
Push data in Silverlight with Sockets through proxy?

Hi. I currently need to make the silverlight 4 in-browser app that can receive push messages from the server. I presume using sockets is the best way, and will also allow a connection between server and client to transfer data and update the page. But I am worried about firewalls and/or proxy servers. Is it possible to have push technolo...

Getting hold of a Silverlight Out of Browser Application Id.

I'm trying to launch a SL4 OOB application from the web browser. I'm currently trying to achieve this by associating a file type with sllauncher.exe and then adding the SL4 OOB application id as a parameter. The SL4 OOB application is launched when the specific file type is downloaded from the browser, but in order for me to create an in...

how Silverlight RenderTransformOrigin works together with TranslateTransform?

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + C# + VSTS 2008 + .Net 3.5. I am learning from the following tutorial about TranslateTransform. My question is how RenderTransformOrigin works together with TranslateTransform to achieve visual eff...

How can i bind parent's property to its child's property?

I have a GroupBox, which is defined like this <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Groupbox" > <Style TargetType="local:GroupBox"> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="DarkGray"/...

ScrollViewer doesn't fire MouseWheel event while Scrolling

The ScrollViewer's MouseWheel event will fire only when the scrollbar is at the end of it's track (either the top or bottom/left or right). The MouseWheel event does not fire when it's anywhere in between. Does anyone have any clue as to how to capture the scrolling when it's being caused by the mouse wheel? ...

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error for silverlight application

Use VS2010 silverlight business application template to createa defaut solution. Change authentication to Windows in Web.config and the code in app.xaml.cs to use windows authentication. Nothing else changed. Then run this app from vs2010 built-in web server, it is fine, I can see the login user info from windws(from a AD domain account)...

Export formatting text in MS Word from Silverlight 4 application

Hello. How i do this? ...

in Silverlight 3 button click event handler, all other object are null?

I have a ChildWindow control which has several TextBoxes, and a Button in it,. When I click the Button, I want to change the "IsReadOnly" property of one of the TextBoxes. In my button click event handler, all of the TextBox objects are "null". Can someone explain why this is, and how I can access them? Thanks for any help. Edit: <...

How do I pass a parameter to the IValueConverter in code behind file.

I have a Dictionary<string,List<string>> I need to present in a SilverLight DataGrid. One column is the key value and the other is the values in the list. The reason for this is due to my object having more than one attribute of the same type assigned to it. The key is the name of the attribute from the db suffixed with number so the dic...

Is there a fix for VS 2008 after the Silverlight 4 windows update?

I installed a windows update for Silverlight on my Win 7 64-bit PC yesterday, and today when I started VS 2008, I got the following error: --------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio --------------------------- Package Load Failure Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight.SLPackage, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight, Vers...

Develop an classic UI or be bold with a newer design?

Forgive me if this is the wrong place but I am curious as to how other programmers feel about this topic: I am currently working on my portfolio site, it is being designed and built in silverlight 4. I initially started off with a typical stylised e-folio theme much like a standard website in terms of layout and flow. As I work more in...

Should IDataErrorInfo.Error check every property?

Should IDataErrorInfo.Error check everyShould IDataErrorInfo.Error check every property? Or can I trust any clients to call IDataErrorInfo.Item on every property? ...

Serializing Exceptions WCF + Silverlight

I have a WCF service I use to submit bugs for my project. Snippet of the data class: Private _exception As Exception <DataMember()> _ Public Property Exception As Exception Get Return _exception End Get Set(ByVal value As Exception) _exception = value End Set End Property I have a Silverlight app that ...

Expression Blend 3, solution not supported

I'm trying to open a silverlight 4 application solution in Expression Blend 3. However, Blend says that the solution is not supported. Is there something I'm missing? I'm following an example in the book Microsoft Silverlight 4 Business Application Development. ...

Silverlight 4 Assembly Sharing Problem

I have a WPF .NET 4.0 class library referencing a Silverlight 4 class library. The SL library compiles fine but when I compile the WPF class library, I get: Error 2 Unknown build error, 'Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' because it has not been ...

Dynamically setting WCF endpoint

Ive just started using WCF with silverlight and its working fine. But one thing that is bugging me is the address of the .svc. Why is it statically set in the .config? Would it be possible to set it when creating an instance of the proxy class? And if so, is there a way to set it to the current address? Our software will be deployed on m...

Show elipses where text will be truncated as per iTunes

I a building an application with a similar layout to iTunes i.e. it has a sidebar that doubles as a menu. Some of the text will exceed the boundary and rather that having it be truncated I would like to show ellipses (see line image below "Purchased on My iPh..."). How would I go about this in WPF? Suppose I made the boundary movabl...

Can I create a standalone (not ran in browser, having full trust) application with Moonlight?

I look forward to develop a WPF MVVC application which is to be ran both on Windows with .Net Framework and Mac/Linux with Mono. As far as I understand the only part of of WPF implemented in Mono is Silverlight as Moonlight. As far as I've read it is possible to develop a standalone application with Silverlight 3, but is it possible wi...

How2 display Image from DB in datagrid?

Hope it's not yet been answered, but I've googled for quite a long time, and I've not been able to get it working. In brief, I've a SL4 page with a DataGrid filled accordingly to parameters passed from the previous page, so I fill the context in code, with a "RIA" query (w/parameters as well). So far, so good. I get the XAML declared col...

How does one enhance Silverlight WritableBitmap quality when replacing UIElements for animations

I'm doing an animation where I temporarily drop down the visibility of UIElements and overlay WritableBitmap versions of the original Image. The problem I have is that when I do this on element with text, it results in a noticeably blurry and darker image meaning the switch from UIElement to Image is noticeable. Has anyone experienc...