
Silverlight 3-4 reference kind (e-)book.

Hello! I'm looking for a source of information about Microsoft Silverlight to begin practically efficient programming custom functionality applications. I want to pretend just for now that I don't need any ideologically correct refresher (SL tips, top patterns, VS tutorials :) and etc.). Basically, what I want is a reference kind e-book...

C# - Silverlight - Custom control or UserControl ?

I need a button that is visually completely customizable, but has custom logic to publish events and manage it's visual state based on events it has registered for. When I say visually customizable, I mean I should be able to both create the button in xaml and set it's style by binding to the supplied style. Or I can create an instance ...

C# - Silverlight - MVVM

I want to use UserControl as the base for my views, but I cannot add functionality to my views because they are based on UserControl. How do I create my own view class by using a subclassed version of UserControl. ...

Server-based Chat

Described on this scheme "Server Clients Scheme" I try to create a Silverlight / Server Application which has EventHandler/Triggers, which can do the following: Notice whether a message was sent to "it" (the server) Notice that the sent message is new "to all" "except" "the sender" Send "to all" ("except...") "new message can be downl...

Silverlight - Chart with DomainDataSource

Hello, I am new to using RIA Services in Silverlight. I have created a DomainDataSource. This DomainDataSource is called myDataSource. I have successfully bound the DomainDataSource to a DataGrid. I am now trying to bind the same DomainDataSource to a Chart. However, when I bind the DomainDataSource to the Chart, nothing appears. No err...

Mobile Silverlight Applications

Hi, Have You got any tutorials, books, any good resources to start creating mobile games using silverlight ? Maybe any good resource on writing 2d games in silverlight for pc? Ay way do You think that its worth learning it or any other technology would be better and have probably shinier future ? ...

Silverlight 4 UserControl?

For Silverlight 4 did TemplatedControl replace UserControl? Because when I goto add a new item in Visual Studio 2010 that is the only thing that closely resembles a user control in the dialog? ...

datagrid height issue in nested datagrid( when using three data grid)

hi, i have a nested datagrid(which is of three data grid). here i am able to show data with no issue. the first datagrid has 5 rows the main problem that comes here is when you click any row in first datagrid i show 2 datagrid( which has 10 rows) lets say i click 3 row in 2 data grid. it show further records in third datagrid...

Accessing Joomla session information from Silverlight

Hi, Would anyone have any experience to share and/or sample code that shows accessing the session state information for a user logged into a Joomla web site? Simply showing the logged in user's name or something similar in Silverlight would be very interesting to me. Thanks ...

Why does VerticalScrollBarVisibility not work in a style in Silverlight?

VerticalScrollBarVisibility works when I define it inline like this: <UserControl x:Class="TestScrollBar.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="http://schemas....

WPF/Silverlight DataBinding to interface property (with hidden implementation)

I have the following (C#) code namespace A { public interface IX { bool Prop { get; set; } } class X : IX { public bool Prop { ... } } // hidden implementation of IX } namespace B { .. A.IX x = ...; object.DataContext = x; object.SetBinding(SomeDependencyProperty, new Binding("Prop")); .. } So I have a hidden implementa...

possibility to do type/data conversion of data returned by ria services?

My service returns an byte array, which I have to convert to an 'animated gif' (using imagetools since silverlight doesn't support it yet) I was wondering, is it possible to insert some code at the client, where I can do the conversion before the actual object is returned to whatever it is binded against? On the server side, the querie...

Problem with navigateurl in silverlight to a UNC path

Hi, I have a problem with a command button (implementing the ICommand). I want, when pressing the specified button to redirect the user at new tab targeting a UNC path. HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(@"\\host\filename"), "_blank"); The problem is that browser redirects the user to the following target, besides of my intention: ht...

Hosting Microsoft Office application inside Silverlight 4?

I know that Silverlight 4 has support for COM interop via the AutomationFactory class. dynamic excel = AutomationFactory.CreateObject( "Excel.Application" ); excel.Visible = true; But this creates a separate window for the COM object. What I am missing here is if I am actually able to actually host an Office document inside my Silver...

State Animation on ListBox ItemTemplate

I have a listbox which reads from Observable collection, and is ItemTemplate'ed: <DataTemplate x:Key="DataTemplate1"> <Grid x:Name="grid" Height="47.333" Width="577" Opacity="0.495"> <Image HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10.668,8,0,8" Width="34" Source="{Binding ImageLocation}"/> <TextBlock Margin="56,8,172.334,8...

WCF web.config is getting overwritten after every compilation?

Hi I have a Silverlight application calling a WCF service. SimplehttpBinding stuff. Every I make changes to silverlight xaml code, the web.config gets refrshed also. Even if make any changes to web.cofig file, they get overwritten too. Its as if, some other process is writing these files. Why is that happening? How can I make sure t...

Silverlight 4 and Youtube flash player

hi I'm trying to make a small silverlight application but i became across a problem, playing videos from youtube. I tried a method with a html conteiner to embed the youtube flash player, but with this method i need to activate the option windowsless, and thats is not a good ideia for my web site. If anyone have a good ideia,I'm glad to...

Binding to an ObservableCollection of UserControls

Simple Silverlight question: I have an ObservableCollection<MyObject> in my viewmodel. Every MyObject has a Label property. If I bind a ListBox to the collection and set DisplayMemberPath to Label, or set the ItemTemplate to a TextBlock that binds the Text property to Label, all works as expected. If I change MyObject so it derives from...

how to profile silverlight mvvm application with a lot of custom controls

There is a quite big LOB silverlight application and we wrote a lot of custom controls which are rather heavy in drawing. All data is loaded by RIA service, processed and bound (using INofityPropertyChanged interface) to the view. The problem is that first drawing takes a lot time. Following calls to the service (server) and redrawing ...

WPF Expander Button Styled so it is inside Expander Header

I am using the expander control and have styled the header as shown in the picture below. The problem I have is that I want the expander button to be contained within the header so that the line for the end of the header template aligns with the Expander content i.e. I ultimatly want to end up with something similar to the image below...