
What are the main friction points when moving from WPF to Silverlight and how do you fill the gaps in functionality?

Okay, to give a little background, I learned WPF about 3 years ago and have kept reasonably up to date with what's happened since in various different versions. I looked at (and implemented) MVVM on a couple of projects, had a good look at frameworks like Prism so I think I'm pretty well versed in most areas of the framework. I've also...

How to change data context and re-render single RadGridRow

After rendering full grid I need to change data context of selected Row since initially "simple" objects are filled as data source and when single item is selected (looking at RowDetailsVisibilityChanged event), then I want to change DataContext to complex object, that shows much more info in details than in collapsed row. Using GridVie...

silverlight c# textwrapping

I am creating a text block object in c#, so I don't have any XAML for it. How can I enable textwrapping on this object? ...

Silverlight MVVM : How to do Localization in the correct way ?

In normal Silverlight projects, localization in the xaml view is done using: Text="{BindingPath=ApplicationStrings.MyNewString, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}" My question is : how to do correct localization from labels when using the MVVM pattern? Is this done like described here ? In xaml view: Text="{Binding LblUsernam...

Silverlight Cross - Zone WCF access

I need to provide a localhost (self hosted) WCF - service for a Silverlight application. This service will provide all kinds of local functionality (legacy stuff, but also access to advanced hardware devices) to the Silverlight application. Imagine the following situation: Customer needs to use POS - printers in their native mode, but ...

Silverlight MVVM Business Application : Where to place the resource files ?

The default Silverlight Business Application (VS2010) creates some resources files (ValidationErrorResources.resx and RegistrationDataResources.resx) in the Web project and creates links to these in the Silverlight project. But in the client Silverlight project there are also some resource files (ApplicationStrings.resx and ErrorResourc...

How to bind to a custom property in a Silverlight Custom control

I've created a custom control with, amongst others, the following: public partial class MyButton : UserControl { public bool Enabled { get { return (bool)GetValue(EnabledProperty); } set { SetValue(EnabledProperty, value); SomeOtherStuff(); } } } public static readonly DependencyProperty EnabledP...

Silverlight c# adding tooltip to textblock

I am generating a textblock in c# and want to add a tooptip to it which displays an image and some text. how can I do this without XAML? ...

Can a Silverlight application use containing HTML styles?

I'm developing a Silverlight 4 app that has to live within an existing ASP/HTML based site, which has its own css stylesheet. I want the Silverlight app to share the look and feel of its container application, so I'm wondering about the best way to accomplish this. About the only way I can think of would be to translate the css styles ...

Silverlight Deep Zoom MultiScaleImage pixel coordinates

How to calculate number of original image (max zoom in) pixels between 2 mouse click points in a deep zoom multiscaleimage? Sounds simple but it has to return the same number of pixels at any zoom level if user clicks the same image features. The two points are read in msiLeftMouse_Click() and will return relative screen coordinates. ...

Unable to refresh/update data grid after insert in Silverlight 4

Hello, I am creating a master detials silverlight page and am having trouble updating the datagrid after inserting a new record. On the top of the page I have text boxes to enter information, when a user clicks on save I would like the information automatically updated in the database and displayed on the datagrid without refreshing th...

How to retrieve single record in WCF RIA Services?

I'm using WCF RIA Services and I have a domain service method that returns a single entity. In my Silverlight client project I'm now using following code to retrieve that entity: ctxt.Load(ctxt.GetEmployeeByNumberQuery("ABC123")).Completed += new System.EventHandler(EmployeeLoad_Completed); void EmployeeLoad_Completed(object sende...

Generate Texture in Silverlight imitate leather

Hi, I would like to display textures in different colors pretty much having this texture. How do I do this in Silverlight? Thanks! ...

WP7 SL - How can I use two different View Models in a View. One VM: Display, other for User input and acting on it

I am using ViewModelLocator pattern. I have the following situation: Page1<->VM1 => Navigate => Page2<->VM1 => Navigate => Page3<->VM3 => Page 4<->VM4 => Page 5<->VM5 I will show Page2 using VM1 but the controls that will take input w...

Summarizing rows in Silverlight DataGrid with CollectionViewGroup

Hi All, I have a PagedCollectionView and bound that with the result from a WebService. I have grouped the PagedCollectionView with a GroupProperty and the bound it to a DataGrid. Now I need to show Summarized total for each Group as a last item. Can anyone help me on how to do it using CollectionViewGroup. Thank you. ...

How to fit page to Silverlight WebBrowser control?

Hello. I use WebBrowser Silverlight 4 control to load some page: <WebBrowser Height="350" Name="webBrowser" Width="400" /> ... webBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("")); But page loads with horizontal and vertical scroll bars. So I'm trying to find some ways to get actual size of loaded page (then I can change Height/Width...

Getting the TreeViewItem on newly created items

There has to be a better way then the following for getting "childItem" TaskItem task = (sender as Canvas).DataContext as TaskItem; TaskItem child = Tasks.CreateTask("New task", task); TreeViewItem item = treeView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(task) as TreeViewItem; item.UpdateLayout(); TreeVi...

WCF Data Services UpdateObject not working

Hi, I have a Silverlight client with a grid getting data from WCF Data Service. Works fine. However if I want to update some changed grid row, the service data context UpdateObject is not working: DataServiceContext.UpdateObject(MyGrid.SelectedItem); foreach (Object item in DataServiceContext.Entities) { // } ...

silverlight 4 project into a single solution or seperate?

i started off with a new silverlight 4 project in a seperate solution while my web app, database, bll/dal and web services are in a seperate solution. I quickly ran into the whole clientaccesspolicy.xml problem when silverlight client tried connecting to my other solution running in http://localhost:4415/ but that just doesn't work with ...

Is there a MoMA-like program for Silverlight

Mono has a program called MoMA that lets you know when you are using features that are incompatible with Mono. Is there a tool like that for Silverlight? ...