
Silverlight 4 - BusyIndicator working with a DomainDataSource

Can someone please help me get this to work? I am trying not to use code behind as I'm putting a little test application together to test WCF Ria Services. <my2:BusyIndicator IsBusy="{Binding ElementName=targetDomainDataSource}" BusyContent="{Binding}" DisplayAfter="0:0:0.1"> ...

Does the Silverlight toolkit Line Chart enable line smoothing?

I'm working on some charting, and am currently using the Silverlight Toolkit. At the moment the line series links all the datapoints with straight lines, making for a fairly jagged display. Is there a way for the chart to apply smoothing to the line series? If not, does anyone have any other suggestions? Are there other charting pack...

Silverlight: why png-image is not displaying?

In Silverlight 4 application there are few images, both are displayed correctly in design mode, one is displayed correctly in run-time also: <Image Height="180" Width="149" Source="../Picts/Field.png" /> Another one is not displayed in run-time: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="5" Visibility="...

WCF Data Service Query seems to be retrurning duplcate rows on repeated queries

Hello, I have a data class that return some objects from a wcf dataservice to a silverlight app: void ExecuteWipReportQuery(DataServiceQuery qry) { context = new StaffKpiServices.HwfStaffKpiEntities(theServiceRoot); qry.BeginExecute(new AsyncCallback(a => { try ...

Retrieve current user login in Sharepoint from a Silverlight application

Is it possible to retrieve the current user login used on sharepoint from an embedded Silverlight 4 application? ...

How to pass bound data item to a ListBox item's ViewModel?

Trying to solve a very simple problem using mvvm-light, but after days of sifting through StackOverflow and lots of Google searches, I have not come up with a simple solution. I have a ListBox with a dataTemplate. The dataTemplate contains one userControl to display the content <ListBox ItemSource={Binding Posts} > <ListBox.ItemTem...

A working solution for subscript/superscript in RichTextBox in Silverlight?

Has anyone successfully implemented a workaround for changing a selection of text in Silverlight RichTextBox to superscript/subscript? In WPF, I would do MyRichTextBox.Selection.ApplyPropertyValue(Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty, BaselineAlignment.Superscript); This is not directly supported in Silverlight and I found a suggestion ...

Simulate a handwritten signature in Silverlight: (e.g. A pen progressively draws the lines)

I'd like to have Silverlight draw the blue "L" and "C" in the image below, preferably in a way that the thickness of the line is maintained and speeds/up slows/down at the correct locations to simulate a handwritten signature. Can anyone point me to the right way to do this? Thanks! ...

having trouble returning this type in A Asynchronous WCF Service Call From Silverlight

I have a WCF Service. It returns the below type. I get the data in the first level but not any of the data in the nested lists... What could be my problem? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace slCF2.Web { public class Customer { string _firstname; string...

Scale keyframe animation speed in silverlight

Suppose I have a storyboard, created at runtime by some process, containing keyframe animations. Is it possible to "scale" the animation speed so that the animation plays faster (or slower) after it has been constructed? I am currently trying to make the decision wether to use the built-in animation stuff or to use something like Dispa...

Custom expand/collapse symbols in Silverlight TreeView using HierarchicalDataTemplate

I have a TreeView control where nodes are dynamically built using a HierarchicalDataTemplate. In other words, no TreeViewItems are explicitly defined in the XAML. TreeViewItems are instead created automatically when the data are bound at runtime (I can see them in Silverlight Spy). Is it possible to customize the expand/collapse symbols...

Silverlight dependency property snafu, what am I doing wrong?

I'm enhancing an open source control to add some functionality that I need, and I'm getting hopelessly tangled up in the following problem: The control is a rich textbox that supports HTML but not via a property; you have to do something like this: var sHtml = "..." ctrl.LoadHtml(sHtml) and var sHtml = ctrl.SaveHtml() So far so go...

DispatcherTimer in Silverlight 4 loosing time - what is more accurate?

I have a poker blind timer Silverlight app that is loosing time (after running for 1 hour 40 minutes it had lost 3 minutes). I use a DispatcherTimer timer in my Tournament class and on every tick I raise an event which the UI subscribes to to update the screen (with a DataBound Textblock). I then do checks to see if the blind is over o...

Silverlight DataForm - Nested Dataform - How to BeginEdit?

I have a Silverlight User Control. This contains a DataForm. This DataForm nests another Silverlight User Control, which also contains a DataForm. I have bound the nested dataform successfully to an object in the parent control. I can NOT however, get the nested control to enter Edit mode along with the parent. I have tried calling...

Telerik conecting to Dynamics CRM

Hi there, I am trying to create a dashboard for Dynamics CRM 4.0 using the telerik silverlight rad controls and charts. what is the easiest/fastest way to link my project to CRM? ...

Databinding in Custom Control

I am developing custom control. Following Codes are written in generic.xaml <Style TargetType="local:TwoListBox"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:TwoListBox"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <ListBox x:na...

Is there a ChildWindow equivalent on Windows Phone 7? How to do rich modal popups

I'm developing a phone app and need a modal dialog with some "rich" content - a few text boxes and a drop down. OK, not very rich but more than a MessageBox. :> In regular Silverlight I know there's the ChildWindow control - but can't find the equivalent in Phone 7. How have other folks done rich popup dialogs on the phone? Thanks!...

enabling disabling buton on checkbox check/uncheck wpf mvvm

Hi, I have list of checkboxes on a window specifying some items to be ordered. I neeed to first disable the Order button when the windows loads and enable it after selecting/check some items(checkboxes) and vice versa. I have bind the IsChecked property of the checkbox. Kindly Suggest. Thanks. Edit Import from OP comment:- I have o...

MSBuild: How to Include both "*.xaml" and "*.cs" in Silverlight build?

I want to use MSBuild to grab and create the relevent elements for 2 files. If it was just a single file extension, I would use: <ItemGroup> <Compile Include="\Pages\*.cs" /> </ItemGroup> In a .csproj file for a Silverlight build, each UserControl is set like with it's own <Compile> element and a child <DependentUpon> element: <...

Timer not updating regularily and "skips" a second (Silverlight 4 DispatcherTimer)

I would appreciate some help with the following issue - you can see this problem on my live poker blinds timer: The main clock (Blind timer countdown) starts off on 20:00 and then jumps to 19:58. The Level timer (which counts up at top of screen) - starts off in synch and is therefore a second out. Here is my code: XAML: TextBlock Tex...