
Trigger for ComboBox in Silverlight

Is there any possibility to display selected item of the ComboBox (after popup closing) in a way that is different from its displaying in DropDown List (There are players number and name in the dropdown list, but after list closing I want to see only its number). How can I change a background for the player with some Flag? As far as I...

Silverlight Gradient Border Effect

This was done in Photoshop: The white box I would create using a Silverlight Border. How would I then create the dropshadow kind of effect. As you can see it is a bit different from the standard dropshadow. Would Shazzam help achieve this? Edit: Graeme got me looking in the right direction. I ended up using this solution which I fou...

WCF Data Service BeginSaveChanges not saving changes in Silverlight app

I'm having a hell of a time getting WCF Data Services to work within Silverlight. I'm using the VS2010 RC. I've struggled with the cross domain issue requiring the use of clientaccesspolicy.xml & crossdomain.xml files in the web server root folder, but I just couldn't get this to work. I've resorted to putting both the Silverlight Web A...

Initialization of ComboBox in datagrid, Silverlight 4.0

I have datagrid with list of MyPlayer objects linked to ItemsSource, there are ComboBoxes inside of grid that are linked to a list of inner object, and binding works correctly: when I select one of the item then its value is pushed to data model and appropriately updated in other places, where it is used. The only problem: initial sele...

Find a better control

It is necessary to implement the following functionality: There is a rectangle "field", its size is 150x100 pixels. Field is split to locations, each location is 10x10 (totally 15x10 locations on the field). There are few "coins" (5, for example), each of them can be dropped into any location. The list of text messages should be displ...

Silverlight ToolTipService

Hi I am setting the toolTip to button dynamically using : ToolTipService.SetToolTip(btnhello, "Hello World !"); I need to add additional some data dynamically in this tooltip with xaml control. Please help me on this issue. Waiting for your valuable thought. Thanking You. ...

Datagrid doesn't refresh on changed data

Hi. Is there any way to have a datagrid listen to the database and automatically update the data if the database data is changed? I use a SQL Server database. I'd like to use Linq-2-SQL if possible thx in advance :D ...

about TranslateTransform and RenderTransformOrigin

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008 + C# to silverlight application. I want to learn TranslateTransform and RenderTransformOrigin, could anyone recommend me some tutorials? I am a newbie of this area. And I did not find anything which is good to learn for a newbie from MSDN (correct me if there are some go...

Add image silverlight hovereffect from codebehind

Hi I have a stackpanel that has a dynamic amount of images that are added programatically, Is there a way I can set a hover/click effect programatically on these images. I would like for the image to "glow" when clicked. How do i do that in silverlight? I've noticed the Image.Effect property, but I'm not really sure how to use it. ...

Twitter Web service in Silverlight

I want to use twitter web service in my silverlight application but don't know where I can find skd and web service reference for the twitter ? ...

HierarchicalDataTemplate Link By Parent

Hello colleagues. I want bind my treeview. There are a lot of samples binding treeview by object, which contains children collection. I've got domain having just Parent pointer. public class Service : BaseDomain { public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual string Description { get; set; } publi...

How to create StackedBarSeries with custom tooltip without losing standard colors

I have a StackedBarSeries in Silverlight 4 charting (latest release). I have created a DataPointStyle called MyDataPointStyle for a custom tooltip. By itself this breaks the standard palette used for the different bars. I've applied a custom palette - as described in David Anson's blog to the chart. However when I have the DataPointSty...

Silverlight - round doubles away from zero

In Silverlight the Math.Round() method does not contain an overload with 'MidpointRounding' parameter. What is the best approach to round a double away from zero in Silverlight in this case? Example: Math.Round(1.4) => 1 Math.Round(1.5) => 2 Math.Round(1.6) => 2 ...

Silverlight 4 - how to skip building localized resources at Bin / Debug

Is it possible to skip building localized resources at Bin / Debug foler? There are many folders for languages but my application work only in English and these folders aren't required. I think it could speed up build process. Right now this application contains about 40 different projects and building in on VS2010 takes ages... ...

Custom progress bar label text via binding

I was playing with progress bar customization in Silverlight application. What I want to reach is to have progress bar label to show current its state in the following format: "Value / Maximum". So, user will see what is the current value, and what is the maximum possible value. Here is a style for progress bar I use: <Style x:Key="Prog...

Non breaking space in XAML vs. code

This works fine, and correctly inserts non-breaking spaces into the string: <TextBlock Text="Non&#160;Breaking&#160;Text&#160;Here"></TextBlock> But what I really need is to replace spaces with non-breaking spaces during data binding. So I wrote a simple value converter that replaces spaces with "&#160;". It does indeed replace spac...

Dependencyproperty doesn't have value on load

My problem is this, I have a UC called profile that contains another UC called FollowImageControl. In my Profile.xaml i declaretively bind a property of FollowImageControl called FollowerId to a CurrentUserId from Profile.xaml.cs. Problem is that I CurrentUserId is assigned in Profile.xaml.cs; the Profile.xaml code-behind. This means ...

using dictionaries with WebServices

Hi! I tried to pass a dictionary via WebServices. However it is not serializeable. So i wrote an Own Class that makes it serializeable: using System; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace Platform { public class ...

Silverlight 4 RichTextBox - InlineUiContainers disabled

I've been following the Silverlight text editor sample with interest. It gives me a lot of functionality such as formatting, clipboard support, printing etc. The sample also allows for DataGrids to be inserted by using an InlineUiContainer. My problem is that the inserted DataGrid is disabled while my requirement is that the user can e...

coordination transform issue in Silverlight

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008 + C# to develop silverlight application based on ASP.Net. I am very confused about what are the function of "TranslateTransform" and "RenderTransformOrigin" in the following code snippet? BTW: I roughly understand RenderTransformOrigin means move an UI element in x-axis ...