
Silverlight Navigation Menu

I am using the Silverlight Business Application Template. The navigation consists of a few HyperlinkButtons in a StackPanel. I would like to create a more robust navigation menu (multilevel) with dropdowns and such. Telerik has one for silverlight ( I don't want to use Telerik cont...

BounceEase and silverlight 4 BarSeries

Hi, I am trying to get a bar series to "bounce" when drawing, I assumed the BounceEase TransitionEasingFunction would do this but the lines just fade in, I have posted the xaml and code behind below, does anyone know where I have gone wrong or is it more complex than I though, I am fairly new to silverlight XAML <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoo...

Silverlight WCF method calls fails if WCF service is not running initially

Quite simply I have a generic Silverlight 3.0 web page that is calling a Ping method on a WCF service. I do not have the WCF service running initially when I navigate to this Silverlight page. As expected I get a communication exception when I press the Silverlight button to call the Ping method, which I catch. Now if I start the WCF ser...

How to trigger event in silverlight animation by keyframe?

I need to call a method when the animation gets to a certain keyframe. Is it possible to trigger an event when an animation gets to a certain keyframe? If not is there a better way of triggering an event at a certain time? ...

Member "TextTrimming" is not recognized in Expression Blend?

So I am using Silverlight 4.0 I have the following code but its giving me the following error: "The member "TextTrimming" is not recognized or is not accessible", but it works fine when I run in Visual Studio 2010. <TextBlock Margin="0,30,28.789,50.455" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextTrimming="WordEllipsis" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="1...

How do you debug a XamlParseException?

I'm trying to use a 3rd party component in my Silverlight application and when I try to create an instance of the control, I get a XamlParseException: {System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Set property 'System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Style' threw an exception. [Line: 0 Position: 0] ---> System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: El...

Silverlight completed events for WCF calls not firing in Firefox

Hi People, I've got this problem with completed events not firing for WCF long running calls (up to 1.5 minutes to return), it works ok in IE 8 but doesn't work in Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Looking in Fiddler the results clearly get returned, and as I said, it works ok in IE, so that side of things are obviously working. Using a samp...

Pass data to Child Window in Silverlight 4 using MVVM

Hello, I have a datagrid with master detail implementation as follows: <data:DataGrid x:Name="dgData" Width="600" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ItemCollection}" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" CanUserSortColumns="False" RowDetailsVisibilityChanged="dgData_RowDetailsVisibilityChanged"> <da...

Silverlight 3 Window.Closing Event or how to stop a user from closing a browser to stop a running timer

do we have Window.Closing Event in Silverlight version 3? If not, is there an easy way to check if the user is closing the browser and to stop him doing so unless he explicitly stops a running timer? Regards, Nadeem. ...

Accessing my own datalayer using RIA & Silverlight

Is it possible for me to connect to my own data provide via WCF RIA services? I've created a small datalayer that connnects to DynamicAX datasource. I would like to use Silverlight 4 & RIA service to access that datalayer. At it's most basic -I've done the following... 1) I've added an empty domainclass to the webproject and in that c...

navigate through pages in mvvm in silverlight 4

Hello, I have been searching on how to navigate through the pages in silverlight 4 (navigation application) when I have implemented MVVM pattern. But nothing I found satisfied me. I have a main page which has frame in it. In that frame I load home page which does simple URI mapping. But now I want to go to New Page on button's click ev...

How do I stop myself from redesigning my Silverlight screens? Is there a theme that looks like Sketchflow?

Whilst working in Silverlight I am always fighting the urge to work on the screen design rather than coding the behaviour (which is what I should be doing). My cunning plan is to find a theme that looks something like MS SketchFlow or Balsamiq which will remind me of the draft nature of the screens whilst being somewhat prettier than th...

Silverlight on Internet Explorer: Delay in executing asynchronous calls after a gap

I have a silverlight app which calls WCF services. I'm seeing some fairly strange behaviour. Internet Explorer: Open the silverlight app. Wait for a while (while = less than a minute). Perform an operation which needs to call the WCF service. There is a significant delay till the silverlight app makes the server call. Wireshark and WebD...

TextBox data binding validation

*Is it possible to get validation errors(produced by the binding source through IDataErrorInfo or INotifyDataErrorInfo) *without accessing data source? The point is to get the error message which is going to be displayed. Thank you in advance. EDIT: "without accessing data source" means that I don't want to get the error messages thro...

Sending large XML from Silverlight to SVC (WCF)

Hi! I want to send a big XML string to a WCF SVC service from Silverlight. It looks like anything under about 50k is sent correctly but if I try to send something over that limit, my request reaches the server (BeginRequest is called) but never reaches my SVC. I get the classic "NotFound" exception. Any idea on how to raise that limit...

CrossDomain error

Hi, I have hosted my Silverlight application in IIS, now when I try to access the application I get the following error System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: an error occured while trying to make request to URI This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without proper cross-domain policy in place, ...

Using Sessions in WCF Services called from Silverlight

(Using Visual Studio 2008, and Silverlight 3) -I've really looked around for this one, and now I'm just confused by all the solutions that simply won't work for me. I'm trying to call a WCF service from a Silverlight client, which is no problem, but I can't get the service to handle sessions (I want to remember a few things about the ca...

From and Image to an ImageSource

I have an image (embedded resource) that i can get access to and form an Image object from. I actually can get the Image object or the Stream of bits the represent the image. However I want to sue that image programaticly to be a background image. So how do I set the ImageSource on the ImageBrush to an AcutalImage (PNG)? ...

How to programmatically(C#) go to a certain keyframe in a silverlight animation?

Is there a way of going to a certain keyframe inside of a silverlight animation? For example the user clicks a button and it goes to the specified keyframe in the animation. ...

What is difference between " * " and "Auto" in Silverlight Grid Layout Definitions

trying to understand the following: <Grid Name="Root"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> ...