
How to measure Silverlight or Flash control load time with Google Analytics

Hi everyone I have a simple silverlight page for for finding available domain names. This problem is equaly valid for a flash control as well. I use Google Analytics for monitoring the traffic. I would like to find out how long it take for users to download and render the Silverlight control. Once the java script on a page is loaded...

How do I send user to a URI on MouseLeftButtonUp?

This question is for Windows Phone 7. I'd like to send the user to a specific external URI when the entire ListBox item is clicked (not HyperLinkButton). I already have a MouseLeftButtonUp event handler for the item. At this point, I can't find a way to navigate the user to the URI. ...

WPF DataTemplate Trigger set a property in a different DataTemplate

I have 2 DataTemplates (A & B). A contains an expander and the expander's HeaderTemplate is pointed at another DataTemplate (B). DataTemplate B is shown below: <DataTemplate x:Key="ProjectExpanderHeader"> <Border CornerRadius="2,2,0,0" Background="{StaticResource ItemGradient}" Horizontal...

Silverlight 4 NewBie Question

I am watching a video from website about DataForm. There is no source code download, so I am typing in the code as I watch the video. Unfortunately I can't replicate what is shown in the video. there are several issues. I am going to list out only the first 2 1) The presenter shows a simple class inside DataForm that has...

[Silverlight, Navigation] Layout of elements added to a tabcontrol on a different navigation page wrong.

Hello, I am developing a Silverlight client using the provided navigation template for an imageboard I developed. I have a "search" tab which lists all searches for tags which were executed. I also have a show post tab which shows (also in tab-form) posts, opened from the search tab. When I open a post from the search page, it instan...

What is the easiest way to remove the Silverlight TextBox mouse hover border?

I want to display text in a Silverlight application so that the user can copy and paste it elsewhere (as one is used to doing on an HTML web site). If I use TextBlock, then the user cannot copy and paste. Therefore I use TextBox, but it has a default border on it. I can remove the border with BorderThickness="0" like this: <TextBox ...

get the coordinates of a FrameworkElement bounding rectangle

How does one get the upper left coordinates of a framework elements bounding rectangle? let fe : FrameworkElement = ea.Item.Content let p = fe.TranslatePoint(new Point(0.0, 0.0), null) The preceding code is giving me: The field, constructor or member 'TranslatePoint' is not defined. I am confused as MSDN Shows this as a mem...

Silverlight Out of Browser check

I am working on an application that requires running out of browser; How can I test if the application is running Out of Browser? ...

Using GridSplitter in a Xaml file for both Silverlight and WPF

I have a Xaml file which is used in a project which can be built for both Silverlight and WPF. I want to use the GridSplitter control. However, this control is in different Xaml namespaces on Silverlight and desktop WPF. In WPF, the namespace is: On Silverlight, it is: http:/...

Buttons in the corners?

I'd like to have 4 buttons one in each corner of a WPF/Silverlight window. But I want the stuff in the grid/window to be "behind" the buttons, as if they float on top. <Grid x:Name="ButtonRoot"> <Button VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="bTopLeft" /> <Button VerticalAlignment="Top"...

Asynchronous Silverlight 4 call to the World of Warcraft armoury streaming XML in C#

Hello - I have been stuck on this all weekend and failed miserably! Please help me to claw back my sanity!! Your challenge For my first Silverlight application I thought it would be fun to use the World of Warcraft armoury to list the characters in my guild. This involves making an asyncronous from Silverlight (duh!) to the WoW armour...

StructureMap for Silverlight

Hey fellow coders, Has anyone tried to port the current StructureMap source to work with Silverlight? I know there are other IOC containers for Silverlight like Unity, Ninject, and a few others, but I particularly like the ease of use with StrutureMap. Anyways, I'm on a quest at the moment to get it working with SL. Let me know your ...

Implicit theme error:The property 'Content' was not found in type 'System.Windows.Controls.Control'.

I have got an error while trying to upgrade our large project to SL4. I didn't write the original theme and my theme knowlege isn't great. In my demo app I have a Label and a LabelHeader(which i have created and is just a derived class from Label with DefaultStyleKey = typeof(LabelHeader); I am styling the LabelHeader like this: <Style...

imported function name is not visible in entities context

hi I am working on silverlight application which uses EF. I am able to retrieve the data. But I want to execute a stored procedure which returns no value. I tried using Import function. and the function is created in DataModel.Designer.cs : public int ClearWorkflow(Nullable<global::System.Guid> processId) { Object...

Dispatcher Timer Problem

I am trying to make a game in silverlight that also has widgets in it. To do this I am using a dispatcher timer running a game loop that updates graphics etc. In this I have a variable that has to be accessed by both by the constantly running game loop and UI event code. At first look it seemed that the gameloop had its own local copy...

placing pop up based on the mouse position(x,y)

here i need to get the mouse position that is its x,y value based on that i can place my modal pop up in that postion. my pop is define din xaml page here i will be assigning only its position where i need to place my modal pop up. ...

want a silverlight listbox with vertical marquee like effect

i want a silverlight listbox whose items are automatic scrollable (like a vertical marquee) ...

Convert object to enum C#

I have binded a list of enum to a combobox. Now I want to get the SelectedItem return the enum, which currently returns it as type object. How do I convert this object to my enum? My framework is silverlight on windows-phone-7 ...

New Silverlight features in 4.0

For any silverlight fanatics out there, I was wanting to ask what type of new features does Silverlight 4.0 have compared to Silverlight 1.0 ? I am a Silverlight newbie and need to get that skillset accquired. ...

how to add some checkboxes in stackPanel at runtime?

Hi all, I am a new silverlight user and struggle a bit with the coding. Could anyone please help me. What I am trying to do is create a list of checkboxes in a stackpanel on my application at runtime. The amount of checkboxes is determined by the amount of classnames in my sql database. I am using vb ...