
How to create custom composite control derived from the FrameworkElement

Can you give me an example how to create custom composite control (in Silverlight 4) which derives directly from the FrameworkElement. Here is a mockup: public sealed class CompositeImage : FrameworkElement { private readonly List<Image> images; public CompositeImage() { images = new List<Image>(); images.Ad...

How does Silverlight web browser application performance affected by number of pages or child pages in application?

If you have practical experience deploying Silverlight image viewing and deep zoom applications, does number of application pages affect performance? Let's say download or execution time, display time, etc. The need is to prvide users with a lot of dedicated interfaces to view and process images including deepzoom images. What is bette...

Destructible Passwords in a Silverlight E-Commerce Application

I have a business requirement that calls for an end user to be able to login to an e-commerce system with a one-time use password, purchase a course, and then never be able to login again. At the moment the company that is allowing their employees, my client's students, is going to generate that password for them and send me a list of th...

Binding visibility of control inside listbox to a property not contained in the itemsource collection

I have a listbox with a datatemplate that holds a number of controls bound to my collection. I want to bind the visibility of one of the controls to a property defined in the class , an instance of which is set to datacontext in code behind.This property is not a member of collection which is item source of the listbox. How can this be...

GridView: NumericUpDown column to update a second column

Using a gridview I a have one column with a NumericUpDown control bound to an underlying list of objects. The problem is I can bind to the valuechanged eventon the UpDown control, however when I update the percentages, it doesn't update on the screen (GridView). If in member.refreshCandidatesGrid i call grid.Rebind() it causes a mess (...

How to save BitmapImage / WriteableBitmap in png format (Silverlight/windows phone)?

How can i save an image (BitmapImage / WriteableBitmap) in png format using Silverlight for windows phone? ...

silverlight popup primitive zindex

I have a contextmenu that I want to popup over a autocompletebox dropdown, problem is that the autocompletebox dropdown is based upon the popup primitive, so it doesn't seem to be affected by z-index. Can anyone help me or show me a working example of a contextmenu over a autocompleteboxdropdown? ...

Dynamatically create StackedColumnSeries by xaml

I create a stack chart and it has 2 seriesDefinition. It work fine. <chartingToolkit:Chart> <chartingToolkit:StackedColumnSeries> <chartingToolkit:SeriesDefinition DataContext="{Binding Path=CostDetail[0]}" ItemsSource="{Binding fees}" DependentValuePath="Fee" IndependentValuePath="PrjName" Ti...

Problem calling webservice from Silverlight in VisualStudio 2010

Hello i'm trying to consume a WS written in nusoap from Silverlight; when i add WSDL service reference, in VS21010, i see listed all WS functions. I instanciate object in my code behind: serviceclient cl=new serviceclient(); but when i digit cl. i cannot see ws methods in intellisense. Why? The same thing, made in a windows form...

DataBound ListBox and Button inside a ScrollViewer/StackPanel construct, with Button appearing below end of ListBox content.

I have the following construct, which shows a DataBound ListBox and a Button inside a StackPanel, which again is placed inside a ScrollViewer: <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" Height="400"> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" MaxHeight="400"> <ListBox x:Name...

SMTP Error: Failure Sending Email

I've downloaded a sample application sending email silverlight application here via gmail. But I cant make it work. Its error is "Failure sending mail." {"Failure sending mail."} [System.Net.Mail.SmtpException]: {"Failure sending mail."} Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal} HelpLink: null InnerEx...

Sending Email From Silverlight Without Using A Webservice to handle the emailing part

Is this possible? I assume not but would be happy to be proven wrong. ...

how to size the silverlight object to available space

I'm trying to follow Bob Andrews css styling for a sticky footer, what I'm trying to do is place the silverlight control (the <object> tag) in the main content area with it's size filling all the available space. If you take a look at Bob's demo page, what I'm after is the silverlight control occupying all the yellow part. What I suspe...

How to override Silvelright 4 RIA Service AuthenticationService User.IsInRole

I've started out with the Silverlight 4 Navigation Application template (RIA Services enabled). (As I really don't like the bloated Business Application Template) I've added an Authentication Service and I'm able to authenticate users, but want to override the User.IsInRole method. WebContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Guest"); But I cann...

Class Libraries, Silverlight and Webservices.

I have a Silverlight Class Library that I want to use in both my Silverlight and my WebService project. I am able to create and reference the Library in both projects without any problems, but when I try to use any of the classes in the Library on the Silerlight project, I get an ambiguous reference error between my Library and the Asm...

How to set a TypeConverter on an attached dependency property in Silverlight ?

Hi, My goal is to be able to write this in XAML: <Grid> <Rectangle Fill="AliceBlue" myCore:MyTimePanel.BeginningDate="03/03/2010" /> </Grid> Problem : Silverlight XAML can't parse a DateTime from a string. So at runtime I have the XamlParseException "can't create a DateTime from that string". When I use a...

When IAttachedObject.Detach() (KeyTrigger.Detaching()) method is actually called?

Let's say I have a Silverlight user control with a textbox: <TextBox> <ii:KeyTrigger Key="Enter"> <!-- something here --> </ii:KeyTrigger> </TextBox> I inject my user control into root content control: root.Content = new MyUserControl(); Now I know that KeyTrigger will be hooked up to TextBox when "Loaded" event of MyUser...

Where is System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework DLL?

Hello, I'm trying to use RIA services, I installed Silverlight 4 and Silverlight 4 Tools/SDK, but I cannot setup a LINQToEntitiesDomainService because I can't find this namespace/assembly: System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework. Where does this assembly come from, not sure why it's missing? Is that an add-on I'm missing? ...

How to bind KeyUp/down to a button Click event?

Suppose I have usercontrol with textbox, combobox, button,... inside this control. Button1 is bound to a ICommand in view model. My request is: when user hit Enter key in any field, like any textbox, combobox, it will fire Button1 Click event, so that ICommand will be called. How to implement this? ...

Catching Thrown Exception from Web Service in Silverlight App

I'm trying to throw and exception from my asmx web service and have the silverlight front end catch the exception within the completed event for the web service. Is this possible? ...