
Silverlight Business Application / RIA Services

Does using authentication in the Silverlight Business Application template automatically imply that I need to host the Silverlight applications page (html file) on an IIS server, or can I use apache? Does using WCF RIA Services in a Silverlight Application automatically imply that I need to host the Silverlight applications page...

Strange behaviour of CheckBox and TwoWay bound property

Hello, everyone. I fell in the following situation: I have a main UserControl with a DataGrid (which contains List). I need to show different panels depending on properties of the selected row(object). So i've created 2 controls and included them into this main control. Main control has 2 public properties - public List<ComplexObject> ...

Silverlight ItemsControl with Alternating ItemTemplate

Silverlight does not support Alternating Item Templates in an ItemsControl. I have a few ideas in mind as to how to accomplish this, but to avoid polluting the potential answers, I'll leave them out. The idea is the same as a normal ItemTemplate in that it won't depend on anything in the bound data context to function. I would like th...

How to disable scrolling in ScrollViewer while Ctrl is pressed

I'd like to implement zoom function while Ctrl key is pressed. But the MouseWheel event is not trigger while the mouse is over the ScrollView. Is there any way to do it? ps:SilverLight 4.0 <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication11.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:...

Binding a dependency property to another dependency property

Take this scenario where I am working with a grid like control: <RadGrid DataContext={Binding someDataContextObject, Mode=OneWay}> <RadGrid.columns> <RadGrid.Column Header="Column Header" DataMember="{Binding dataContextObjectProperty, Mode=OneWay}"> [...] <DataTemplate> ...

IEditableCollectionView.AddNew() Throwing ArgumentNullException

In the context of Silverlight RIA using DomainContext and, the code as follows: private void AddProductButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var target = (Web.LocatorProduct)((IEditableCollectionView)ProductSource.DataView).AddNew(); target.Locator = LocatorID; target.Product = NewProduct.Text....

Custom Control in Silverlight ListBox

I have a custom control I created from a expression design I created and exported to xaml. I have put in it a bound itemtemplate/datatemplate of a ListBox contorl. It doesn't seem to be rendering more than once and/or it is rendering each item in the same place(kind of like the same x,y coordinates. It would seem to me that this should ...

How do I programmatically insert rows into a Silverlight DataGrid without binding?

I am using a common Silverlight DataGrid to display results from a search. The "schema" of the search can vary from query to query. To accommodate this, I am trying to dynamically populate the DataGrid. I can set explicitly set the columns, but I am having trouble setting the ItemSource. All of the MSDN examples set the ItemSource ...

First time unit testing (in silverlight)

Hi I've searched some other posts, but most of them assumed that people knew what they were doing in their unit testing, and frankly I don't. I see the idea behind unit testing, and I'm coding an silverlight application much in the blind right now, and I'd like to write some unit tests to kind of be sure I'm on the right path. I'd like t...

silverlight Socket: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.

I basically try to reproduce the Socket example from here: I only made a small change in the client side, i.e., String safeHost = ""; int port = 4509; Then I got this permission error? Any idea w...

Out of browser silverlight 4 application with local database that will run and install on windows or mac?

I am researching using silverlight 4 to develop a desktop application that can be installed from a browser window, now the tricky part is that I want a lightweight database embedded into the application. The database should install with the rest of the application and it should ideally work on both windows and mac systems. Originally I w...

A pattern for multiple LoadOperations using WCF RIA Services

I would like to be able to load several RIA entitysets in a single call without chaining/nesting several small LoadOperations together so that they load sequentially. I have several pages that have a number of comboboxes on them. These comboboxes are populated with static values from a database (for example status values). Right now I ...

How to test silverlight behaviors using Rhino Mocks?

I have slightly adapted the custom behavior code that can be found here: that controls a MediaElement. I need to know how to go about testing this with Rhino Mocks e.g. how to instantiate a new ControlMediaElementAction in test code and then call the...

How to view the source code of a Silverlight dll

Hi, I have a DLL of the Silverlight 4 Datagrid control. How can I see the source code? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Datagrid row height doesnot shrink back

Hi, I have a data grid, in each row I have one cell which needs to have a very lengthy text which is about 1000 characters long. So I decided to put the text in the expander control keeping the cell width fixed, when the user wants to read the text, he clicks on the expander to open and reads it. The row height automatically grows whe...

For use WCF and create .svc is necessary a web application or in simple ASP.NET website run the .svc

Because in website i retrieve from .svc The type 'TaskService', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive could not be found. and not in web application [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public class TaskServ...

report an bug to microsoft peple.

Hi, is there any site where we can talk to microsoft people and report an bug . so that we can tell that there is bug of the datagrid control in Sl 4 (row height does not shrink back). please let me know how i can communitae with them. thanks prince ...

How we can perform live encoding of videos to mp4 and stream it in ASP.NET.

I'm using flow player for streaming videos to my browser.The videos are uploaded by the users and they may upload different formats. What will be solution to stream the videos as mp4 , what ever be the format they upload. I'm currently using ffmpeg commands. The problem is after encoding the video is getting down scaled.Also if the user...

Silverlight Unit Testing Framework running tests in external class library

I'm currently looking into different options for unit testing Silverlight applications. One of the frameworks available is the Silverlight Unit Test Framework from Microsoft (developed primary by Jeff Wilcox, One of the scenarios I'm looking into is running the same tests on both Silve...

ReflectionTypeLoadException with Silverlight serialization attributes

Hi all, I´m trying to inspect the types in a silverlight 4 assembly from a .NET 3.5 application. I have loaded the silverlight assembly with a Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom sentence. contractsAssembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(contractsAssemblyPath); When the .NET application tries to perform a call to GetTypes(), it throws...