
sliverlight 4 data access approach

A Silverlight 4 client needs to show read-only data. This data will come from an existing third-party product (an API exposed as web services or simply a dll). What's the simplest way to expose this data from the server so the SL client can consume it. I will have a service wrapper around the third-party API, however, I'm not sure what ...

Is there a way to emulate the Console in a Silverlight or WPF application?

I really like using Console applications to learn different aspects of .NET programming. I'm wondering if there is a way to emulate the Console in a Silverlight or WPF application. Is there already an open source Console control that I could plug into my application? Most importantly, I'd need to be able to emulate the appropriate Rea...

adding Foreground converter to DatagridTextColumn in xaml

I'm trying to add a converter to a DataGridTextColumn to convert the foreground brush based on the value of the cell in the xaml file. The DecimalConverter works fine and follows the same pattern. Here is my xaml... <UserControl.Resources> <y:FixedDecimalConverter x:Key="FixedDecimalConverter" /> <y:ForegroundValueConverter x:...

Real Silverlight Support on Windows Embedded Compact 7?

So Windows Embedded Compact 7 (another classic from the naming department) supports Silverlight for Windows Embedded. But this is a C++ only stripped down version of Silverlight 2 XAML. Does anybody know if Windows Embedded Compact 7 will support real Silver...

Resolve Concurrency Errors on Silverlight Client with WCF RIA Services

I have a Silverlight 4 project using WCF RIA Services RTM. Most of the RIA functionality is working, but I'm having a problem with concurrency checking. The server is correctly checking concurrency and passing a DomainOperationException to the DomainDataSource.SubmittedChanges event. I'm handling that even and enumerating the Entities...

Is Windows mobile 7 User interface based on silverlight?

I've heard that windows mobile 7's user interface (UI) is completely based on silverlight. can anybody confirm this? or it is implemented by other frameworks? thank you ...

3D in HTML5 vs Silverlight

I'm wondering about the 3D capabilities of HTML5 versus those of Silverlight. Someone was telling me that Internet Explorer 9 and the next version of Chrome will both feature GPU acceleration. How will this compare to say, the capabilities of Silverlight? I know Unity is a great 3D engine, but would it be possible to render reasonably c...

bottom of Silverlight 3 control cut off with no vertical scrollbar if it is too big for browser window.

I have a silverlight control on a page. It is set to "Width=100% Height=100%", and the containing div is set to an absoulute position with "0" on all edges. On a small screen, when the silverlight content is taller than the screen, the bottom is cut off, and there is no scroll bar. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? ...

Navigate to another xaml page from Silverlight accordionitem

Hello, I am working Silverlight project. I have a page1.xaml and I added accordion control and added a couple of accordionitems inside of the accordion control. One of items, I added a user control which has a textbox and button. What I want to do is that when users clicks on the button, i want them to navigate to page2.xaml. I tried ...

Visual Studio and Silverlight deployment

I am using the Publish functionality to deploy my Silverlight webapplication. I am not hosting it in an aspx page, just a plain html page. I do not need all the extra stuff. When I publish it, it wants to add a bin folder, and it wants to compile the site it seems. Is there any way I can disable this? I just want my index.html fi...

Pass a value from child to parent in Silverlight

Hello, I am working on Silverlight project. I added a custom user control (Say, control1) which has a text box and button to a xaml page (Say, Page1). Now what I want to do is when users clicks on the button, i want to pass the value in the textbox to Page1 and do something. So basically, I am looking for a way to pass back a value fr...

Alternative to Ria Services

Hi I'm looking for another approach than use Ria Services with silverlight. We are using Silverlight 4 and .NET 4.0 Have someone make any nice solution with shared assemblies (maybe linked files so domain logic are spread). And maybe any nice framwork to make communicating with the wcf services in a clean way?? It would be really nice i...

Bandwidth for Silverlight Apps

I have a idea of building sort of a simple online version of Microsoft Visio. The application will be built using silverlight capabilties. People will be able to design flowcharts similar to how they do in Visio and they will be able to collaborate and work simultaneously on the the design. Now, I need to get an idea of the bandwidth s...

Using WebCam images in an ASP.NET application

Greetings, Is there any way can access/stream web cam content without using flash or silverlight to access the web-cam? ...

silverlight TypeDescriptor.GetConverter substitute

I am trying to use the LINQtoSQL project in silverlight (its a great project), because its open sourced i figured i could just recompile as a silverlight class library but unfortunately it appears to use a feature not available in silverlight. The TypeDescriptor.GetConverter method. It uses this to find type converters to properly parse...

Silverlight: Binding a child grid of a grid to a child property (list) of a child propety of an object bound to the parent grid

Hi all, I am using Telerik's Silverlight grid control (RadGridView) to display a table of data (List of companies) and every row can be further expanded to show list of employees working for the company as below: +Company 1 +Company 2 -Company 3 Employee 1 Employee 2 ... I have the following classes to work with: Company ...

Cleanup vs Dispose(bool) in MVVM-light

In the lastest version of MVVM-light (V3 SP1) both "Dispose()" and "Dipose(bool)" methods in ViewModel class are marked Do not use this method anymore, it will be removed in a future version. Use ICleanup.Cleanup() instead Does this mean that IDisposable interface must not be implemented in all ViewModel classes that are derived f...

Add image at start and end of the text in silverlight

I need to display the image at start and end of the text in silverlight. For e.g. The text should be " welcome to silverlight " . The code in this text should be image and it was coming from database Any help please. Thanks in advance. ...

silverlight: fade away button?

I am making a button invisible once it gets clicked. Is there any nice animation (programmably from code behind) code that fade the button away instead of sudden disappearance? ...

When developing Silverlight apps is it ok to just to run directly from the test page?

Hi, When I create a new Silverlight project in Visual Studio it creates a new web project in the same solution and wires it up to run in a local server when developing and debugging. Some demo projects I have downloaded just run directly from the test page on disk. When developing what are the benefits of running via a server? What wo...