
SilverLight / WPF Button with DropDown

Is it possible to create a button with a drop down, or a combobox that has the dropdown arrow along the bottom as opposed to the right hand side? I am trying to emulate the "Paste" button in the Word 2010 ribbon. ...

Silverlight Asyncronous Column Binding

I have two distinct databases as a source for a Silverlight RIA application. They are exposed through separate RIA services. There is one relationship between the databases, meaning that I have a foreign key (no constraint) between the databases. My Entities currently load this as an Int32. How would I go about mapping this to an act...

How to set time interval when hitting keyboard for autoComplete?

AutoComplete Populating will repond to each key typing for when you input data in AutoComplete. Is it posssible to set time interval to respond key typing? For example, set MinimumPrefixLength=3 for an AutoComplete. If user input "School" in the box with within 3 seconds and time interval is set as 5 second, then Populating event only ...

SilverLight PagedCollectionView Groups Headers And Paging

Hi I've started working with dataGrid,PagedCollectionView and DataPager for dinamic sorting and paging. I have noticed that the summary in the group header only refers to the group-items in the current page (the summaries are mostly wrong). I tried to override the groupheader text via converters, but again, the converter only knows the...

Is there a limit to entries in a Dictionary<> ?

I have about 3000 different files I need to organize, and retrieve at different times during the game. I created my own struct of variables. I was thinking about creating a "Dictionary " at the beginning of my application, and simply loading all my files before the game starts. I'm wondering about performance: will a dictionary with ...

Scripting.FileSystemObject Write method fails

So in my program I'm using COM Auotmation (AutomationFactory in Silverlight 4) to create a FileSystemObject, to which I write a string (theContent). theContent in this case is a small UTF-8 XML file, which I serialized using MemoryStream into the string. The string is fine, but for some reason whenever I call the FileSystemObject's W...

How to select datagrid's specific row using ViewModel for given row number say: make row no 2 selected in datagrid?

I am using MVVM light with silverlight 4. I am using EventToCommand to get selected rows from the datagrid. However i am not able to do it in reverse way i.e. from some defined value say 2 in view model how can I ask to place selection to row no 2 in the datagrid on view?' My scenario I am using it for inserting new data in database. Fr...

summarize silverlight multithreading access rules

Can someone be so kind as to give me a concise (general is fine) set of rules for what data/methods can and cannot be accessed from a secondary (non-UI) thread? ...

Allowing item selection indicator in ListBox to overlay all items in Silverlight

I have a ListBox that uses a WrapPanel for its ItemsPanel, a custom ItemTemplate, and a custom ItemContainerStyle. The ItemContainerStyle's template contains a selection box that shows up when an item is selected. The graphics designer would like this selection box to overlap sibling items in the ListBox like it's an overlay. The firs...

Underline the implicit Textblock created in Silverlight for a ContentPresenter when Content is a string?

I am trying to create a template for a content control such as Button or HeaderedContentControl etc. where the text is underlined. I just want to underline the text when Content="This text is underlined" is specified. It must continue to work as normal if Content is another UIElement. Most posts asking this same question are satisfie...

The type '...' exists in both 'Util.dll" and 'Util (Silverlight).dll'

Hello! I'm attempting to follow David Betz' wonderful advice on how to use a library project in both your .NET and Silverlight code. In particular, I'm using his File-Level technique: I have a .NET library project already set up, so I created a Silverlight project, and added links in the latter to the former's files. Unfortunately, the...

How to set datacontext to silverlight control from aspx page?

Hi, How can I set the data context for silverlight control from aspx.cs? In other words, I want to set viewmodel for silverlight control from outside. Please let me know if anyone has done it before? ...

silverlight isolated storage - not persisting across application restarts...

for some reason everytime i restart the (in browser) silverlight application, isolated storage has no keys in it. i have even tried this with a vanilla template with the code below. things i have checked: always using the same port on startup the application always created the entry in isolated storage (never persisted) on shutdown, t...

WP7 Silverlight App Scalability Scalability

I'm writing a number of WP7 apps right now that need absolute sizing, depending on display device. What this means that the app size needs to be 656 (w) by 480 (h), which is perfect for WP7 with both shell:SystemTray.IsVisible="True" and shell:ApplicationBar IsVisible="True". From a possible 800 x 480, both those bars used take 144, so ...

Silverlight - Block the screen while the ListBox is rendering using BusyIndicator

I have a ListBox which is wrapped by a BusyIndicator. The ListBox is quite heavy sometimes it could take 4 or 5 seconds to render. I wonder what is the best way to block the UI using the BusyIndicator while the ListBox is rendering? Edit: Sorry I didn't make my question very clear... Please be aware of that the ItemsSource of the ListB...

silverlight 4 automatic printing ssrs reports

hi i wrote a small app in WPF based on the link below , that contacts the SSRS server, sends a report name & parameters and gets a report printed automatically on the client default printer. My clients are very keen on this one click printing idea. now here is my problem: I...

Silverlight - Opera 10 - JavaScript invoke

Hi, I have problems with invoking javaScript code on page with Opera 10 browser. JavaScript code on page: function CallMe(){ alert("It works!"); } And I am invoking this code with: HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("CallMe"); In all browsers except Opera this works great. In Opera I get error: "failed to invoke: CallMe" What am I doing ...

System.InvalidOperationException when setting association property inside Silverlight RIA generated client code

Could somebody please help me resolve the System.InvalidOperationException which is being thrown inside the generated client code of my Silverlight RIA services. The exception message is as follows:- This EntityContainer does not contain an EntitySet of type 'Deintegro.DAL.Data.Title'. If the type is external to this EntityContainer, pl...

Problem with dynamic loading XAP files with MEF. IE is crashing.

Hello, i am having a huge problem with MEF when i am trying to dynamic load XAP files. When i am download the catalog/xap file with the the method call dc.DownloadAsync(); My Internet explorer will crash and show me the "IE has stopped working" dialog. (see image belove). I have followed several steps by steps guides and i just cant see...

Updating listbox data with RaisePropertyChanged

Hi! In my silverlight app i have a view with a listbox: <ListBox Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="72" Height="468" Name="invoiceList" Width="453" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementList}" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> </DataTemplate> ...