
How can I convert business layer exceptions into validation errors in SL4?

I'm fairly new to Silverlight and RIA. However, we're developing an app with a SL frontend using WCF/RIA to connect to our service layer. We're using the mvvm pattern so that may play into this as well. I have a particular dataform where I use commanding to hook the EditEnding event of the dataform. In EditEnding, I call my Service to...

How to pass Model object (to which data binding is done in view) between two views in MVVM

Hello, I am prototyping a windows phone 7 application in silverlight. I am trying to use MVVM pattern in my application. I have the following situation: I navigate from one view1 (page) to another view2 (page) using NavigationService.Navigate("uri of next page") method [Please note NavigationService is a sealed class, so cannot be overr...

Best way to databind (WPF/Silverlight style) to an aggregation of a property on a collection inside a collection?

Hi everyone, I have an object model like this: class Car { public string Manufacturer; public int Mileage; public ObservableCollection<Part> Parts; } class Part { public string Name; public int Price; } And I want to display the total price of "all my cars" to the user. I want to accomplish this with DataBinding...

Authenticating a WCF call from Silverlight using ADAM (AD LDS)

I have a Silverlight 4 client that invokes several WCF services. We want the communication to be encrypted using SSL (I have this part solved already) and that every call be authenticated against AD LDS (ADAM), do you have any simple example showing how to make this work? There's plenty of documentation on the oh-so-many WCF options but ...

Where should I host my Silverlight videos?

I am writing a Silverlight application which displays large applications. It uses MediaElement and the user can scroll to any particular point in the video. However, I don't want to have to host these large videos myself. What is the easiest/best option for hosting? (A sort of youtube for silverlight if you want) ...

Error: input string was not in a correct format

hai this is hari, i create sp in following format. ALTER procedure [spInsertEmp] @empName varchar(50), @Emp_Id int , @option varchar(10) as set nocount off IF @option='delete' delete from emp where Emp_Id=@Emp_Id if @option='insert' IF EXISTS(select EmpName from emp where EmpName=@empName) return -1 ELSE insert into emp (EmpNam...

Case sensitive UriMapper issue in Silverlight 3

In Navigation API of Silverlight 3 the UriMapper class is case sensitive. For the following uri mapping <nav:Frame Source="/Home"> <nav:Frame.UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="" MappedUri="/Views/HomePage.xaml"/> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/entity/{code}" Mapped...

WCF and Silverlight CrossDomain.xml

Apologies if this has been asked before (I couldn't find the answer anywhere), but I have a WCF Service Application that I have created, and am trying to access via my Silverlight 4 app. I have added the service reference to the SilverLight App and am just trying to call one of the default pre existing methods on the service (GetData). W...

Storing application settings in Silverlight

I want to be able to change a setting in my silverlight assembly at runtime, i want a bit like a web.config in a web site? what is the best way of doing this? thank you ...

Server-side reuse of a silverlight class that uses .Net RIA Domain Services

Currently I have a working Silverlight application that uses .Net RIA Services. It's structure: Client-side Application.Client.UI.dll (Xamls and basic UI stuff) Application.Client.BL.dll (Contains the Link to RIA and most of the business logic) Server-side Application.Server.Data.dll (Server-side dll that holds the Entity-model a...

Possible to refresh browser page from another tab

I have a silverlight application. This contains a "preview" button. Button code is as follows: private void btn_Preview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(""),"_blank"); } When I clicking the button in firefox, a new page is created in a new tab. When I click agai...

The most similar javascript framework to Silverlight

I like Silverlight because of the following, in brief: -declarative GUI language (XAML) -data and command binding -GUI designer -MVVM pattern -strong typed language. But Silverlight isn't available everywhere. I'd like to investigate alternatives which doesn't involve any browser plugin. Basically javascript frameworks with a compiler t...

Change culture of Silverlight application

Hi, I am working on a Silverlight app at the moment. I have a few datagrids/textblocks where I use standard binding to show values, some of which are dates. e.g. <sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="True" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyCollection}"> <sdk:DataGrid.Columns> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding ...

how to bring canvas above all the other controls

i am working on a silver light application . i have a canvas in the page,i want to show the canvas above all the other controls or want to bring all the canvas to the front of the can that be done ...

Styling dynamically added StackPanel child elements

Hi, I have a StackPanel that I dynamically change the contents of every 5 minutes to show the user messages. These messages are displayed as TextBlock or HyperLinkButton. I'm wondering how/if I can set a style within the StackPanels style that will apply to the children. E.g. I've tried <Style x:Key="InfoBarStyle" TargetType="StackP...

Techniques for debugging a race condition in Silverlight

I've hit against what I think is a race condition. What options do I have to debug it? More details: I have a Silverlight application which uses Telerik grid. The columns can be customised by the user by using a column chooser attached to the grid. In a particular case where the list of possible columns are created via the code, when I ...

Binding datagrid and combobox to the same datasource.

I'm facing the following problem: I have a datagrid on the first tab and combobox on the second. They both are bound to the same property - FieldList (OneWay for datagrid and TwoWay for combobox). The point is that the user needs to be able to select item from the combobox on the seconds page, but when he does such thing - the Select...

Drawing Basic Shapes in WPF InkCanvas

Hi..I am working on a paint like application in wpf.I want the users to be able to add some drawings over images or plain surfaces.Also i want to draw some basic shapes like line,ellipse or a rectangle.I am trying to work with an inkcanvas,where i can do freehand drawing,but i cant draw shapes like in paint.Can anyone guide me and provi...

F# or C# for personal Silverlight project?

Hi all, I'm about to start working on a rich-internet-application project for a student organization at my university. I will be the only programmer, and what technologies to use is totally up to me. I've already decided on going with Silverlight, but I'm not sure whether to use C# or F#. Here are some of the things I'm keeping in mind:...

Silverlight Smooth Streaming Client Memory Usage

The sample Smooth Streaming Client provided here continues to grow in memory until it fails out with an Out of Memory Exception. Our version is using Silverlight 3 and we have tried the Beta 2 and TRW 1 versions of the Smooth Streaming Client. However, the memory usage continues to be a problem. There are numerous values to control th...