
How to change DatePicker default 'level'?

When using the Silverlight DatePicker, it opens on days view by default. When a user has to select his birthday, it would be a lot user-friendly if he could first select the year and drill down immediately without going up the tree first. I can guess that about 70% of our users won't even figure out how to use the calendar headers to go ...

Silverlight saving to Wordpress Database

I have a wordpress database for accounts and settings (or for this example, joomla accounts and settings database). I also have a working silverlight application that works all by itself without problems. How can I have the two communicate? For example, the user should be able to log on to my silverlight application using my wordpress/...

Set ClickMode for all Button-like Controls in Silverlight

I'm looking for an easy way to set ClickMode="Pressed" on every Control in my Silverlight Application (that inherits from ButtonBase obviously). The solution should also access any ButtonBase-Control that is part of a controltemplate like ComboBox of SilverlightToolkit. Do i have to create a custom theme for this? If yes, how do i reus...

Print in Landscape Mode (Rotate DataGrid)

Hello, i want to print something in Landscape Mode. Is there any Option to do this? Or must I create a Vertical Page and rotate all Controls? if there is no Option for Landscape Mode, how can i Rotate a DataGrid 90° ? i hope we can finde a solution... Thanks. ...

Wiring up inner ViewModels to UserControls in Silverlight

I'm trying to display a list of Notes. I have an ItemsControl which is bound to a collection of NoteViewModel. So in the data template of the items control I want to create a NoteControl (user control for displaying a note) and bind its ViewModel property to the NoteViewModel in the collection. I currently have this: <ItemsContro...

Silverlight Fisheye

Does anyone know, if there is a (free/open source) "Fisheye (Menu) control" for Silverlight 4.0 respectively a control which is similar to these examples: ...

Create my Silverlight Form designer

Hello I need to create my own form designer in Silverlight. Are there some free/ not free designers or other things which I can use in the start? Thanks ...

Continuous Integration with RIA Servies

Hi, I've got some issues with a project I'm trying to set up in TeamCity. This project consists of 3 class libraries (one of which is a silverlight RIA library), a Web Application and a silverlight project. The issue I have is that, as we're using RIA services, my usual approach to silverlight builds (i.e. building the silverlight app...

cross-domain policy error in Silverlight with WCF

I'm getting the following error when I connect my Silverlight app to my WCF service. I host this wcf as a self host service. An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://lmr-hero/iSponsorWebSite/projectService.svc/basic'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cro...

Does end user need to have .NET 3.5 or .NET 4.0 to run Silverlight 3 and 4 applications?

Does the end users need to have .NET 3.5 or .NET 4.0 installed on their machines in order to run Silverlight 3 or 4 applications from within IE? ...

RIA Services and the custom type of the property

Hi, I have an entity class Customer which as the property Address that is an object of the Address class and that has few properties. It looks as follows: public partial class Customer { public virtual int ID { get; set; } public virtual string Symbol { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virt...

Using ObjectCollection in Silverlight

This is stemmed from another question I had where the solution had me using ObjectCollection. I have never used an ObjectCollection before and was wondering if anyone knew where I could find more info on it? Everywhere I look talks briefly at best about the ObjectCollection, but never really says much about it. I know it is another co...

Access Element inside Silverlight DataTemplate

I have not been able to find a clean solution to the following problem even though there are a few related questions already on SO. If I have a data template that is being used multiple times, for example, a TreeViewItem.HeaderTemplate, how can I change something the template for only some of the TreeViewItems. For example, let's say m...

Horizontal Rule in Silverlight/XAML

Hi all, I'm looking for a way to draw a horizontal rule across my Silverlight App. I'd like to be able to insert it in the XAML rather than the C#. Can't seem to find much via Google or MSDN. Thanks! ...

Does FluidMoveBehavior work with ContentPresenter or am I running into a known limitation in Silverlight 4?

I have created a custom ToggleButton where the content is a TextBlock (not just a string) pasted in manually into the right place in XAML. The parent layout in the ToggleButton is a Grid with 2 columns, where the toggling swaps the ContentPresenter and some graphics between the columns. The graphics animate perfectly when FluidMoveBehav...

Why is my DataStateBehavior not working

DataStateBehavior isn't working. Is there a trick to make it work when properties are nested? <i:Interaction.Behaviors> <ic:DataStateBehavior x:Name="DataStateBehaviorCustomIndexButton" Binding="{Binding ViewModel.ButtonVisibleFlag, Mode=TwoWay}" TrueState="ButtonVisible" FalseState="ButtonHidden"/> </i:Interaction...

How do I call a javascript function once a silverlight control has finished loading?

I need a silverlight xap to notify the page somehow once it's finished loading. I was trying to use Javascript to call into the control via $(document).ready(...) but it looks like ActiveX controls can continue loading after the document ready event fires. Is there an event on the object tag I can have call a function? ...

Flagging changed items in DataServiceCollection (OData)

I've got a Silverlight application that has created a master/detail view of data coming from an OData feed (my first app). When I make changes to an item in the detail view, they are showing up just fine in the master, but the user has no indication on what has changed (including adds & deletes). For some reason I can't find a property ...

Debug Visual Studio or Blend Silverlight / WPF designer load errors?

Is there a way to debug Visual Studio or Blend so I can figure out where XAML designer load errors come from in my code? The stack traces are often useless. Thanks... ...

Silverlight 3: Get value for current XAML filename

Hello, I am wanting to simply get the current XAML filename so I can make a decision in a user control. Any ideas on where this value lives in Silverlight 3? For example: if (currentPage == "home") homeLink.foreground = "white" elseif (cuurentPage == "settings") settingsLink.foreground = "white" ...