
How to: Bandwidth Calculator in Silverlight

I am wondering is there any silver sample project available which can monitor the local network traffic (bytes sent received) precisely IPv4InterfaceStatistics like information. ...

Silverlight: Binding a custom control to an arbitrary object

I am planning on writing a hierarchical organizational control, similar to an org chart. Several org chart implementations are out there, but not quite fit what I have in mind. Binding fields in a DataTemplate to a custom object does not seem to work. I started with a generic, custom control, i.e. public class NodeBodyBlock : ContentC...

Silverlight Data Access - how to keep the gruntwork on the server

What technologies are used / recommended for HTTP Rpc Calls from Silverlight. My Server Side stack is JBoss (servlets / json_rpc [jabsorb]), and we have a ton of business logic (object creation, validation, persistence, server side events) in place that I still want to take advantage of. This is our first attempt at bringing an applet ...

FolderBrowseDialog Silverlight

I have an silverlight 4 application, and I want to upload recursively a local folder on the server. For upload files separatly, there is OpenFileDialog method, But I can not select a folder path. Does exist an equivalent of the WPF "FolderBrowseDialog" method in silverlight ? ...

Silverlight Bind to inverse of boolean property value

Hi All I want to bind a controls visibility to inverse of boolean property value. I have a property CanDownload, if it is true then I want to hide textbox and vice versa. How can I achieve this? Thanks ...

WCF Web Services and native ASP.NET Health Monitoring

hi guys, I need a final answer to the following question! :-) I was wondering if you can enable Health Monitoring for WCF Web services. I'm hosting a number of services in IIS and configured it to send the team email notification when any exceptions are thrown. I feel that Health Monitoring does not work with WCF Services and that I ha...

Calling a webservice synchronously from a Silverlight 3 application?

I am trying to reuse some .NET code that performs some calls to a data-access-layer type service. I have managed to package up both the input to the method and the output from the method, but unfortunately the service is called from inside code that I really don't want to rewrite in order to be asynchronous. Unfortunately, the webservic...

Is it good to create a usercontrol for Recursive code in xaml?

<Border BorderBrush="#C4C8CC" BorderThickness="0,0,0,1"> <TextBlock x:Name="SectionTitle" FontFamily="Trebuchet MS" FontSize="14" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="#3D3D3D" /> </Border> I have to use the same above format at many places in a single xaml page, so for this i created a usercontrol and defined the above code insid...

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Silverlight' or one of its dependencies

I am a newbee to Silverlight and I am on it as I have inherited a sharepoint site that "used to" use Silverlight 2. I say "Used to" because the object tag in live .aspx pages says PARAM NAME="minRuntimeVersion" VALUE="2.0.31005.0". For some reason the development environment now produces param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="3.0.40818.0"...

How to hide the border around child window

Hi, I have a child Window , and I am displaying it from the code behind as below: ChildPhotoViewer PhotoViewer = new ChildPhotoViewer(); PhotoViewer.DataContext = selectedPhoto; PhotoViewer.Title = selectedPhoto.strTitle.ToString(); PhotoViewer.Show(); But While Displaying the child win...

Sharing same vector control between different places

Hi everyone, I'm trying to implement the following: I have an Items Manager, that has an Item class inside. Item class can store two possible visual representations of it - BitmapImage(bitmap) and UserControl(vector). Then later, in the game, I need to share the same image or vector control between all possible places it takes place. F...

Silverlight Required TextBox Attached Property

I have a need to create an attached property for a TextBox, that enforces a rule that content is required. NOTE: Unfortunately I am not able to use data annotations, or SL4 validation frameworks. The textboxes are displayed within the context of a View. The View is reused in many places. When tabbing / clicking between TextBoxes within...

How to make a dotted border on a Border element in Silverlight?

How can I make the bottom border of this Border Silverlight element have a red dotted inside of a red solid line? Border border = new Border(); border.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(5); border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1); border.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); ...

Best practice for panning/zooming a user control?

We currently have a user control which displays a dynamic matrix of other user controls. Since it's dynamic, the view can become large, requiring the user to scroll up/down & left/right in the browser to view everything. I would like to give the users one view of the user control with the ability to pan & zoom on it, much like the fe...

Datapager in silverlight 4 -Nested datagrid visibility issue

I have a datagrid in silverlight with child datagrid nested in it. Also I have a DataPager on the outer datagrid. The code looks like this: <data:DataGrid x:Name="dgData" Width="600" ItemsSource="{Binding}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="True" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" CanUserSortColumns="Fa...

NHibernate equivalent of LinqToEntitiesDomainService in RIA

Hi, When using Entity Framework with RIA domain services, domain services are inherited from LinqToEntitiesDomainService, which, I suppose, allows you to make LINQ queries on a low level (client-side) which propagate into ORM; meaning that all queries are performed on the database and only relevant results are retrieved to the server an...

silverlight master-detail with two listboxes in pure xaml with ria services throwing exception

Hi, I was trying to achieve master-detail with 2 ListBox, 2 DomainDataSource and a IValueConverter, when entering the page it throws the random error it does when your xaml is invalid: "AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE [Line: 24 Position: 61]" Which is in fact the start position of where I am binding the listbox selected item with convert...

Can VS2010 help me find memory leaks?

I'm going through the pain right now of finding memory leaks in my application using WinDbg. Luckily, I've found a few good articles that give a very good step-by-step process of how to do it. Still, it is a fairly painful process. Does VS2010 have any built in features that can ease the burden of finding a memory leak in a Silverlight a...

Vector graphics in silverlight

Hi Folks, I am new to Silverlight. Just created my first application that shows deepzoom images. Looking for some pointers how to display vector graphics in Silverligth. The graphics are all in 2D and is a series of lines (x1y1, x2y2), points (xy), basic shapes. The data is available in ASCII text files. What is the way(s) to read ...

SL4 : trying to get bitmap image for printing

Hello, I am trying to capture my application's canvas as a bitmap to send to a printer. Following some examples I have found: WriteableBitmap bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(root.Width, root.Height); ScaleTransform st = new ScaleTransform(); bitmap.Render(root, st); Image img = new image(); Canvas cnvs = new Canvas() { Width = root.Width...