
Silverlight/WPF: Retreiving the size of a UIElement once it has been rendered on screen

I have the following simple piece of code: var canvas = new Canvas(); foreach (var ztring in strings) { var textblock = new TextBlock(); textblock.Text = ztring; panel.Children.Add(textblock); textblock.Measure(infinite...

Silverlight databinding error

I found an example online that explains how to perform databinding to a ListBox control using LINQ in WPF. The example works fine but when I replicate the same code in Silverlight it doesn't work. Is there a fundamental difference between Silverlight and WPF that I'm not aware of? Here is an Example of the XAML: <ListBox x:Name="list...

Sortable ObservableCollection in Silverlight

I followed the link mentioned in this post but having issues getting it to work in Silverlight I created a property public SortableObservableCollection Terms When I call Terms.Sort(new TermComparer()) the records are still display unsorted o...

MindMap in silverlight

I need to put together a team to build a silverlight based application that will read an xml file and generate a Mind Map diagram based on that file. I am new to silverlight and I need to find out what skills do I need and how difficult is it to do something like this. I expect the typical Mind Map features available in a commercial Mi...

Silverlight Toolkit TimePicker control don't show error message on validation error

Hi! I am working with a Silverlight application with some TimePicker controls and some TextBoxes. The XAML code like <toolkit:TimePicker x:Name="time" Width="100" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Value="{Binding FromDatetime, Mode=TwoWay, NotifyOnValidationError=True, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, ValidatesOnExceptions=True}"/> <Button Hor...

Updating Silverlight with data. JSON or WCF?

We will be using custom Silverlight 4.0 controls on our ASP.NET MVC web page to display data from our database and was wondering what the most efficient method was? We will be having returned values of up to 100k records (of 2 properties per record). We have a test that uses the HTML Bridge from Javascript to Silverlight. First we perfo...

RIA Services and silverlight applications

Hi, I'm new to silverlight, and always when reading silverlight tutorials they talk about RIA services. I know that silverlight is a client application and talks to servers via services that have valid binding for silverlight(BasicHttpBinding...) So what are RIA services? and what is the difference between RIA services and the normal...

In Silverlight programming, how to prevent visitors from caching the downloaded content?

Hi all, I want to create an online quiz website using Silverlight. When the registered users are logged in, they can view and answer the quiz once per page. To proceed to the next question, they must push next button, and the new data downloaded from the server. The previous questions are not cached. Thereby everytime the question is r...

flex vs silverlight for student

I am a student of computer science and am interested in learning development of RIAs. So which among silverlight and flex is more suitable for me and y? ...

How i can use local ms-access db file in Silverlight 4.

Hello Experts, How i can use local ms-access db file in Silverlight 4. I want to read records from local ms-access file of any user who installed Out Of Browser Application on his/her system. Same as we do with excel records. Looking forward to get results from experts. ...

Silverlight Image Data Binding

I am new to Silverlight, and have an issue with binding. I have a class ItemsManager, that has inside its scope another class Item. class ItemsManager { ... class Item : INotifyPropertyChanged { ... private BitmapImage bitmapSource; public BitmapImage BitmapSource { get { return bitmapSource; } set { bitmapSour...

Read cookies in silverlight

hi, I have an ASP.NET MVC application. In this after user get Sign in .We set the a cookie for the user who logged in using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false). In other page we get the Cookies using the FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(userName]) . This cookie values as string is then set in the Response.Cookies["use...

How to Access a Control present inside a DataTemplate

Hi, I have Few TextBlock inside the Data template as follow: <DataTemplate> <StackPanel x:Name="stackPanelItems" Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock x:Name="myTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="14" /> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> Now we need to Make the myTextBox Collsapsed...

HitTest property

Hi, I'm new to silverlight and trying to read a silverlight tutorial that uses HitTest method to know when the mouse is over a control. But unfortunately i cant see any method with this name. Where is the HitTest method? is that because i'm using silverlight 4? is there any replacement method ? ...

Silverlight: stop thread while waiting for user feedback

Is it OK to stop current thread until user click some buttons in Silverlight? E.g. var clicked = false; ShowDialog(EventOnClosed => clicked = true); while (!clicked) {}; return; P.S. I know the right way. I'm just curious if there's a way to stop and then continue Silverlight execution flow. P.P.S. Just to be more specific. Imagine a...

How to check if a javascript function exists from silverlight

How to check if a javascript function exists from silverlight ...

How do you escape parentheses in a Binding indexer

I have the following XAML: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyDataKey}}"> <TextBox Name="_myId" Text="{Binding MyDictionary[(Textbox.Name)]}" /> </Grid> But it thinks the key in my dictionary is called "(Textbox.Name)", instead of "_myId". The format below works, where I have a...

Steps to take for figuring out the delay when calling service and loading data with the result?

Hello, In a client server app, where client front end is done in silverlight using C# and the services are the WCF services. If I am to hit the service and do a query and bring back a result and I notice that it is taking a relatively long time to load my page which is just loading the grid with the data, what things should I look at ...

How do I change text color on the selected row inside a ListView/GridView? (using Expression Dark theme)

I'm using theExpression Dark WPF Theme( with a ListView(view property set to a GridView) to display some user data like the following : <ListView Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding RegisteredUsers}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedUser}" > <ListView.View> <GridView> ...

Silverlight clipping a string on mac

hello, I am facing a very strange issue in my silverlight app on all browsers on mac but it is working perfectly in all windows browsers. in my silverlight app there is a scenario in which I create a very long text string and then pass it to a wcf service which then saves the string in a text file server. the issue is that in mac every...