
Silverlight, Flash, or JavaScript for web app that runs client-side, or just stick with C#?

Silverlight, Flash, and JavaScript, oh my.. I have a couple of applications that I need to develop for one of my business partners that will be distributed to dozens of people. These applications will need to be able to query information from the internet (query via Google, grab feeds from our other sites, just general web access) and s...

Silverlight 4 Multithread

I'm trying to update my Silverlight 4 UI approx every 1/2 second with new data. I've hooked into a WCF service using net.tcp binding and issuing callbacks from the server. To make sure I get the data from the service as quickly as possible I've started up my proxy on a backround worker inside of my Silverlight App. My question is, how...

Detect changes to user input controls in Silverlight?

I have a childwindow with a number of Textboxes, Comboboxes, and DatePickers. I want to know if a user has changed any value in these (to know if I need to save to db) One way I could think of doing this are in the 'on chg' event handlers and set bool. But if a user changes the value, in say a combobox, then changes back to the origin...

How do I detect when a cell's value has changed in Silverlight?

Hey folks, I'm working in Silverlight, trying to figure out how to set a grid cell font color based on the contents of the cell. I have an ObservableCollection bound to a DataGrid, and my items implement INotifyPropertyChanged so the grid updates as I change the values; it's all working perfectly, including letting me sort items and ke...

How to apply styles to the whole silverlight pplication?

Hi I have created two different grid background and radio button style in my App.xaml. User can select any style to change the look of the page i.e: Changing the background and style of the radiobutton. Now When I click on the raduio button the application navigates to another page and the style disappears. Is there a way to Set t...

how to make datagrid Visibility is Collapsed in codebehind

hi i have data grid. now here i am checking the condition if Companyrows.count is zero . if count is zero make data grid.visible is false. List<Employee> Companyrows = new List<Employee>(); if (Companyrows.Count == 0) { dgrdRowDetail.Visibility = "Collapsed"; // getting error // convert type 'strin...

how to customize the listbox selected item style in silverlight 4

I am having a silverlight listbox in which a list item contains an image, its name and its price. the layout of the list item will be as follows: Under the image the image name will be shown, under the image name the price will be shown. Now the problem is when i select an list item all the three items(image, image name and its price )...

How can I print with the header and footer in silverlight 4 ?

How can I print with the header and footer which I paas dynamically in silverlight 4 ? Please provide me some example. Thanks ...

why is that we always get an extra column show in datagrid

hi, i have four columns specfied but why is that i always see one extra column shown in the output this is my xaml code <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" Height="492" Width="453"> <sdk:DataGrid MinHeight="100" x:Name="dgCounty" AutoGenerateColumns="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="1" IsReadOnly="True"...

Apply shortcut keys to sliverlight page

Hi.. In application requirement is as follows.. In the Silverlight child page(Usercontrol, when you click menu item )open page it requires to fill some data then for saving we have Save button for cancel it we have Cancel button. Here i am looking for Saving data i need to use ShortCut Keys(Ctrl + S). If i write the following cod...

EventAggregator, is it thread-safe?

Is this thread-safe? The EventAggregator in Prism is a very simple class with only one method. I was surprised when I noticed that there was no lock around the null check and creation of a new type to add to the private _events collection. If two threads called GetEvent simultaneously for the same type (before it exists in _events) it l...

Silverlight unit testing. Error while running tests.

I'm using VS2010. Silverlight 4, NUnit 2.5.5, and TypeMock TypemockIsolatorSetup6.0.3.619.msi In the test project MVVM is implemented, PeopleViewModel is a ViewModel which I want to test. Please advise if you use other products for unit testing of MVVM Silverlight. Or please help to win this TypeMock. TIA This is the code of the test:...

Will it be possible to use any and silverlight controls in Intraweb XII?

I am researching a lot on intraweb, I read that in Intraweb XII (when will this be released?) it will be possible to have: 1) "silverlight enabled controls" (mentioned here, this is the old IW XI roadmap anyway silverlight task has been moved to XII now) 2) "IntraWeb XII [...] will contain the integration with CrossTalk and ASP.NET" (m...

Design-time issue with tabcontrol in Expression Blend 3

I have a xaml page with a tabcontrol on. This tabcontrol has 2 tabitems on. The one tabitem has a few controls on eg. database grid, textboxes, checkboxes etc. I can not drag or select any of these controls in design time in Expression Blend 3. It must be something with the tabcontrol because I can drag and select controls on other page...

Custom Brush - I want two gradients chaining them together.

I am making a bar chart and I want two separate gradients for each bar. First I want a gradient to go from top to bottom solid red to transparent red. I want to paint over the top of that a gradient that goes from right to left, black to opaque. So - In the bottom left we should have; Bottom left - Alpha 0 Bottom right - Alpha 0 Top l...

Databinding in Visual Studio with Silverlight

I want to achieve the following exactly: The Silverlight Toolkit is giving me hell. I'm trying to create a simple chart in Visual Studio 2010. I've drawn the chart on the screen, but I can't figure out how to add data to it. ...

Silverlight C# webservices wait for process

Hello, I am developing a silverlight application, where I make use of webservices. The server is responsible for processing some text, get the phoneme info, convert to visemes, generate the audio and encode to mp3. A list of visemes and a path to the create audio file is returned. Then the audio is streamed to the client. But now, I ha...

Silverlight Custom Configurations sections

I am working with a silverlight app that has a fairly large appsettings section in the web.config. While searching I cannot find any examples of using custom configuration sections with silverlight. I cant be the first to have this problem, in a silverlight environment. What is the best practice to stop putting config values in the app...

MVVM - Master/Detail scenario with Navigation and Blendability

Hi, I'll start off with what I want so it may be simpler to understand: I have a Page (Master.xaml) that has has a listbox of PersonViewModel. When the user selects a PersonViewModel from the listbox, I want to Navigate to a details (Details.xaml) page of the selected PersonViewModel. The details page does some extra heavy lifting th...

How to create databinding over two xaml files?

Hello, I am trying to come to a working understanding of how databinding works, but even after several tutorials I only have a basic understanding of how databinding works. Thus this question might seem fundamental to those more familiar with silverlight. Even if it is trivial, please point me to some tutorial that deals with this prob...