
Submit operation failed - NotFound from RIA Services with Silverlight 4 on SubmitChanges()

I'm using SL4 and RIA Services to build a new solution based on the Silverlight Business Application template. Since I'm still developing, I'm just using localhost. I'm trying to test the SubmitChanges functionality by making a single change in an associated (composition) entity and calling SubmitChanges. I have a breakpoint in my Dom...

RejectChanges() problem with RIA Services and Silverlight 4

I'm using SL4 and the version of RIA Services that was released at the same time as SL4 (mid-April 2010). I have a datagrid that is bound to a PagedCollectionView that wraps the EntitySet returned by RIA Services, i.e. context.MyEntities. I don't allow editing directly in the grid. Instead, I have a separate "update" panel (a UserCo...

How can I trigger JavaScript to execute after a Silverlight applet loads?

I am working on a project where I have a lot of interaction between JavaScript and managed code. In fact, I need the JS application to interface with the Silverlight application in the page right from the beginning. So I need the Silverlight application to load before the JS code gets executed. But while doing so, most of the times I g...

MVVM-Light, firing events from a button inside a data grid column template

MVVM light has been a pleasure to learn, but here I am stuck. The problem is event firing. In the code below, one button the works and fires events. The other button doesnt. No binding errors are reported in the output. Is there anything obvious I am missing? <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">... <StackPanel> <Button Content="THIS BUTTON WO...

does Silverlight have more graph/charting capabilities than WPF?

In terms of making a decision between WPF or Silverlight for an application does Silverlight have more graph/charting capabilities than WPF? Would this be a factor (in terms of additional cost/effort with WPF to build/buy charting components) ...

How do I get Inline links in a paragraph grouped with images and that are interactive?

I currently have about 4-6 sentences that each come from different articles. They are displayed after each other in a TedxtBox that wraps the text. What I want to do is make the sentences interactive (hover/click) and also add a small icon at the end of the sentences with the same interaction. Each sentence should have individual events ...

Difference between System.Drawing.Bitmap and System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap

What is the difference between the 2 ? some examples would be great! thnx ...

Problems sending message between Silverlight apps

Has anyone had any issues communicating between two Silverlight apps. When I try to send a message from one app, I get an error, "The message could not be delivered to receiver." My code for sending is below. I'm using the similar code that is in the samples for implementing Windows Live ID in a Silverlight App. I have this working wh...

ListBox template tweak needed for horizontal stretching of listbox items

I am trying to use a DataTemplate for ListBox.ItemTemplate for a simple TODO list. The template for each ListBoxItem is a grid and I want the content for my 2nd column to stretch the remaining width of the listbox. No amount of HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" etc. etc. seems to do the trick and I think I need to modify the template. I've ...

Silverlight: how to force browser to download updated client version?

My Silverlight (4.0) app (hosted by ASP.NET website) uses 4 projects, they all use one file with assembly version: [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] The version of currently displayed application is 1.0.3842.38865, but the newer one (1.0.3854.42448) is uploaded to server recently. The problem is that browser doesn't load new Silve...

Styling a custom windows phone 7 control

I'm using Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Tools Beta. I have a custom control that lives in it's own project with the following code: public class ValidationTextBox : TextBox { public ValidationTextBox() { DefaultStyleKey = typeof(ValidationTextBox); } } Then my WP7 App contains the following style in th...

.NET Presentation Tier Architecture / Blueprint for Line of Business Systems

We are revisiting our presentation tier architecture as a blueprint for future new, and re-written business systems (Just the presentation tier), using Microsoft technology stacks. We have around 30 .NET systems (2, 3 and 3.5), about 60% of which are web based (CWAB + Web Forms) and 40% Smart Client (using CAB / SCSF, WinForms) All syst...

Passing focus to Silverlight/Flash object in Chrome and Safari

There is a known issue with Safari and Chrome, when you can't pass a focus to plugin (Flash or Silverlight). There is also a question here at SO that asks how to solve it (marked as answered, though technically it's not the answer). I'm really concerned with this situation, since it totally breaks user experience . Do you know somebody ...

Is it secure to put the authentication for a silverlight "object" on level?

I have a silverlight application which I load inside a an website via . If I don't implement any security on the silverlight application itself - will it be secure if the user needs to authenticate on the page (in which the tag sits) only? Or is there some hack to access the silverlight application without actually acces...

Google maps in Silverlight

What is the best/easiest way to integrate google maps and silverlight? I would like to display a google map within a silverlight canvas, where the canvas will be surrounded by other silverlight controls that drive the map. ...

Is this the correct use of WCF and data contracts?

I'm still pretty new to Silverlight, quite new to WCF, and am trying to broaden my horizons into both. I'd like to learn what is considered to be good practices while doing so. On the client side, I have a Silverlight application. On the server side, I have a database that the Silverlight application will be utilizing. In between the...

Fire xaml page in new web browser

Greeting, I have 2 xaml pages in my silver light application. First page has a button. I want when I click this button to fire the second xaml page in new web browser. please advice how to do this. Thank you, ...

Queue<T> DataContractJsonSerialization in Silverlight 4.0

Can anyone serialize a Queue using the DataContractJsonSerializer in Silverlight 4.0 ? Here is some example code that throws. If not what additional collections can not be serialized using the Json Serializer ? public String Serialize() { String jsonString = String.Empty; using (MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(...

Update a TextBlock with elapsed time causing an UnauthorizedAccessException

I have a very simple StopWatch application in Silverlight. I have the following private properties in my MainPage class: _StopPressed (bool), _TimeStart, _Elapsed (string). I also have a "Start" and "Stop" button. The "Start" button calls a method called UpdateTime that constantly updates _ElapsedTime until _StopPressed is true. Wh...

Correct way to move to another page in my app

I a new to Silverlight and I want to make sure I do this in the "correct" way (if there is one). Say I am showing MainPage.xaml and I want to have a button click move me to ADifferentPage.xaml (after the OnButtonClick is run). What is the correct way to do that? ...