
Silverlight Listbox firing MouseRightButtonDown, but not MouseLeftButtonDown

I have this problem in a bigger Project...... so I set up a 'Testpoject' as Proof of Concept: New Silverlight-Application Add Listbox Fill listbox with a few Checkboxes Register listBox1_MouseLeftButtonDown register listBox1_MouseRightButtonDown You will see, that the listBox1_MouseLeftButtonDown won't fire under any circumstances......

Customising Silverlight AutoCompleteBox with multiple filtered ListBoxes

Hi, How should I go about customising the AutoCompleteBox in Silverlight so that while typing I can filter multiple Selector ListBoxes. Basically I want a Popup that contains 'n' ListBoxes vertically stacked and when I type, the filtering operates on all of them simultaneously. I can then select an item from any of the ListBoxes. Thank...

Can I have two different Styles in a CustomControl

Hi, Can we have two different styles in generic.xaml setter template Property Something like: <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:customLocalFolderButton"> **<----Style 1---->** </ControlTemplate TargetType="local:customLocalFold...

Graphics framework choice for Mono compatible application.

I have an application that has some controls that use GDI+, mostly simple stuff with low graphics rendering requirements although I do have a couple of animated GDI+ windows that are borederline usable because of poor GDI+ performance. Moving forward I would like to start using WPF (for performance and to learn WPF) but I also like to k...

Unable to Edit the Style of MediaElement

Hi, I am trying to create a Custom Media Element , but While trying to do so , I am not able create the media Element. ...

XAML Parser cannot find resource within dynamically loaded XAP when creating form instance

I've followed Tim Heuer's video for dynamically loading other XAP's (into a 'master' Silverlight application), as well as some other links to tweak the loading of resources and am stuck on the particular issue of loading style resources from within the dynamically loaded XAP (i.e. the contents of Assets\Styles.xaml). When I run the maste...

expand an collapse button in datagrid

hi, <sdk:DataGrid MinHeight="100" x:Name="dgCounty" AutoGenerateColumns="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsReadOnly="True" Margin="5,5,5,0" RowDetailsVisibilityChanged="dgCounty_RowDetailsVisibilityChanged" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected"> <sdk:DataGrid.Columns> <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn ...

Frame Navigation in Silverlight app

I have a WebRibbon control for a menu. I have a TabControl on the page that holds all content. As you click on a menu I create a TabItem, add a frame to the tab item, navigate to a specific xaml page in that frame and then add the frame to the tab item. It works fine for the first page. The content of the xaml page displays correctly in ...

Using dispatchertimer in combination with an asynchroneous call

Hi. We have an issue in our Silverlight application which uses WCF and Entity Framework, where we need to trap the event whenever a user shuts down the application by closing the web page or the browser instead of closing the silverlight application. This is in order to verify if any changes have been made, in which case we would ask th...

Where to get the older version silverlight 3?

Hi, I installed silverlight 4 recently, but we still have legacy projects need to be tested on silverlight 3. Where can I get it? Thanks! Mike ...

Where should I set the DataContext - code behind or xaml?

(honestly I searched and read all the 'related questions' that seemed relevant - i do hope i didn't "miss" this question from elsewhere but here goes...) There are two different ways (at least) to set the DataContext. One can use XAML or one can use the code behind. What is the 'best practice' and why? I tend to favor setting it in X...

Silverlight 3.0 Custom ListBox DataTemplate has a checkbox, checked event not firing

The datatemplate for the ListBox is set dynamically by XamlReader.Load. I am subscribing to Checked event by getting the CheckBox object using VisualTreeHelper.GetChild. This event is not getting fired Code Snippet public void SetListBox() { lstBox.ItemTemplate = XamlReader.Load(@"<DataTemplate xmlns='http://sch...

How can one convince a team to use a new technology (LinQ, MVC, etc )?

Obviously, it's easier to do with some developers, but I'm sure many of us are on teams that prefer the status quo. You know the type. You see some benefit in a piece of new technology and they prefer the tried and true methods. Try, for example, DBA/C# programmer the advantages of using LinQ ( not necessarily LinQ to SQL, just LinQ in...

Silverlight: TextBlock has no Template property?

Guys, I want to customize the look of a TextBlock. (I want a rounded rectangle border around it). But I'd like to be able to set it's template via the app.xaml But I see that TextBlock doesn't have a Template property. I'd use Label (which does have a Template property) but I guess silverlight doesn't support a Label control. So what ...

Do the HtmlWindow returned from the HtmlPage.PopupWindow can .Invoke or .Eval javascript

Creating a separate PopupWindow that opens another web browser give me as return value a HtmlWindow object that is the same object type as the static "HtmlPage.Window" of the silverlight project. That object type provides the "Invoke" and "Eval" methods. I want to evaluate a javascript that can be located on my Silverlight code in a str...

Silverlight Toolkit Drag and Drop Target

I tried to get Drag and Drop working between two ListBox Controls. But somehow picking up an item is not possible. Maybe you have a hint for me to get it working My User Control xaml code looks like this: <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="ItemTemplate"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Image W...

Drag and Drop from Silverlight to WPF

Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone has been able to Drag some item (let's say an image with an id) in silverlight and drop it in a listbox in WPF. If you have please help ;) Thanks, S ...

WCF Service and Interface - the result is object, even though ServiceKnownType was used

I need to convert some objects that are not compatible with Silverlight to models to send over a WCF service. I've tried using the ServiceKnownType, but the result is still object. I am able to cast the object to the Model after I retreive the result, but I don't want to have to do that every time. Here is an example of what I have attem...

Getting "An entity with the same identity already exists in this EntitySet" but the EntitySet is empty

When I try to add a new item to my EntitySet, I'm getting this exception: An entity with the same identity already exists in this EntitySet However, when I inspect the EntitySet its count is 0. Any ideas why I would be getting this error when the set is empty? How could an entity already exist in the set if the set has no items ...

How to break on unhandled exceptions in Silverlight

In console .Net applications, the debugger breaks at the point of the throw (before stack unwinding) for exceptions with no matching catch block. It seems that Silverlight runs all user code inside a try catch, so the debugger never breaks. Instead, Application.UnhandledException is raised, but after catching the exception and unwindin...