
A shorter URL for lengthy hosted application address?

In an earlier post I asked about how to create short form for my silverlight application I host on line. But this solution don't help me. The problem is that I have my few project in solution in other folders. And in folder with my aspx file which host SL app I have ClientBin folder with xap file. And when I copy this aspx file to root...

RIA services - is filtering done at the server or client?

Lets say I have some code like: ExampleDomainContext ctx = new ExampleDomainContext(); var query = from p in ctx.GetPeopleQuery() where p.Id > 2 select p; ctx.Load<Person>(query).Completed += (s, e) => { // do some stuff }; This is being done on the client, and the GetPeopleQuery() call from the RIA servi...

RIA-Services - how to WhereOr or use an IN style construct

I am using SL 4, WCF RIA Services against Entity Framework 4.0. I have an Entity, Visit, that has a string Status field. I have a search screen where I need to display results that have StatusA or StatusB. I am struggling to find a way to specify a client-side query that specifies a collection of statuses that should be matched. If I was...

Silverlight: Listbox bind to CollectionViewSource\List update on remove of item.

I have a Listbox that I binds to a resource (sort) CollectionViewSource in my XAML. Then in my cs code I set the CollectionViewSource source to List of objects (class level field) I then have "remove button" that checks the selected items in the Listbox and removes them from the List of objects (class level field). I thought the Listb...

Performance profiling Windows Phone 7 apps (SL/XNA)

Is there performance profiler for Windows Phone 7 (SL/XNA)? I just want to measure execution time of calling methods. ...

Silverlight scrolling text & max width issue

I am trying to scroll text across the screen which is working well. Update: I'm still stuck with problem and can now demonstrate it on my live app: Go to and leave it non-fullscreen. Click on the "Timer" tab at the top. Then click on "Start Tourney". At the top, a scrolling message wil...

Xaml 2009 support in Visual Studio

When are WPF and Silverlight going to support Xaml 2009 in Visual Studio? ...

Silverlight grid (panel) 2 columns 50%/50%

Hello I want a silverlight grid layout panel. The width should be 100%. There should be 2 columns that both take 50%. In the columns there should be buttons that take 100% of the column cell.. Somehow I mess it up all the time and cannot find a way to do this. Gridpanel is not a must... Stackpanel or whatever is fine too.. One more th...

Retrieve values entered through a usercontrol

I have a usercontrol consisting of two DateTimePicker This component must be reusable and should expose properties which define, for example, the Visibility of elements, the WIDTH of the container, etc.. And of course, I'm able to retrieve the values entered. So I created adequate DependencyProperty public DateTime StartDateVal...

Access database using Silverlight

What's the best way (e.g. framework) to access a database using Silverlight? ...

How can I create a ListBox that only shows the selected item when not focused

I want to reproduce a ListBox used in the Windows Phone 7 calendar. When the list does not have focus, only the selected item is shown. When the list gets focused, it smootly grows (vertically) to show all items. My limited Silverlight and Blend talent is failing me. I thought I could achieve all this via the ItemContainerStyle, but the...

Silverlight 4: Resolving Microsoft.Silverlight.CSharp.targets was not found?

I've been upgrading some Silverlight 3 apps to Silverlight 4 in Visual Studio 2010. My Silverlight 3 apps open fine in Visual Studio, but SL4 apps don't, with the following error: C:\Path\To\MyProject.csproj : error : Unable to read the project file 'XNTVOD.AdminClient.csproj'. C:\Path\To\MyProject.csproj(593,3): The imported project ...

MainWindow.Closing event not always raised in Silverlight 4 OOB app

I've made a rather complex Silverlight 4 out-of-browser application. One of my main view models adds an event handler to the Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing event. This works fine when the application is initially run. It is able to cancel the close operation. However, sometimes after performing operations like showing and closin...

Are there any common techniques for validating form data on the view within a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight applications?

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 application and I'd like to know if there are any common ways to implement validation on the form. Some simple examples would be really helpful. I'd love to see something that uses data annotations, but I don't believe that's supported in Silverlight 3 (and thus WP7). To be clear, I'm looking for things...

Google Mobile Ads in Win Phone 7 Applications

I'm interested in using Google Ads in my Win Phone 7 Application. I've created a custom control that currently uses AdMob services to load ads, and I'm interested in incorporating a Google Ads provider (as well as any others I can). You can see the source for this control here: The best c...

Websocket (javascript) vs Silverlight (ruby, python, javascript, c# etc)?

Just for clarification, is the question: websocket vs silverlight? Cause websocket is based on HTML enabling the web browser and web client to talk with each other live. Does this mean that developers cannot use Ruby/Python in client side, but only Javascript? If I use Silverlight, then it seems possibly for developers to use Ruby/Pyth...

Best/standard method for slowing down Silverlight Prism module loading (for testing)

During localhost testing of modular Prism-based Silverlight applications, the XAP modules download too fast to get a feel for the final result. This makes it difficult to see where progress, splash-screens, or other visual states, needs to be shown. What is the best (or most standard) method for intentionally slowing down the loading of...

Expose a Click event of a button inside a UserControl in Silverlight

I have a button inside my UserControl. I have three instances of this UserControl on the same page. How can I expose the click event of the button inside such that I can assign different events for each instance of my UserControl. I think this is similar to concept behind exposing DependencyProperty but I don't understand how to do i...

using silverlight 4 in sharepoint 2007

hi. can i use silverlight 4 with .Net 2008 and sharepoint 2007? If possible, What steps are necessary in order to host a Silverlight 4 application, in a web part, on Sharepoint Server 2007 ? ...

Silverlight breakpoints not hit when hosted by an ASP.NET project

Hello. I'm using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express + Silverlight 3 Tools + Silverlight 3 Developer runtime, debugging in Firefox 3.6.8. When I create a Silverlight project and let the IDE set up an ASP.NET site to host it, the breakpoints will not be hit. If I create a single Silverlight project it will be fine. Something must be wrong...