
Best way to pass image to server?

I have an SL3 application that needs to be able to pass an image to the server, and then the server will generate a PDF file with the image in it, and display it to the user. What I already have in place are the following: (1) Code to convert image to byte array (2) Code to generate PDF file with image The main problem that I am runni...

The "CreateRiaClientFilesTask" task failed unexpectedly.

Hi guys. I've VS 2010 and recently installed WCF RIA Services V1.0. For testing I have created a new Silverligh Business project but now every now and then when I rebuild the solution I receive the following error: Does anybody know why I get this? Thanks Error 1 The "CreateRiaClientFilesTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.F...

How much business logic belongs in RIA services layer?

I have been experimenting recently with Silverlight, RIA Services, and Entity Framework using .NET 4.0. I'm trying to figure out if that stack makes sense for use in any of my upcoming projects. It certainly seems like these technologies can be very productive for developing applications, but I'm struggling to decide how an application...

Select Silverlight Treeview Item using MVVM Pattern

Can anyone tell me,Please include code, how to select a treeviewitem using the MVVM Pattern ...

Collection is empty when it arrives on the client

One of my entities has an EntitySet<> property with [Composition], [Include] and [Association] attributes. I populate this collection in my domain service but when I check its contents when it is received on the client, the collection is empty. I am using Silverlight 4 RTM as well as RIA Services 1.0 RTM. Any ideas what I am doing wron...

StackPanel position

How can I find the position of a StackPanel after it has been animated? I have a button which slides the stackpanel to the left. But if I want it to slide to the left again, the animation does not work. ...

Silverlight and WPF Storing styles in a seperate DLL.

Is there a clean way to store styles in a separate assembly so they can be used by Silverlight and WPF? In an ideal world I would like to have MyCompany.Styles.dll. The styles would be shared between multiple WPF and Silverlight projects. ...

Silverlight ControlTemplate and F#

Has anybody had any success incorporating a Silverlight ControlTemplate into an F# Silverlight application. I am trying to add transitions to the Navgiation.Frame element and following along on with a C# example: The downloaded source u...

DomainContext sometimes still HasChanges after SubmitChanges completes

I have a very simple server model that includes a parent entity with a [Composition] list of child entities. In my client, I have 2 functions. One function removes all the child entities from the parent and the other removes all and also edits a property on the parent entity. When I simply remove all child entities and SubmitChanges(), ...

One value display two columns in data grid

I have a XML with 3 values, they are 'name', 'department', 'value'. I want to display a data grid with four columns like Name, department, credit and debit. When I have a value positive in 'value' column I want to enter the value in debit column and 0 in credit column and vice versa. ...

Is it possible to use the WP7 Panorama or Pivot in SL4?

I'm making pretty heavy use of the Panorama and Pivot controls in my WP7 applications. Is it possible to use these same controls in a standard Silverlight (4) application? I added the dll's, was able to compile and create the controls in my views. However; I was not able to "Scroll". I thought they used the "...

WebClient security error when accessing the world of warcraft armoury

Hello World, I am trying to piece together a solution to a problem. Basically I am using Silverlight 4 with C# 4.0 to access the world of warcraft armoury. If anyone has done this - please oh please provide the working .net 4.0 code. The code I am attempting to run is (e.Error contains a securtiy error): private void button10_Click(ob...

WPF/Silverlight States - Activate from XAML?

Kind of a quick question: Is it possible to activate a viewstate from XAML? I have been only able to activate one from CS, using the VisualStateManager.GotoState() method. This would fix some of my MVVM issues if it were easily possible. Thanks ...

How to determine if a ResourceDictionary is loaded correctly

How can I tell (through the debugger if my app resources are being loaded correctly). I have tried (in f#) type MyApp() as this = inherit Application() do Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/FSSilverlightApp;component/App.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative)) let cc = new ContentControl() let mainGrid :...

ControlTemplate Exception: "XamlParseException: Cannot find a Resource with the Name/Key"

If I move the application resources to a UserControl resources everythgin runs groovy. I still don't understand why. I noticed that my application object MyApp did more than inherit from Application it loaded an XAML for the main template and connected all the plumbing. So I decided to create a user control to remove the template fr...

Resharper support for Silverlight Unit Test Application

HI All Is there a version of Reshaper that can be used to run Silverlight unit test. I am using Resharper 4.5 although it shows test icons against test methods in the class, but it does actually run the test. Thanks ...

CommandManager "cannot resolve symbol"

After adding "RelayCommand" class (that uses CommandManager class) into my Silverlight App I've got an error: The name 'CommandManager' does not exist in the current context This class is a member of System.Windows.Input namespace that is in PresentationCore.dll assembly. The problem is that I can't add this dll into my app... I a...

MSBuild task for Silverlight unit testing

Hi All We have automated build environment which uses MSBuild task to launch NUnit test. How can I launch unit test written with Silverlight Unit Test framework? Is there a MSBuild task available? Thanks ...

Silverlight theme error: Cannot find a Resource with the Name/Key System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DataGridRowHeader

I have got an(other) error while trying to upgrade our large project to SL4. I didn't write the original theme and my theme knowlege isn't great. In my SL3 app I have a datagrid themed like so: <!--Datagrid Style--> <Style TargetType="datagrid:DataGrid"> <Setter Property="RowHeaderStyle" Value="{StaticResource System.Window...

How to implement a lazy loaded Silverlight data grid without using paging

Using the Business Application template from the brand new released RIA Services, you can see lots of examples using the data grid on top of a DomainDataSource in combination with a DataPager. The properties PageSize and LoadSize can be used to adjust the amount of data to be displayed in one page and the data that is prefetched in the b...