
Where are user credentials persisted to when creating a Silverlight Business Application Template project ?

Hi, The Business Application Template in Silverlight 4.0 generates authentication and user management (add user) features. Where is the info stored ? I presume it goes back to the server and then I have my pick on the server side - AD, LDAP, SQL Server, etc. ? Is this correct ? Thanks, Scott ...

lob app editing dialogs wpf silverlight

Are modal dialogs passe for letting the user add or edit something in a modern lob application? Is there a clear alternative (I'm thinking some type of view port)? Does anyone have any links to a slick reference lob app? Cheers, Berryl ...

Listbox with checkboxes and single check in Silverlight

Hello, everyone. I need a ListBox which will contain several options. I need checkboxes exactly(style), not radio buttons. Is there any way i can allow only 1 checked checkbox at the moment? I'm using MVVM, so i can't just check or uncheck them manually, it's against the rules. And if i can't make such functionality - is there easy way t...

Silverlight 4.0 - HttpWebRequest throwing ProtocolViolationException.

I am getting a "System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." error when trying to call var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "text/xml"; request.BeginGetRequestStream(RequestCompleted, request); ...

Is there a way of resizing controls in a Silverlight 4 OOB app?

I am new to Silverlight/XAML so apologies if this is an obvious question. How can you detect when the OOB window is resized and resize your own controls to fit the new window size? ...

How to play Sound and Animations in MVVM

I have read alot of blogs about the best way to play sound/Animation but if possible I would like to see a simplified example on how this is done so I understand better. So to my understanding in MVVM The View-->Sound and Animation The ViewModel-->If some value is true, i would like to play the Sound and Animation on the view. Now Ho...

Tab control in Silverlight 3.0 and Dirty data

We are using tab control in our project. While using this control i came across a few issues like - When the tab control loads, it invokes constructor of all the xaml pages that form the individual tabs. Can this be avoided? Is there any event with tab control that we can use to identify dirty data on the previous tab that i may have...

dynamic silverlight content

I am starting a silverlight project where I have tests for students to complete. I want to have some sort of framework so I can build the tests and store them in a database, delivering the content dynamically so I can continually develop new types of tests without having to re-deply the application. The content will have to be more tha...

Can you set a gradient brush for a listboxitem background in silverlight?

I am looking for a way to set a gradientbrush as the background for a listbox item. I have a DataTemplate defined and have specified a gradient brush but it always appears as the listbox background (i.e. it never shows as a gradient brush). I have been able to set the background of the listbox itself, and I can set the listboxitem's ...

How to easly integrate a Silverlight application into Dynamics CRM in regards of the look and feel / UI style

How to apply the crm look and feel to a silverlight application? How can I apply those CSS Styles to the silverlight UI? ...

My ListView or ListBox control size doesn't shrink when there is a complex data template which hides display elements based on triggers?

I have a ListView element with a DataTemplate for each ListViewItem defined as follows. When run, the ListView's height is not collapsed onto the items in the view, which is undesirable behavior: <DataTemplate x:Key="LicenseItemTemplate"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <...

Unit testing custom controls in Silverlight

I have several custom controls (some kind of frames for content and layout management, like wrap panel), and would like to write unit tests for them. It's hard to find any good examples except Silverlight control toolkit, which has some helper classes to do unit tests and it's quite complicated. For MVVM classes it's easy to write tests...

What are the tools and components needed to work on Silverlight 3?

I see too many downloads in MSDN associated with Silverlight (SDK, toolkit etc). What do i actually need to develop a data centric LOB application in Silverlight 3.0? ...

Load Child-Nodes on Expansion of Parent-Node in a TreeView via the IsExpanded Property

I know that there has already been some discussion about this, but I haven't been able to solve my problem yet. As for loading items on demand that works fine already. I have subclassed TreeViewItem, and whenever the 'Expanded' event is fired, my TreeViewItemSource fetches the next few Nodes. But this is a but messy, as I have the cust...

Using Session in Silverlight using simple WebServices (NOT WCF)

Hi, I need to use Session variables in my Silverlight application ( Using Visual Studio 2008, and Silverlight 3). I am already using a webservice (not WCF service) and would like to know if I can add two methods say GetSessionVariable and SetSessionVariable in my existing WebService Class? Any assistance with sample code would be great...

How can I vertically align the bullet in a XAML TreeView HierarchicalDataTemplate?

When a node in my TreeView has multiple lines, the TreeView bullet gets vertically centered. How can I top-align the TreeView bullet? <pages:BasePage.Resources> <data:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="OutlineTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding OutlineDocumentObjects}"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Line}" TextW...

Behaviors for Blend (Silverlight 4)

I'm wondering if anybody knows any good (free) behaviors for Blend/Silverlight 4 Specifically I'm looking for a behavior that I can drop on a TextBlock to make it scroll horizontally or a behavior that will "flash" text in a TextBlock (blinking text). But I'd love to hear about any behaviors you've been using or know about. As an examp...

What does Silverlight offer?

I'm working with C# and WPF and I would like to study something related to web programming. I already know HTML and CSS, and since I'm working with WPF, I am wondering if going into Silverlight is a good choice to start web developing. Can it be a substitute of server-side programming languages, like PHP or ASP .NET? What do you suggest?...

Upgraded to Silverlight 4 cause System.Security.SecurityException

Trying to open a file dialog but I get an exception when calling ShowDialog. This pice of code have always worked fine but I think when I upgrade to Silverlight 4 it caused some problem. Code: var dlg = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv" }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { Upload(dlg.File); } Exception: Di...

Is it possible to launch a Silverlight 4 OOB application from a web page?

I'm planning to build a download manager application and would like to be able to launch the application when a user clicks a button the site. The application would obviously already need to be installed on the client machine. There are a few reasons why this needs to be written using Silverlight, but they're not really relevant to the...