
Silverlight Binding to TranslateX

I have a simple winphone7 application, but I think this would apply to any silverlight. Basically I have an ellipse and I would like to move it with the translate X and Y properties. Here is my attempt: <Ellipse Fill="#FFF4F4F5" Margin="0,0,-3,-3" Stroke="Black" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" > <Ellipse.RenderTransform> ...

Moq for Silverlight doesn't raise event

Trying to write Unit test for Silverlight 4.0 using Moq 4.0.10531.7 public delegate void DataReceived(ObservableCollection<TeamPlayerData> AllReadyPlayers, GetSquadDataCompletedEventArgs squadDetails); public interface ISquadModel : IModelBase { void RequestData(int matchId, int teamId); void SaveData(); event DataReceived...

Drag and Drop in Silverlight with F# and Asynchronous Workflows

Hello everyone! I'm trying to implement drag and drop in Silverlight using F# and asynchronous workflows. I'm simply trying to drag around a rectangle on the canvas, using two loops for the the two states (waiting and dragging), an idea I got from Tomas Petricek's book "Real-world Functional Programming", but I ran into a problem: Unl...

Custom calendar drag drop event: Find date dropped to

Hi stackoverflow, I've been working in silverlight to do a date-oriented application. I started off with changing the calendar template to contain a listbox on every date, and I created a listbox containing simple items. I implemented an easy drag drop on both those elements, so now I can drag from the listbox containing the items to t...

Silverlight vs ASP.NET for Business?

Which of these two technologies has bigger demand today? I have plenty of free time this summer so I was thinking of learning either ASP.NET or Silverlight 4, and get an internship this coming Fall. If you've read my other question here on SO "Financial Market Developer Dilemma" then you already know that I am planning to work in the f...

Silverlight 4, Out of browser, Printing, Automatic updates

I have a very critial business application presently running using Winforms. The application is a very core UI shell. It accepts input data, calls a webservice on my server to do the computation, displays the results on the winforms app and finally send a print stream to the printer. Presently the application is deployed using Click-o...

Silverlight Faults

I;m trying to get WCF Silverlight faults working as per this : MSDN aricle After adding the SL fault to my Web.config file I get the following warning: The element 'behavior' has invalid child element 'silverlightFaults'. List of possible elements expected: 'serviceAuthorization, serviceCredentials, serviceMetadata, serviceSecurityA...

How can I get the mouse wheel to work correctly with the Silverlight 4 ScrollViewer

When I use the following xaml in Silverlight 4, the ScrollViewer will not recognize the mouse wheel unless I click once on the scroll bar thumb, and keep the mouse over the scroll bar, while turning the mouse wheel. <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <ScrollViewer> <StackPanel Name="stackPanel1"> <Butt...

How to Import Excel Data into Silverlight App for Visualization?

Hi there, Im building an Silverlight Application (Silverlight 4, Visual Studio 2010), in which the user can generate Charts (line-Charts, Bar Chart) dynamically, by entering a specific time period. At the Moment i have no idea how to import the data to Silverlight, to generate the Charts. My data is stored in 4 Excel Tables and i have ...

Building SL4 + RIAServices app takes too long on VS2010.

Got a Win7 box with VS2010 Premium installed on it. Building desktop apps works just fine. But we got this solution with 15 SL4 and 21 desktop projects... Building the SL part of it takes too long. This is very irritating and encourages to drop TDD since every time I run a test it takes ~3 seconds for msbuild to find out that nothing c...

How to remove Region and add new ContentControls from Module

I've set only one region in Shell "LoginRegion" <!-- Login Region --> <Border Grid.Row="0"> <ContentControl x:Name="LoginRegion" Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="LoginRegion" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"/> </Border> And after login succeeded, I need to remove "Log...

SilverLight project missing in solutiuon explorer

I had project in VS2008 with Silverlight 3.0 but when i installed 4.0 and uninstalled 3.0 its not working "Its not loading the project in solution explorer " [I hav installed both SDK and Tool Kit] ...

Silverlight Create draggable control over image

Hello, I want to build some GUI where an image is presented, and the user should pick nd/or adjust some points (ellipses) according to the image. Basically, like a map control, when we want to mark some points or make a route, but instead of a map, a picture must be presented. The final locations will be used for image processing. Is th...

Does Moonlight support UDP sockets?

Seems that Silverlight 4.0 supports UDP. Any version of Moonlight that supports UDP? ...

Silverlight Close/Cancel button

This is for Silverlight 4, I want to create a new button class for a close/cancel button to use on dataentry screens. The aim is to move the "confirm cancel" interaction to the control rather than having it in the ViewModel. Functional outline: 1) Have a property IsDirty, needs to support binding 2) Has two "states", controled by IsD...

Saving Image embedded in Silverlight RichTextBox

I am currently working on a Silverlight project and I am using RichTextBox. User are allowed to drag and drop images on to the RTB. I know that the Xaml property a Silverlight RichTextBox doesn't not include any UIElement objects that are present in the content and I need to save the content of this RTB and later load it. Does anyone kno...

Silverlight dataform MVVM command binding on update.

I'm new to MVVM and Silverlight and I'm just trying to figure out a simple scenario. I'm using the MVVM Light toolkit and Silverlight 3.0 without Expression Blend. I have a DataGrid and a DataForm bound to an observable collection in a ViewModel. I would like to bind to my RelayCommand Save() property after I make changes to the data i...

WCF: Server Not Found - from trace Empty Message when run async but works fine from console app?

Todays cause of hair loss has been the following scenario: I have a service that takes 2 strings and returns another. This service uses basicHttpBinding <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="basicHttpNoSec"> <security mode="None" /> </binding> </basicHttpBinding> Anyway, it works fine from a console test app. I have a silverlig...

Adding Enumeration Value to Silverlight Attribute/Property

In the <ImageBrush/> element, there are AlignmentX and AlignmentY attributes with values Left/Center/Right and Top/Center/Bottom, respectively. What I'm wanting to do is set my own value in, for example, AlignmentX either as a value or as another enumeration like AlignmentX="HalfCenter" where HalfLeft equals my own value (halfway betwee...

Put an application window as wallpaper

I'm looking to put an application window behind all other windows. I was thinking of using .NET 4 and WPF or Silverlight. I don't have any specific drawing code, I just want my application window as my desktop wallpaper while retaining the interactivity (no mucking around with screenshots etc). Is this even possible and if so, how? Ed...