
How to clear a cookie programatically?

Hi All, I am using silverlight unit tests to test an important part of our site. Is it possible to clear cookies before each unit test runs? The problem is that if I do this, HtmlPage.Document.Cookies = ""; It doesn't work. If the cookie already was this, key = value I can do this, HtmlPage.Document.Cookies = "key="; It kind o...

Problem in displaying the movie file in silverlight

I am developing a portal for online theatre system. I will show the movie in online website daily in shows(like 6-10 PM Shows). I am using Silverlight to display the video in web application. I am holding my movie file in Windows Azure Blob. I am having a problem displaying the movie file. Consider if ay user login to web system @6 The...

Can you selectively enable or disable 'FilterDescriptors' in silverlight 4?

In Silverlight with RIA services it is very easy to implement simple data filtering with 'FilterDescriptor' instances. However I've got a case where I have several filters and I want to enable or disable them based on other filters. It seems like a simple 'Enabled' property would make this really easy - but there is none. Is there a w...

Silverlight 4 Drag and Drop Alternatives

I want to add the ability to drag a user control from one part of a Silverlight 4 page onto another user control on the same page (not talking about the new Silverlight 4 ability to drag a file from the OS onto the page). What approach is most straightforward? What approach offers the most flexibility? Here are some alternatives I fou...

Silverlight IDE for latest version (May 2010)

In 2008 Artur Carvalho asked for an Alternative IDE for Silverlight and was told to look at Visual Studio Express. Is that still the valid answer in 2010 or are there other IDEs one should consider (cost/ OS it runs on / stability)? I'm trying to get a feel for silverlight development before commiting cash. So I don't need enterprize ...

Slider control in silverlight

I am using slider control for an audio player in silverlight application. The slider is not moving while audio is playing. The below one is my XAML code . How to get it? <Slider x:Name="Slider" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" MouseLeftButtonDown="MouseClicked" MouseLeftButtonUp="MouseReleased" ValueChanged="Slide...

Windows Phone 7, download xml over ssl with authentication

Hi, I'm trying to download a file from my provider. The url is protected with basic username and password, and everything is sent over ssl. So I try to do this: WebClient proxy = new WebClient(); proxy.DownloadStringCompleted += (o, dscea) => System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); proxy.Credentials = new Network...

Silverlight Async Design Pattern Issue

I'm in the middle of a Silverlight application and I have a function which needs to call a webservice and using the result complete the rest of the function. My issue is that I would have normally done a synchronous web service call got the result and using that carried on with the function. As Silverlight doesn't support synchronous w...

Silverlight and Search Engines

Hi, I have recently started learning SilverLight (and Web developement in general) and have been advised by a friend that SilverLight isn't Search engine friendly (because Silverlight isn't HTML). Is there any way of getting around this and getting my site onto the Search engine lists (without paying)? (Any advise on getting my site on ...

Silverlight toolkit chart to many labels on axis

I'm using the newest chart control from silverlight toolkit to plot some data. For small cases it works ok, but for bigger samples the X axis labels overlap. It would be no problem if the chart would simply omit some of the values or I could specify to just show every 10th of them ... I couldn't find any properties providing this behavi...

Silverlight - rebinding to a property?

Hello, I'm just getting started with silverlight. Basically I have a silverlight user control that has various dataGrids and a combobox, their item sources set to the properties of a custom plain c# object. My problem is that I have a dropdown list that when a user selects an item from the list a new row should appear in one of the grids...

NOOB Challenge Implementing MVVM in WPF

To preface, this is my first attempt at MVVM... I buy it, I'm just having a little trouble implementing it. I'm building a utility to assist with managing a course. I have a COURSE object which contains a few properties and methods as well as a collection of MODULES. Each module has a few properties, methods and a reference to a PRESENT...

Silverlight RIA Services SubmitChanges Validation Error

I'm new to silverlight and therefore data access in silverlight so bear with me. I have an ADO.Net entity data model referencing a sql server 2008 database. The table causing problems is called transaction. The transaction table has a non-nullable field "MerchantChain". This table is populated by another program that inserts empty st...

Cant insert a object into a silverlight databound combo box

Hi Until recently I had a combo box that was bound to a Linq queried IEnumerable of a DataService.Obj type in the bind method, and all worked fine private IEnumerable<DataService.Obj> _GeneralList; private IEnumerable<DataService.Obj> _QueriedList; private void Bind() { _GeneralList = SharedLists.GeneralList; _QueriedList = _...

How can I preserve tabs in a Silverlight RichTextBox?

I've overridden the key-handling events and am inserting tabs when a user presses the tab key for a RichTextBox. When I save the XAML from that RichTextBox and reload it, all of the tabs are now spaces. Does anyone know what I can do to get the RichTextBox to display tabs? ...

Multi-layer style in Silverlight ressource

I wish to set a property the C# property of a Chart object : Chart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.DefaultLabelFormat ="dd mm aa"; but I will to do this with the styles in Silverlight : <Application.Resources> <Style x:Key="myStyle" TargetType="telerikCharting:RadChart"> ... but I cannot make a : <Setter Property="DefaultVi...

Issues with dynamically loading modules in code with Silverlight/Prism

In my Bootstrapper.cs in GetModuleCatalog, I need to specify the Module types using the typeof(ModuleType). In the example below I'm trying to load the Contact module on demand, but in order to get it into my module catalog, I need to have a reference to it in the project that holds my Bootstrapper. When I add a reference to Contact, the...

Silverlight 4: Any touch library that supports gestures & touch events?

Silverlight provides only Touch.FrameReported event and doesnt provide any events for the UIElements like it does for mouse events(ex: MouseDown, MouseUp). Is there any touch library available for the silverlight which provides these touch events and supports gestures. Google did not help me much or may be my search terms are not correc...

Dynamically specify and change a Silverlight DataGrid's columns during runtime (MVVM)

What's the best method of dynamically specifying DataGrid columns in the Silverlight DataGrid control at runtime following the MVVM pattern? What I'd like to do would be bind the "DataGrid.Columns" property to a property in my ViewModel so that, if the user adds/removes columns, I simply update the ViewModel property and the DataGrid wo...

How to create DataTemplate at runtime?

Hi , I have defined the DataTemplate in the XAML, however I need to change it to be defined at run time , because its binding is dynamic. Is there any way to define it in codebehind? Thank you, ...