
WP7 - Using Messenger.Default.Send(pageuri) in ViewModel. Without registering for this message anywhere, still navigation is working. How?

Hi, I am using MVVM Light toolkit "Messenger" class- A Messenger class (and diverse message types) to be used to communicate within the application. Recipients only receive the message types that they register for. Additionally, a target type can be specified, in which case the message will only be transmitted if the r...

Getting the coordinates of a PivotItem when using the Silverlight PivotViewer control with Microsoft Live Labs Pivot

I'm using the Silverlight PivotViewer control in an application I'm writing to display Microsoft Live Labs Pivot content through Silverlight. In my app, I want to handle right-clicks on items and return where inside the image the click occurred. I've already implemented the necessary event handlers and the process of finding which image...

Add New Row to a DataGrid in Silverlight WCF RIA Services...

Some guidance with Silverlight WCF RIA Services... DataGrid and detail view on the same page Control layout DataGrid Detail View [Add New Row (button)] If I wanted to add a new row from a button then pick that new row in the datagrid how would I do that? I have tried: DetailViewTest.Web.Services.Mode1DomainContext ctx = (Mode1DomainCon...

WCF RIA DomainService: POST to JSON Endpoint Always Shows NULL.

I've got a DomainService that I've created from an entity framework that's being exposed via a JSON endpoint. I can successfully do GET operations but whenever I try to POST to them using JSON the objects are always null. The code below is used to create a user record in my database: [Invoke] public void CreateUser(User NewUser) ...

How to play a file in Silverlight Media Framework locally?

I am using Silverlight Media Framework in one of my project. Now i want to play a media file in the browser, the media file is in my D drive of PC? I code in XAML to play the file but the SMF player is not getting the media source. The code of XAML that am using to access the file is following. <Core:SMFPlayer> <Core:SMFPlayer....

Drag starting on a click for TreeViewDragDropTarget in Silverlight

I'm using the TreeViewDragDropTarget control in Silverlight and the drag operation is starting on a click rather than a drag. I don't want the operation to start on a click, only on a drag. How do I prevent this? ...

silverlight oob without window

Can i do a silverlight app without window?? I need somthing like a top bar (Always On Top) of windows remote desktop. Any Chances??? ...

Silverlight listbox itemsource change not updating list

Working with a listbox in windows phone 7 I am trying to make an async web service call then update the listbox on success. The method that calls the webservice looks like this: public void GetReadingList(Action<ObservableCollection<MiniStoryViewModel>> success, Action<string> failure) I am calling the method with this code: ...

Silverlight: how to handle standard assemblies

A usual Silverlight task: to make the size of xap-file smaller. There are a lot of hot-to-do manuals that explain how to make your application modular. But I didn't find anyone that explains how to make "modular" standard libraries. The biggest part of my xap-file (1.7Mb, when overall size is 1.8Mb) is occupied by standard assemblies: a...

Changing a style of Silverlight custom control when another property changes

In WPF custom control I used to implement appearence changing of a custom control based on another property of this custom control with the help of Triggers mechanism, for example when my custom control changes its property AStatus to value Available its background color changes to Green: <Trigger Property="AStatus" Value="Available"> ...

Silverlight 4 HttpWebRequest throwing ProtocolViolationException

I'm invoking a REST service via http which returns a stream as the response. My client code looks like so: Uri uri = new Uri(remoteAddress); var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); webRequest.Method = "GET"; webRequest.ContentType = "multipart/mixed"; ...

Binding ListBoxItem.ItemSelected to the bound item in Silverlight

I am using MVVM pattern with Silverlight 4 to bind a collection of TODO items to a ListBox. There is a property IsSelected on each TODO entity. This allow for multiple selections to be made in the UI that are bound back to the ViewModel. At the same time any changes made by the ViewModel get reflected in the View. I am basically trying...

Why does EndGetResponse throw ArgumentNullException?

The following line of code throws an ArgumentNullException under Chrome and Firefox in silverlight. I am using HttpWebRequest to post a file to the server. The exception doesn't happen in IE and only happens when I am uploading a larger file (5mb). Under IE it works just fine. I didn't see any reason in the documentation why the code...

Confusion about XAML namespace values.

I have read that xml namespace value is any arbitrary string value. But in the next paragraph in the book, I have read that : This namespace (xmlns:x) contains the required language components that are defined in the xaml specification, such as the ability to set an objects's name. Please anyone clear me this line. Because this strin...

What does an IsolatedStorage_Operation_ISFS error thrown from the IsolatedStorageFileStream constructor mean?

I have a Silverlight 4 application (plug... ...end plug) that is occasionally throwing an exception in the IsolatedStorageFileStream constructor. System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException: [IsolatedStorage_Operation_ISFS] Arguments: Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments...

Silverlight WCF service calling exception

Hi; A Silverlight 3.0 application tries to call WCF service but the application can not even establish connection to the endpoint. I had checked URLs etc. and every thing seems ok. Accessing the service from other tools like browser works. When I debug application in Visual Studio when the first call to the service is made below output i...

passing parameters to running silverlight application

The scenario is I have a list of items in HTML; when I click on an item I use JS to dynamically create the HTML to load a silverlight app passing in the specific item # (using initParams); and my silverlight app visualizes this in a nice way. I do this on the same page rather than loading a new webpage, and the transition is smooth. I ...

Playing video using Silverlight

Hello guys, Here I am new to Silverlight and I have to implement a video player in with C# , I found some article about video player and media player. I am implementing according the tutorials but the that is not working here I am sending my code please find out what is problem. Tell me what is the difference between media eleme...

How large of a file can be played by media player

Hello guys, I am using media player. I want to know that how large of a file can be played in media player. Please also tell me that what is difference between media element and this media player. Which is the best to play video file on low bandwidth connection? ...

Drag and drop-able organization chart

Hi, I just want to get some advices and inputs here. I have to generate an organization chart, in my application and it should supports drag and drop feature to update the linkage between organization structure. What would be the best way to deal with it, (jQuery or silver light or .net chart controls). My primary needs is to...