
how to reference a class defined inside the same page in silverlight

for example: I have: public class MyPage : XXXPage { ..... public class HahaConverter: IValueConverter { ......... .... } } In my xaml, can I do this: <Page.Resources> <????:HahaConverter :Key="dateConverter" /> <Page.Resources> I just wondering how to get ????. I could not reference myself? Thanks ...

Creating an infinite Silverlight ItemsControl

I'm interested in creating an ItemsControl for Silverlight that "loops" the items. When the user scrolls to the end of the list the ItemsControl should then show the first item(s) in the list. If the user scrolls above the first item in the list the ItemsControl should show the last item(s) in the list. It probably makes sense here fo...

How to use Dispatcher with async call in WP7?

I haven't been able to find an example like this, though I'm sure there must be a few out there. When the user clicks a button to log in, an event handler on the button click calls a function that logs the user in. Based on the user, they can be taken to one of many start screens. The information for which screen is returned from a serv...

Dynamically generate XAML objects

I have a Silverlight app that displays a number of "pages". Each page is a different XAML file with different code behind. The pages are numbered sequentially as follows: page_1, page_2, page_3, ..., Page_n. The pages are not static and will be dynamically generated. Since I don't know the total number of pages, I have to load each p...

silverlight adaptive steaming, server side encoding?

has anyone used microsoft expression encoder SDK to do server side encoding of videos to preapare it for silverlight adaptive streaming? What is your experience with it? ...

Printing multiple pages in Silverlight (4.0)?

I'm trying to print a grid that would comprise multiple pages from Silverlight 4. The grid consists of a 'header section' (another grid with date, image, etc) setup as I needed it to look and a ItemsControl with a data template who's item source is set to an observable collection of objects. All I set in the code so far is PageVisual (...

Shared resource in RIA giving problem.

i am using Silverlight business application template, as soon as i change the default namespace of silverligth application, shared resource start giving problem. While accessing the resource on client side i am getting this error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Busin...

Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 dll compatibility

Is a library built for Silverlight compatible with a Windows Phone 7 application? ...

Binding doesn't update the property

I have DataDependentControl with dependency properties defined: TextVisibility, CalendarVisibility, ComboControlVisibility. When I select some values in outside combobox with enumerated datatypes, the properties mentioned above are updated to Visibility enumeration value, but binding doesn't update Visibility property on inside controls:...

Launching a Silverlight App from a desktop app and vice versa

I have been asked to investigate the possibility of launching our companies current desktop app from a silverlight app we may develop. Would it be possible to launch a desktop app from a silverlight app (both in browser and out of browser) and vice versa, i.e. launch the silverlight OOB app from the winforms desktop app? If so, how would...

How wrap image around cylinder in Silverlight

Hi all. I am trying wrap image around cylinder in silverlight. I looked a lot in Google but don't found anything. As I know it can be done with pixel shader, but don't know how. Is it possible? Thanks. ...

SilverLight Elevated Privileges

What are the capabilities of an elevated privilege OOB Silverlight Application? How low down is it able to communicate? I.e can you get to FileSystem areas, MAC addresses etc? The reason I ask is that I am looking at creating a security model for a Silverlight Business app, that would disallow one registered user installing the app on mo...

Silverlight client-side database with LINQ

I'm creating an out of browser silverlight app and would like to have a database in the client side. I've looked at sqlite but it seems that it does not work with silverlight. It would be great if I could use LINQ with it. I would prefer a free solution but payed is always an option. Any suggestion? Thank you ...

SL 4 -- Force redraw of visual tree

Our application has a number of objects on a canvas; the canvas is contained in a scroll viewer. We also have a slider control and some buttons, always centered at the top of the window. I am trying to print the application by capturing a bitmap of the app, but without any 'decorations' -- slider, buttons, or scroll bars. _sc...

getting hardware information with silverlight

Hi i would build an app to take the serial number of hard disk of an other hardware serial number (hard disk, cpu MB). Do you know if this is possible with adobe air, silverlight or other similar technology? Thanks ...

How can I run some code when a SilverLight OOB Application is uninstalled?

Is there any way to add some code to fire when an OOB silverlight app is uninstalled? I would like to fire something to my webservice when a user uninstalls the app, is this possible? ...

RIA Services and MVVM loading, a question about querying data (separating data)

First of all, sorry for the bad title, I can only describe the problem Let's say the database on the server has a table/type called Tasks and these tasks can be owned by a user and assigned to a user. SomeTask.Owner = SomeUser SomeTask.Assignee = SomeOtherUser In the server some additional queries are defined: public IQueryable<Task...

SL3 to Java Spring-ws project - .net experts out there?

Hi, I'm new to Silverlight and am trying to connect my SL3 client to a Java Spring-ws(Web Service) project. The Spring-ws project I'm using specifically is the sample tutorial. I'm having trouble when I want my Spring Web Service project to return a value. The generated Service Reference classes use System.ServiceModel.DuplexClientBa...

How to avoid Silverlight ugly fonts?

I'd like to show some client that Silverlight can be used as a technology for BL apps. They were shocked that some firm waste the money for so crappy looking technology (it's about MS)... I just presented a screen with a few TextBoxes and some other controls... Any size of the font in pixels or pts I use (or TextHintingMode), with embe...

returning a machine Unique key from OOB Silverlight App

Is there anyway to return a machine specific identifier from an out of browser SilverLight 4 App? This is to stop people installing my product with one licence key, and then copying the files onto someone else's machine. Normally MAC address would be the way to go, but I don't think you are able to do so from SilverLight. ...