolve. The function that works is... public void LoadAllChunksExpandAll(DataHelperReturnHandler handler, string ..."c:\test.txt") from Silverlight

I'm trying to open local file from Silverlight. I try Window.Navigate("c:\test.pdf", "_blank") and invoking JavaScript like this:"c:\test.pdf", "_blank") Both give "Access is denied". However it works in plain HTML when I do <input type="button" value="test" onclick="'c:\test.pdf', '_blank')" /> I...