
Popup Outside the Bounds of the Silverlight Control

I'm simply wondering if it is possible to open one or more non-modal popups or dialogs, which are NOT limited to be displayed and moved within the bounds of the parent Silverlight control. Doesn't seem to be possible, even for out-of-browser installs. I hope I'm wrong :) ...

Printing text from silverlight application

Hi I'm trying to print a report (just text in columns) from my Silverlight 4 application. The only way I know about is to use PrintDocument and set the PageVisual to a framework element showing the report. However, this results in an insanely large print job (like 120 MB). This is not what my customer wants. Is there any other solution? ...

Where to find good resources to learn XAML?

I'm looking for (online) resources to learn/lookup XAML constructs. Can you recommend any good blogs, tutorials, references for XAML? ...

Problem building a silverlight project with MVVM-light on my PC. On other computers it builds.

Hello, I work in a team on a silverlight project. This silverlight project uses MVVM-light. When I want to build the project I get the following two errors: Error 1 : The type 'EventTrigger' does not support direct content. I get this error on this xaml code: <HyperlinkButton x:Name="HyperlinkButtonSelectAll" Content="Select all" IsTa...

Open source diagramming controls for ASP.NET/Silverlight

Hi, What open source diagramming controls for ASP.NET/Silverlight have you used and liked? Thank you ...

Ria services with silverlight has a Nhibernate Linq error with query resultlimit when paging

Hi I am having trouble with using NHibernate's Linq querying functionality when trying to page data in a silverlight application. I have a DomainService with a method like: [Query(ResultLimit = 50)] public IQueryable<Category> GetCategories() { return _Session.Linq<Category>(); } In the silverlight app, I am trying to page fo...

How to combine two observable collections into collection in Silverlight

Hello, I am currently trying to combine two collections into one for binding to a combobox. I first started out with two static collections built within a class: public partial class MainPage : UserControl { //create static observable collection private ObservableCollection<string> items; public ObservableCollection<strin...

Silverlight 4 DataGrid Row Detail Issue

Hi, I am trying to create a Row Detail in DataGrid in Silverlight 4.I have a DataSource as Public User parentUser{get;set;} Public List childUsers{get;set;} In the First Grid I have to display all the parentUser details and In the detaisl Grid I ahev to display all the childusers associated with the parentUser. <sdk:Da...

Expose 3rd party interface (over WCF) to Silverlight

Hi. I searched a lot, apologies if I missed something obvious. And thanks for reading the looong text below. I have a 3rd party (read: No way to access/change the source) application here. It consists of a server (Windows service) and an API, that talks to the server via remoting. For several reasons I'd like to expose this API over WC...

Consuming WCF Data Services Service Operator (WebGet) async from Silverlight

Having a lot of problems trying to consume a simple service operator in a WCF Data Service from Silverlight. I've verified the following service operator is working by testing it in the browser: [WebGet] public IQueryable<SecurityRole> GetSecurityRolesForUser(string userName) { string currentUsername = HttpContext.Current.User.Identit...

Silverlight 4 sockets to local programme

Hi, I'm trying to get silverlight to communicate via sockets to a third party app running on the client machine. I can get it working if my app rus out of browser with elevated permissions. In browser without elevated permissions, it fails to connect. So I reckon my problem is with SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol and configuring my cli...

deserialization of just serialized data fails, why?

I am trying to serialize and deserialize objects in silverlight, but cannot seem to get it to work. Serializing works just fine but it complains about my rootObject not being expected. I don't get it because it it is Silverlight who generated the XML. Btw; i'm still new to C# I have a class which looks like: [XmlRoot("DataStorage")]...

TwoWay Binding with UserControl

I am trying to set twoway binding on a UserControl that I have created. When I use the control in Xaml is set the DataContext like so... <uc:MyUserControl DataContext="{Binding Path=MyObject, Mode=TwoWay}" /> My user control is defined as the following.... <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.XText" xmlns="http://schema...

Windows Phone 7: Highlight Selected Listbox item

Hi, I have the following XAML (simple list box with custom DataTemplate). I'm trying to figure out how to highlight the selected item (maybe background colour change). I figure I need to do something with Styles in Expression Blend but I'm not quite sure where to start... Edit: After a bit of playing around I now have this (which doesn't...

Silverlight AutoCompleteComboBox - build list asyncronously?

I would like to have a textbox in a Silverlight app where the user can type in it, and after a few characters are entered the control calls a web service to retrieve a list of potential choices that the user can choose from. Essentially it is a type-ahead combobox but I don't want to keep all of the possible choices in memory I want to ...

What kind of unit test do I use for a Silverlight class library (non UI)

Hello! I have a solution built up of several projects. One is a Silverlight 4 application library used for the ViewModel. This contains no UI code so I have no need for UI specific testing. I Only want to test the logic in the ViewModel. Can I use a normal Unit test project in Visual Studio or do I need to go down the Silverlight Unit ...

Silverlight 4 Get Current User

I have seen this question posed regarding silverlight 2 but I have not seen any questions about silverlight 4. Is there a way to get the current user running an application in silverlight 4.0? I thought I remember seeing that as one of the features of 4.0 but I cannot find it. (Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part.) I woul...

Databinding IsEnabled of button in a xaml file

I want to bind a buttons IsEnabled property to a bool value that is retunred by a WCF web service. Following is the details... I have a datagrid in one of my xaml file. In this grid i have a button as part of DataGridTemplateColumn. now i want to data bind the isenable of this button to a bool value returned by the web service. Can't ...

Silverlight Host App only showing loading image

Im attempting to use Silverlight and MVC together. After creating a simple Silverlight application I attempted to view it using the MVC host application (using the provided aspx and html pages). The issue is that when I view the page all I see is the Loading image (with a 100% value) and that is all. It never displays my app! Here is...

Is it possible to host the clientaccesspolicy.xml file with the ASP.NET Development Server?

I have a solution with two service projects (one is hosting a unit test silverlight application and other is providing the services being tested). Because of cross-domain policy, I have to publish the primary service site to IIS before the unit test site can consume a service. Is it possible to host the clientaccesspolicy.xml file on A...