
XAP Expires after half a Day???

Hi All, Im just wondering what would be causing my xap to expire every half day (approx). What i mean is that in the morning a user hits the website and it downloads a copy of the xap, by the afternoon if that user goes back to the website and the website downloads another copy of the xap for them. I would hope that the only reason that...

The .To function in Silverlight

Hey there, I have: this.onePX.To = 64; With the XAML: <Rectangle Width="32" Height="32" Fill="Black" x:Name="onePX" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0"> <Rectangle.RenderTransform> <TranslateTransform /> </Rectangle.RenderTransform> </Rectangle> but for some reason, it returns ...

Caputuring a Silverlight Bing Map as an image

The WriteableBitmap class that was introduced in Silverlight 3 does not allow images to be rendered from a different domain for security reasons and hence it is impossibe to output an image of the Bing Map. Does anyone have any suggestions for a workaround? I just want to capture a snapshot of the image including the controls and shapes...

JQuery: Calling a webservice

I am developing a SilverLight application wherein on browser close event, i need to do a web service call. I have a web service method which accepts one parameter. When the user clicks on browser close event. I'll be calling the doRelease() function. the releaseuser method requires a parameter usertoken. I got an error when I'm calling ...

dialogs must be user-initiated - RadUpload control of telerik for silverlight 4

Hi I am upgrading my application from silverlight 3 to silverlight 4 and using latest telerik binaries which is for silverlight 4, I have one issue in RadUpload. When RadUpload.ShowFileDialog(); method called it will through the error as follows System.Security.SecurityException: Dialogs must be user-initiated. Can anyone help me ...

listbox items orientation to horizontal

How to make the listbox items orientation to horizontal in the default styling of a listbox. What i mean by default is the style which we get using blend. ...

Event Handlers synchronization

I have a loop: List<FrameworkElement> list; public void Foo(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { foreach(FrameworkElement fe in list) { fe.LayoutUpdated += FeLayoutUpdated; fe.UpdateLayout(); } if(counter >= lista.Count) e.PageVisual = objectFromClass. // was DoSth() } int counter = 0; void FeLayoutUpdated(object s...

RIA Services - Silverlight 4.0 - Accessing entities from code

Hello, I have strange situation I have simple project to test RIA functionality in Silverlight 4.0. When I use data source for Domain Service it works great but when I want to access Context from code and execute simple query I returns 0 rows. //test One with query provided to DataSource var q = ctx.GetDoctorsWithPatientsAndHospitalQu...

RIA Services and SSL by configuration?

According to this I need to set an attribute in code to get SSL encryption for my RIA service calls. Is there no way to do this with a configuration file? (I currently use Visual Studio 2008 and Silverlight 3.) ...

XAML Path sizing and positioning

I am trying to design a template for a TabItem using paths and rectangles. The sides of the tab layout are paths to accommodate curves in the design. I am having a problem with getting the sides to line up/resize correctly. Here's my XAML: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Path Stretch="UniformToFill" Fill="#FF000000" Data="F1 ...

Formatting text in RIA App (considering between Silverlight, AIR & Titanium)

i want to create an app where users can format text, simple formatting just like what the markdown editor here on stack overflow can do, bold, italic, lists etc. i am really tempted to use a solution like AIR or Titanium where i can use HTML/JS to implement this. however, AIR have disabled some features like shadows, @font-face, etc. f...

Expose a object via Ria Services that implements an interface

Hi, A question about using interfaces on presentationModels with RIA services. It is possible to expose a object via Ria Services that implements an interface? The interface: public interface TestInterface { public int ID {get;set;} } We have a presentationModel : public class TestPresentationModel : TestInterface { [Key]...

Pixel fonts in Silverlight 4

Is there a way to render pixel fonts correctly in Silverlight 4? Without breaking text into paths or some sort of manual rendering because the text is dependent on data binding. Tweaks with UseLayoutRounding and .5px positioning shifting don't work. ...

How to implement undo/redo in a MVVM application?

I'm working on a Silverlight LoB app which the designers want to have a tabbed-interface, similar to the interface of Visual Studio (we'll probably use the Telerik Rad controls for docking tabs). Having done a prototype, the interface is working well so far, but I'm having problems thinking of how to implement undo/redo functionality in ...

RIA service generated file contains all the proxy code, can this be split?

Hi to all, RIA services generates all the client code in a single file (namespace.g.cs) for each domain service and DTO class. I was wondering whether it is possible to configure it to generate a separate file for each class? JD. Ps. The reason I am asking is I was hoping it would be easier to navigate classes using resharper as it is...

Adding to Canvas Programmatically

I've got code that adds a custom usercontrol to a canvas. I originally had it in the MouseRightButtonDown event of the Canvas but have since moved it to a collection changed event that fires off in a ViewModel. When I call the exact same method from the CollectionChanged event, the UI does not update to reflect the UserControl on the can...

Memory profiler for silverlight

Do you have any suggestion/idea of Memory profiler for Silverlight? ...

What protocols are available for performing remote operations from within Silverlight?

Hi All, I have a Silverlight app which currently uses a WCF to interact with the back-end. For some reason, the asynchronous calls occasionally (in fact semi frequently) vanish into thin air. We've yet to set up tracing or logging, however I've 'synchronized' some of the more critical calls with some cheap hacks and that seems to have...

collection snapshot for IsDirty comparison

What is a good (quick, efficient, etc.) way to store a snapshot of a collection for subsequent IsDirty checking? Cheers, Berryl ...

How to show a WCFinformation in Silverlight?

Hi everyone. I have a Silverlight application that displays a map, and my intention is, when I mouse over a specific location in the map, the information about this location gets displayed somehow in the app. What I've done so far is to link the silverlight app to a webservice that retrieves this information for me, but now I'm stuck, an...