
string to JsonObject in C#

What is the best way to convert a (properly Json-formatted) String object into a System.Json.JsonObject? Right now I create a StringReader and use System.Json.JsonObject.Load. (This is really kind of academic, since I think I'll always be dealing with the raw Json in System.IO.Stream form.) ...

silverlight 3: long running wcf call triggers 401.1 (access denied)

I have a wcf service consumed by a silverlight 3 control. The Silverlight client uses a basicHttpBindinging that is constructed at runtime from the control's initialization parameters like this: public static T GetServiceClient<T>(string serviceURL) { BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(Application.Current.Host.Source....

Debugging silverlight 3 in vs2008 after vs2010\silverlight 4 installed

I've installed vs2010 on my machine now it seems that I can't debug\run my silverlight 3 app in vs2008. The debug play button (F5) is grayed out. And when an exception is throw it says "Debugging resource strings are unavailable". I feel like I read something about this somewhere but can't seem to find it now. Also I can't just us vs...

Silverlight DataForm Memory Leak

Some Background I have noticed that setting the EditTemplate of a DataForm (from the Silverlight Toolkit) can cause the DataForm to not be garbage collected. Consequently, the parent control of the DataForm cannot be garbage collected either, causing a very significant memory leak. Here's some XAML which demonstrates the case. <to...

Silverlight, WCF service, integrated security AND ssl/https not possible?

I have this setup that works perfectly when using http. A silverlight 3 client .net 4 WCF service hosted in IIS with basicHttpBinding and using integrated security on the site When setting https to required on the website the setup stops working. Using the wcftestclient on the uri I get the message: The HTTP request is unauthorized wi...

Silverlight 4: How to apply multiple effects to an element?

We can apply only one effect to an element. Is there any way to apply multiple effects simultaneously to an element? like both DropShadowEffect as well as the BlurEffect ? Google did not help me much. Any suggestions? ...

ComboBox doesn't fire SelectionChanged event

Subj. I am using Silverlight 4 with VS2010, here is a source code: <ComboBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" Name="Player2All" MinWidth="50" ItemsSource="{Binding PlayersAll}" SelectionChanged="Player2All_SelectionChanged"> <ComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Bi...

Can't attach to Silverlight application with VS2010

Few days ago all was ok: when I started my web-site with Silverlight 4.0 application with F5 in Visual Studio debugger was connecting to Silverlight automatically, but now it doesn't. I've tried to attach manually from "Debug"->"Attach to process" with "Attach to" option set into "Silverlight code" value. But my breakpoints are still "d...

what is the best way to consume daba of a database in a silverlight RIA.

Hello everyone, I'm building a software using silverlight 4 RIA enabled. The question is I don't know what is the best way to consume data from a MS SQL SERVER. The best way of consuming data might mean the following: the code is clean the development time is quick maintenance is quick ...

SelectionChanged event binding in Silverlight+MVVM-Light

The handler of the "SelectionChanged" event of the ComboBox control has the following signature: void SelectionChangedMethod(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) How to bind to that property under Silverlight 4 and MVVM-Light to the corresponding method of the ViewModel object? As far as I know, I need to do something like thi...

Multiple calls to data service from SL3?

I have an SL3 that makes asynchronous calls to a data service. Basically, there is a treeview that is bound to a collection of objects. The idea is that as a user selects a specific treeviewitem, a call is made to the data service, with a parameter specific to the selected treeviewitem being passed to the corresponding web method in th...

Windows phone 7 grouped list

I am new to silverlight and windows phone 7 development and am having some trouble working out the best way to do a "grouped list". Essentially what I would like to do is group a list of event details by date into something like this: Monday 5/6/10 event 1 event 2 Tuesday 6/6/10 event 3 I tried using nested listboxes whi...

application authentication design ideas

Hello I am working with on an app that uses wpf / silverlight on the front end and nhibernate on the back end, and looking for some design ideas to address authentication; I was looking at Rhino Security which I think is pretty slick and certainly useful, but doesn't in and of itself seem to address authentication. That said, I am loo...

Silverlight dataGrid binding with ria Service doesn' work

hi every one i'm new to Silverlight and it's totally driving me crazy !! i'm using SL4 and trying to bind datagrid with a Domain Service Query: what i did exactly is i generate an entity model from my database, then create a domain Service class from this model. then in my page i put Datagrid & button. in the click event for ...

Could not load file or assembly

Hi guys, I'm tring to create a generic collection of dynamic type at runtime of Silverlight application. My code: Type listType = Type.GetType("System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[" + type.AssemblyQualifiedName + "]], System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicK...

Zoom to specified mesh

Say we have 3 mesh in the viewport3d and one camera. If I select mesh 1 I want the camera to zoom to the specified mesh? ...

Silverlight Decompiler Available

Is there any silverlight decompiler available? ...

Silverlight 4 - authentiation / authorization against custom wcf service

I have a wcf service in front of an AzMan store that passes roles and operations to clients using the following interface: [OperationContract] bool AuthenticateUser(string password, string appName); [OperationContract] string[] GetRoles(string storelocation, string appName); [OperationContract] string[] GetOper...

Navigating from silverlight to hosting

My app consists of Home and Map pages. Home is ASP.NET. Map is hosting Silvellight. How can I navigate from the Silverlight Map page to Home page? Thanks, Alex ...

Silverlight XAML layout issue

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008 + C# to develop a simple video application using the open source slvideoplayer of Silverlight. For the player, the play control is at the bottom of the rendering video, any ideas how to place play control at the top of video? I have tr...