
Which one is best for UDP applications?

Hi all, I'm working on file transfer project using UDP. Server side CPP. I developed an application of client end in Flash builder but its not giving the proper result. There is no multi threading in Flash, this is also one reason. Can anybody tell me which one is better than this and which supports multi threading. I'm looki...

Make a silverlight textblock act like a hyperlink

I'm pretty new to silverlight. I have a text block that is displayed inside a datagrid (inside a DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate template to be precise). I'd like to dynamically make some of the textblocks into hyperlinks that open a new window. Is there a way to do this - so far all I can come up with is using a hyperlink button ...

Silverlight 4 and DataTemplate.Triggers

Hi All, I'm trying to show the Master/details scenario in SL4. I have a DataGrid as master and ContentControl as the Child/detail and I want is to select the ContentTemplate to be picked up based upon the [ProductTemplate] Property Value of the currently Selected Item in the DataGrid. Also within that DataTemplate I have DataForm and a ...

silverlight 4 and Layout Styles

Hi all, Does anybody knows what layout styles has been used on Silverlight toolkit website. Specially the Two Regions on Right Hand Side with Expandable and multiple tab items on it. Can we use that? ...

How to get the Curent Height and Width of the Browser

Hi, How can I get the Height and Width of the Browswer . I tried using : double Width = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availWidth"); double Height = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availHeight"); But this Returns the Current Screen Resolution. But I need to handle Some Controls like Media Element Height and Width When t...

SL 4 Version Hell ?? The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version

I've been developing for and running Silverlight 4 for about a week. A week ago I installed the Silverlight 4 design time components to develop and debug silverlight for VS 2010 - I posted some of these apps and they were used by users running SL4. Today, I went to a website that told me to upgrade my SL (I think it was the MS expressi...

Moq a MEF Import?

I have a class A which has the following: public class A { [Import(typeof(IMyService)] public IMyService MyService { get; set; } public A() { CompositionInitializer.SatisfyImports(this); } public void DoWork() { //Blah MyService.DoIt(); //Blah } } And a Test to test this (seper...

Unit testing private functions in Silverlight

Does anyone know how to test private functions in a Silverlight Unit Test project? The *_Accessor objects don’t seem to be available that are their in a normal unit testing project. ...

Best approach for user to user audio communication

For one of my projects I need users to be able to communicate with each other in an audio mode. The thing I'm concerned about is the scalability of the project if it even gets big in terms of bandwidth consumption. What are the alternatives to passing the audio through my server to the users? Is it possible to create a link between tw...

Change parent nigation frame from a child control with a hyperlink

I think I'm possibly having trouble wording it (being new to silverlight and its controls) but the general goal and problem is this: I have created a silverlight application with "MainPage.xaml". Within the page is a grid that has two basic controls: a navigation:Frame [we can call this ContentFrame as Microsoft has done in their demos]...

need explanation on the add children method

Hi, I've been using Children.Add with different default silverlight controls adding them to canvases. What I don't get is why something like this is possible: Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(){...}; canvas.Children.Add(rec); but not something like this (doesn't even compile): myRectangle rec = new myRectangle(); canvas.Children.Ad...

Data Pagination: SQL Server 2005 + SL3

Hey everybody, got an interesting question I think. I've got a Silverlight3 application which is querying a SQL Server 2005 database asynchronously. However, some of the data sets the queries return are massive and so I'm looking into data pagination. Goals: 1) Just in time data calls - I only want to query for page 3's data when the ...

Difference between ItemsSource and DataContext as pertains to ListBox

I am not quite grokking the difference between ItemsSource and DataContext. Can someone explain it and back it up with examples? When would I use one or the other. I am reading the docs and it says that I can bind using DataContext, but I throw an ObservableCollection at it and nothing shows up in the list. If I throw the same collec...

Images in a Horizontal StackPanel are being displayed Vertically

I am building a layout in Silverlight 4, and am trying to display some thumbnail images horizontally with a horizontal scrollbar. To do this I tried using a StackPanel with Horizontal Orientation, but the resulting images are always displayed Vertically. <ScrollViewer Height="140" VerticalAlignment="Top" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hid...

Silverlight: Need AFTER Application.Current.Host.Content.FullScreenChanged EVENT

Problem: I'm using the Silverlight Application.Current.Host.Content.FullScreenChanged event to detect when a user switches back and forth between fullscreen mode. Unfortunately it seems that this event fires BEFORE anything on the screen is actually resized. I need to know the ActualWidth/ActualHeight of various FrameworkElements AFTE...

What audio format works for Silverlight + WPF ?

Hi, I'm writing a pair of applications for distributing audio (among other features). I have a WPF program that allows an artist to record and edit audio. Clicking a button then uploads this to a silverlight-powered website. A consumer visiting this website can then listen to the audio. Simple. It works. But I'd like it to be better: I ...

Code Coverage and Silverlight 4

Is there any way to get Code Coverage metrics for Silverlight 4? I have been trying to get this up and running for some time. For a while there was code coverage in the Silverlight Unit Test Framework, but to my understanding it is now broken. Any ideas on how I can pull off some code coverage metrics in my application? ...

Can I compile my Silverlight 4 application as a WPF?

Just curious I heard this somewhere... I doubt it is true... ...

ICollection cast problem

Hi! Is there any solution to solve the problem with this cast example? I need to add a new element to the collection, so I have to solve it. IEnumerable enumerable; IEnumerable enumerable2; enumerable = new ObservableCollection<Something>(); enumerable2 = new ObservableCollection<Object>(); ICollection<Object>...

Silverlight 4 Unit Testing

Hi guys, I've installed Silverlight 4 Toolkit April 2010 and have VS 2010 RTM but Silverlight 4 Unit Test Project template is not installed. Is it by default for this release? If so, how can I use SL4 unit testing? Thanks. ...