
Simple Binding question, unable to bind to button command in a DataTemplate using MVVM Light Toolkit

I've been attempting to bind to buttons within a DataTemplate without much success. The button does not fire. Button Click works successfully outside of the DataTemplate. Yet if I create a Click="button_click" the click button is fired. The Button Content binds perfectly as well. Example to illustrate.. ...

Silverlight Socket

I am trying to connect a Silverlight client to a socket server and continue to get the following error: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. I believe I need to specify a clientaccesspolicy.xml through either the socket server or the http://:80/clientaccesspolicy.xml path with the...

How do I get textbox to fill the column and autoscroll?

I have the following code in my DataGridTemplateColumn: <Controls:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBox Text="{Binding AlternateTeacherName, Mode=TwoWay}" Style="{StaticResource InputTextBox}"/> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> Style is: <Style x:Key="...

Silverlight MediaElement issue

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008 + C# to develop a simple video application using MediaElement of Silverlight. I have two videos and I want to play them at the same time (similar to picture in picture effect) -- i.e. a part of the two videos are overlapped when they are playing (the same concept of Z-Or...

Combobox INotifyPropertyChanged event not raised!!!

I created a combobox and set observable collection as the itemsource and implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on the observable collection item. Even after that, when I select different item in the combobox, the OnPropertyChange method is not invoked. I think I am not making the binding properly. Could any one please correct me/ suggest m...

Why do we need to use ConvertBack in IValue Converter

Hi, I am not sure Why we need to use I ConvertBack method in IValueConverter. In the Convert method itself we do the conversion and return the updated value to be bound in our control. So in which Scenario we should use Convertback. I know this question is very basic but just wanted to make the fundamentals clear. Thanks a lot for you...

unalbe to register silverlight uesr control in aspx page

I have made a simple silverlight application : everything is working fine but I am unable to use silverlight user control as my aspx page shows only embedded object code. I have also tried to register the silverlight control with the following code: <%@ Register Assembly="System.Web.SilverLight" Namespace="System.Web.UI.SilverLightContr...

Silverlight file upload - file is in use by another process (Excel, Word)

Hi, all. I have a problem with uploading of the file in Silverlight application. Here is a code sample. In case when this file is opened in other application (excel or word for example) it fails to open it, otherwise it's working fine. I'm using OpenFileDialog to choose the file and pass it to this function. private byte[] GetFileCo...

Adding a Combobox to a DataGrid in Silverlight

I can add a Combobox to a DataGrid using following xmal: <local:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="SomeHeader" Width="106" HeaderStyle="{StaticResource headerAlignRightStyle}" CellStyle="{StaticResource cellAlignRightStyle}"> <local:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> ...

How to add Silverlight in Windows CE 6.0?

I want to add Silverlight in my win ce . Can anybody tell how to add the Silverlight application? And what are the thing I want to add in the catalog menu. Please tell me the steps for this. ...

How to go to particular Item in IEnumerable

Hi, I have IEnumerable which contains number Data inside it. Edit The IEnumerable is from System.Collection.Ienumerable directive. Attached the snapShot of Viual Studio, Enum that Contains Data: Just to brief about the above image, eLevelData is the IEnumerable variable, in which I have my data . Now I want to go to the data at in...

Performance impact when UseLayoutRounding = true

I'm wondering if there is any impact on performance when I will set UseLayoutRounding = true for almost all controls in my LOB application. Especially texts looks bad if there is no layout rounding. I'm working on Silverlight 3.0 but soon I'll migrate to 4.0. ...

Silverlight MJPEG viewer

I would like to consume a Motion Jpeg stream from an IP camera and ideally view it using the media element. I was hoping to find some ready made samples. ...

TargetInvocationException on multiple WCF-service calls

I'm using SL 4 and a .net-4 WCF service with a PollingDuplexHttpBinding. Calling the service and calling the client back from the service works fine. But as soon as I call the service, say 15 times without waiting for the async answer, I receive a TargetInvocationException after getting 0, 1 or 2 successful answers. My attributes for th...

How can I extend a ComboBox to support commands (MVVM)?

Hi, As topic says, I need to extend the features of a standard Silverlight ComboBox to also support Commanding. Since I follow MVVM I need my ComboBox to communicate the SelectionChanged event to my ViewModel. What would the code look like for doing this? I want to be able to put the Command attribute on my ComboBox XAML control. Usin...

"The DOM/scripting bridge is disabled" error in Blend

Hi there, I've been given a custom Silverlight control to use, and everytime I open it up in Blend, get the "The DOM/scripting bridge is disabled" error. Looking in the control's source code, I can see calls to public override void OnApplyTemplate() { ... HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("GetPrimaryGradStart").ToString() whi...

Accessing parent-level controls from inside a ComboBox's child controls

I have XAML similar to this: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding SearchCriteria, Source={StaticResource model}}" SelectionChanged="cboSearchCriterionType_SelectionChanged"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Name="spCriterion" Orientation="Horizontal" Height="20"> <ComboBox Name="cboSearchCriterionType"...

Cannot Debug using Visual Studios on a Silverlight project

When I try to run a Silverlight project in Visual Studios 2008 I get this error all of a sudden: Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight managed debugging package isn’t installed. What have I done wrong? ...

Silverlight RIA Services. WCF. Any Query that requests more than 1.5MB fails. Load operation Failed.

Been working on this a couple of days now. We're starting a LOB app with Silverlight and we're running into a big obstacle right away. Began using Fiddler to examine what was going on and found out something very interesting. Any queries (IQueryable functions on the server solution) that return more than 1.5MB of data will fail with t...

Silverlight MVVM in VS2008 - a non starter?

I'm still very new to Silverlight. I'm currently using vs2008 at work. As far as I can gather Silverlight 4 is vs2010 only. I stumbled across this article on command binding, it says that command binding is a new feature introduced in silverlight 4. Is command binding integral to MVVM in silverlight, does it make MVVM much simpler to im...