
SmoothStreamingMediaElement download progress

I'm using SmoothStreamingMediaElement silverlight component for smooth streaming. How can I get informations about download progress? it seems that DownloadProgressChanged event is not working as expected (It's working fine with MediaElement component) I'm trying to achieve that my playback progress bar is showing buffering progress ...

Is it possible to have two browsers, one with Silverlight 3, one with Silverlight 4?

For development reasons, I can't install Silverlight 4 on a particular machine. Is it possible to install the Silverlight 4 plugin on one browser, e.g. in Chrome or Opera, while Firefox and Explorer continue to use the Silverlight 3 plugin? ...

How can I stop Silverlight DataForm immediately saving changes back to underlying object?

I have a Silverlight master-details DataForm where the DataForm represents a street address. When I edit the Address1 textbox, the value gets automatically committed to the bound Address object once focus leaves the textbox. If I hit the Cancel button, then any changes are undone because Address implements IEditableObject and saves its...

Can <Setter.Value> have multiple grids inside it

Hi, I want to define the background for my application in App.XAML. The background was previously defined in another xaml page,which have multiple Grids inside it like following: <Grid x:Key="GridGeneric" d:LayoutOverrides="Width, Height"> <Grid.Background> <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0"> ...

How to display last 100 visitors to my web site in Silverlight?

I am interesting on log down the recent 100 visitors around the world whom have visited to my website and display their country information and IP address on the website developed by Silverlight platform. Where can I get accurate data for detecting the visitors' IP address and geo-location information? ...

Silverlight Unit tests can't be run (using ReSharper or NUnit): dependency error appears

CThru.Silverlight can't find dependent libraries Typemock.Isolator.VisualBasic & Typemock.ArrangeActAssert of Version= but there are versions of these libraries registered. Any workaround? Where to download Typemock 6.0.2.? TIA ...

Silverlight MVVM conversion from WPF

I was reading this article - And I came across this piece of code in the WPF Demo application that came with the article. This template applies a CustomerView to an instance of the CustomerViewModel class shown in the main window. <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:CustomerViewMod...

Height of RowDefinition in Grid is vary from IE 6 browser to other browser in silverlight

I have a sample control in silverlight application. <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="10"/> <RowDefinition Height="50"/> <RowDefinition Height="15" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> Here the height of 3 & 4 rows vary in IE 6 and other browsers...

How do I get markers I add to my stream to show up on the actual audio file in Windows Media Encoder 9?

I currently have my custom encoder sending script commands with the stream and when I save it, it preserves the commands sent at whatever time they were sent. However, my issue is that if I drop it into Expression Encoder or any other audio editor to view the markers/script commands, none show up. I know they exist because my custom Silv...

Unable to cast type isse in silverlight

Once I click on the button i am getting this error. This is my code <sdk:DataGrid MinHeight="100" x:Name="dgCounty" AutoGenerateColumns="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsReadOnly="True" Margin="5,5,5,0" RowDetailsVisibilityChanged="dgCounty_RowDetailsVisibilityChanged" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected"> <sdk:DataGrid...

URL Rewriting for Silverlight 3.0 on IIS 7

Hi, I am trying to use URL rewriting to convert a URL like http://localhost/Pine/Default/ABCD/ to http://localhost/Pine/Default.aspx?Code=ABCD I am using Intelligencia.UrlRewriter and it is working fine. But since I have a Silverlight application, when the .xap file is loaded it tries to load from .../Default/ABCD instead of /Pine/ I f...

oData RIA PowerPivot Large Message Size

Hi, I was playing with powerpivot to directly load 3 million rows from a sql database and performance is suprisingly good. I tried generating a simple oData service by using vs2010 and silverlight RIA services and access that from powerpivot. Which works with small numbers of rows but blows up on the server if a single method tries to ...

Silverlight 4.0 in Visual Studio 2008?

I've been trying to find official requirements for Silverlight 4.0, but can't seem to find anything. What I want to know is if VS2008 supports Silverlight 4.0, or if I need to upgrade to VS2010. The only mention I could find was on this Silverlight forum: Does anyone know of an...

Xap file contents changes if built in Visual Studio or build server

I'm using MEF with my Silverlight 4 app to dynamically load xap files. To optimize this process, I've removed various assemblies from my xaps since I know they've already been loaded by the base xap. This reduces the size of my dynamically loaded xaps. I accomplished this by setting the "Copy Local" flag for each assembly reference to "f...

ScrollViewr around expanders not scrolling automatically when expander is expanded - silverlight 3

I have several expanders inside a ScrollViewer in a fixed sized ChildWindow. The problem is when each expander expanded,the scroll will not scrolling down automatically and as a result,some of the items in the bottom will get hidden and we have to manually scroll down to see them. I saw some posts like the following link but I guess my s...

Styling hyperlink button inside a data template in Silverlight

How do I change the visual state of a hyperlinkbutton inside a datatemplate? Basically I'm trying to iterate through the hyperlinkbuttons and set their visual state to active or inactive according to the current url. The hyperlink buttons are located inside the datatemplate of an itemscontrol. The itemsource is bound to a List where link...

Adding hyperlink button column in silverlight grid from codebehind?

Hi Since I am building the columns from code-behind, I need to attach hyperlink into one of the columns from code behind. And also, I need to add the click event. How can I do that and its data-binding in code behind? Please advise. Thanks AJ ...

Google/Bing maps drawing library

My company wants to use Google/Bing maps to map out our sales territories. I would like a jquery (or silverlight or something) plugin/library that would allow an ordinary user to draw and manipulate shapes on Google or Bing maps to draw out our sales territories. Then I would like to export this information as KML or something similar. I...

Silverlight 4 OOB Update process when hosted in enterprise portal

Ok, here is the situation. I would like to deploy a silverlight application to an enterprise portal. Users will access the application by logging in to the portal and navigating to the page where it is hosted. That's the easy part. This silverlight 4 application is designed to be run in Out of Browser mode (OOB). My question is, is ...

Silverlight Datagrid: Highlight an entire Column?

I have a DataGrid in my Silverlight application, and would like to "highlight" an entire column when any cell in that column is selected. E.g., given this grid (where "[ ]" represents a cell): [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] If I select a cell, like this [ ][ selected ][ ] [ ][ ...